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  • Une bien bonne nouvelle Arandir ! Hâte d'essayer ça.

    Des news concernant la sortie du futur patch ? Je l'attends de pieds ferme pour entamer une nouvelle campagne, j'ose rien commencer ou continuer là


    • Des info sur la date de sortie de la 0.5 ?


      • La 0.5 devrait sortir aujourd'hui ou demain ! (sur Total war Center ils disent qu'ils sont en train d'uploader le patch )

        Je vous conseil donc de réinstaller Third Age pour avoir une installation propre en attendant le patch (c'est un très gros patch qui est apparemment est incompatible avec les versions précédentes )
        Dernière modification par Crisis Tau, 15-07-2015, 14h26.


        • Excellente nouvelle Crisis Tau !


          • Il était temps !


            • Il y a des gens sur le forum de TW Center qui disent que la mise à jour arrivera à partir de demain mais ce qui est sur c'est qu'on l'aura cette semaine !
              Dernière modification par Crisis Tau, 15-07-2015, 18h03.


              • Ok guys... important announcement here. The patch is ENORMOUS, not 2 but 3 parts of 1,5Gb each. It will take very, very long to upload it and provide direct links. Maybe one week or more since my current connection is not so performing for what concerns upload speed.

                So time has come to set up a little bit of teamwork and make things faster while I upload the direct liks. I created a torrent for the patch itself and I started seeding it today. Here is the link from which you can obtain the download: http://www.filedropper.com/tatwdac05

                If you have uTorrent or any other simple torrent client, just download the file, open it with your software and start downloading the patch. Oh, and of course make sure to seed it also. The more people will seed it, the faster the download will be for everyone.

                The installation will be very easy to complete and I'll explain you how step by step very soon in a post (and probably in the OP also if someone can help me).

                Message de Zarathos sur Total War center
                Donc pour ceux qui utilise les torrent vous pouvez déjà commencer le téléchargement !!
                Dernière modification par Crisis Tau, 15-07-2015, 19h13.


                • 4,5 Gb!!! c'est pas avec ma connexion 30 ko que je vais le dl.


                  • Nouvelle unité secrète pour le Mordor:

                    La description qui va avec:

                    Great Beasts of Gorgoroth

                    The Great Beasts reside predominantly around the plains of Gorgoroth and Nurn, they are large docile creatures that act as beasts of burden for Mordor in the absence of horses. Their exact origins are unknown, whilst many in Gondor believe that Eru couldn't have created such creatures of malice, it is common belief that they have always resided their and Morgoth just bent them to his evil will. There are even rumours that they are Morgoth's own creation; Orcs to mock the Elves, Trolls to mock the Ents and Beasts to mock the Eagles. These rumours have been unfounded yet they continue. Whilst these beasts act more like cattle and are at their happiest grazing on the grasslands of Nurn, they can whipped into a furious frenzy and can outmatch all but the mighty Oliphaunts on the battlefield. Equipped with a small rickety platform, Orcs climb atop these monsters and throw javelins at any would-be attacker below. It takes great resolve and fine pikes or spears to bring down these creatures and should they find their way to the battlefield the free peoples have much to fear...

                    They are a Mordor unit that can only be recruited from the Gorgoroth and Nurn regions and require the level 2 or 3 Troll Cages (renamed to Beast Cages for Mordor). As a unit, as you can imagine, they behave like Elephants though they still can't hold a candle to Harad's Mumakil in terms of raw power - though that's going to be scant comfort to any poor sod unlucky enough to be in the path of their charge!
                    Dernière modification par Crisis Tau, 15-07-2015, 20h32.


                    • Bordel ils ont vraiment pas chômé pour cette maj ! Et dire qu'ils appellent encore ça une beta !!

                      Edit : je lance le dl. Durée estimée : 6h

                      Edit 2 : Mhh aprè 3h, j'en suis à 16 %. Damned, cela risque de prendre un peu plus longtemps :/
                      Dernière modification par Youpla_boum, 16-07-2015, 11h39.


                      • Envoyé par Crisis Tau Voir le message
                        Nouvelle unité secrète pour le Mordor:

                        La description qui va avec:

                        Great Beasts of Gorgoroth

                        The Great Beasts reside predominantly around the plains of Gorgoroth and Nurn, they are large docile creatures that act as beasts of burden for Mordor in the absence of horses. Their exact origins are unknown, whilst many in Gondor believe that Eru couldn't have created such creatures of malice, it is common belief that they have always resided their and Morgoth just bent them to his evil will. There are even rumours that they are Morgoth's own creation; Orcs to mock the Elves, Trolls to mock the Ents and Beasts to mock the Eagles. These rumours have been unfounded yet they continue. Whilst these beasts act more like cattle and are at their happiest grazing on the grasslands of Nurn, they can whipped into a furious frenzy and can outmatch all but the mighty Oliphaunts on the battlefield. Equipped with a small rickety platform, Orcs climb atop these monsters and throw javelins at any would-be attacker below. It takes great resolve and fine pikes or spears to bring down these creatures and should they find their way to the battlefield the free peoples have much to fear...

                        They are a Mordor unit that can only be recruited from the Gorgoroth and Nurn regions and require the level 2 or 3 Troll Cages (renamed to Beast Cages for Mordor). As a unit, as you can imagine, they behave like Elephants though they still can't hold a candle to Harad's Mumakil in terms of raw power - though that's going to be scant comfort to any poor sod unlucky enough to be in the path of their charge!
                        Oui, c'est les bestioles qui tirent le bélier du siège de Minas Tirith non ?


                        • ouaip


                          • J'imagine que c'est encore une créature créer par Sauron.


                            • Génial, depuis le temps que je l'attendais celui-là

                              Par contre du coup je n'ai pas bien compris, pour l'installation ( qui ne se passera pas avant 2 ans et 29 semaines d'après Utorrent ) il faut désinstaller tous les précédents patchs parce que c'est incompatible, ou on installe celui-ci à la suite des autres ?


                              • Il faut tout désinstaller et tout réinstaller

