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  • okok merci

    EDIT: par contre, impossible de lancer le jeu alors qu'il marché encore la semaine dernière... Il crash systématiquement au lancement
    Dernière modification par popotte13, 17-01-2015, 15h47.


    • Par contre, j'ai remarqué un "mini" bug qui n'en est pas forcément un. Si vous jouer une faction Pirate, et que vous avez des esclaves, si vous créez un royaume pirate via la création de titre, tous vos esclaves seront affranchis. Alors que si vous le faites via le menu intrigue ils ne seront pas affranchis.


      • ya t'il des events sur les white walkers/ enfants de la foret?


        • Version 9.2 => http://www.moddb.com/mods/crusader-k...dows-installer


          • Version 0.9.2
            - Updated mod for patch 2.3.2

            Way of Life focus mechanics
            - Seduction replaces visit chambers for DLC users
            - Seductions can no longer go on infinitely, now ending once the target is repelled
            - Remove DLC prison break and kept mod prison break plot
            - Reduced focus stat bonuses
            - Other minor adjustments for the mod
            - Many mod opininons are now valid reasons to challenge to a duel (crime = yes)

            Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
            - Added a Great Council event chain/decision to decide a kingdom's heir when the succession is unclear
            - Mega wars now work dynamically with any empire or king tier title, which allows the following:
            - Added the 'form empire' decision from the Charlemagne DLC
            - Vassal titular kingdoms are no longer automatically destroyed, rather the emperor can choose whether to destroy them or not

            - If Daemon Blackfyre wins the rebellion, Daeron Targaryen is now declared a bastard and son of Aemon the Dragonknight
            - Characters can now plot against their liege to have them declared incapable
            - Regent events to lower crown authority and take a holding from liege are now decisions
            - Regents can now fire and appoint characters to their liege's council
            - Improved and optimised feast events
            - Improved and optimised vanilla hunting events
            - Added an event where landless house can seek refuge with another lord
            - Added a kingsmoot event where a random pretender can stake a claim
            - Make Noble, Freeholder and Bloodrider titles are now given out via diplomatic interaction
            - Any exisiting house can now be used as a House Customiser from the ruler designer, this is done by diplomatic interaction
            - Junior Triarchs can now imprison anyone in the republic if they both agree
            - Optimised and updated the duel engine. Also added many context based descriptions for the events.
            - Independent duchies without a crown law title can now use some slavery mechanics
            - When a king legitimises a lord, the lord's family is now informed
            - Optimised and improved the Tower of Joy events
            - Re-added missing option to free a slave

            World of Ice and Fire (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
            - Daeron II/Aerys I Chapters
            - Updated Daeron's traits
            - Added Rohanne of Tyrosh, Daemon Blackfyre's wife
            - Updated Bittersteel's traits, added his wife Calla Blackfyre, and made him rivals with Bloodraven
            - Added canon spouses to Daeron's children
            - Added Kiera of Tyrosh, wife of Valarr and Daeron the Drunkard
            - Updated Rhaegel's children

            - Maekar I/Aegon V chapters
            - Updated Maekar's traits
            - Updated Egg and his family, including dates, marriages, traits etc..
            - Added Jeremy Norridge, Daeron's 'companion', also extended House Norridge back to start date

            - Hyrkoon/Bone Mountains changes:
            - Hyrkoon now uses normal cognatic rather than enatic as per new canon
            - Rulers are now known as Patriarchs and Great Fathers
            - Added a new name set based on finnish
            - Hyrkooni Great Fathers can take slaves and lovers as concubines
            - Added event where Hyrkkoni sons who are not strong, tall or fair are gelded on manhood
            - Added hyrkooni courtier maintenance event where randomly generated courtiers are given appropriate traits
            - Hyrkooni Great Fathers can adopt sons to continue their family name
            - Added a Hyrkooni Fortress building, which boosts tax and fort level
            - The mountain passes over the Bone Mountains now have mountain pass terrain

            - Lord Hayford is now hand of the king in the Blackfyre Rebellion
            - Added friendship between Daemon Blackfyre and Fireball
            - Added some Baelor inspired luantic zealot events
            - Added all canon members of the Band of Nine and replaced non canon ones
            - Added the Golden Company to the Ninepenny Kings war
            - Fixed Ormund Baratheon's death date so he is alive at Ninepenny Kings bookmark, set his death as combat with Maelys
            - Lyonel Baratheon no longer set as being killed by Dunk
            - Added flavour for the Princes of Lorath
            - Moved Bran the Daughterless/Bael the Bard back further into prehistory
            - Brought early post conquest Stark history into line with canon by adding Lord Ellard Stark
            - Changed the Jogos Nhai titles to reflect new canon (jhat, jhattar, etc)
            - Jogos nhai now prefer agnatic-cognatic succession
            - Updated House Tully upto the Dance

            Other Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
            - Added skilled fighter and fair trait to Daemon Sand
            - Move House Stackspear to the westerlands. Added house Strong/Bigglestone in their place. Also added House Chambers to The Riverlands
            - Houses Erenford and Haigh are now knightly houses
            - Added Gormon Massey's death by Vermithor
            - Added Jarmen Buckwell's death at the Bridge of Skulls
            - Added Dickon Tarly and Eleanor Mootoon's marriage
            - Added Varamyr Sixskin's son
            - Added Yns Yronwood's children
            - Added strong trait to Roger Hogg
            - Philip Foote is no longer lord and head of House Foote, also added his eye injury
            - Fixed bastard of Bracken's name as Harry
            - Updated Eon hunter and his family
            - Added DNA to Shiera Seastar
            - Added back seat leader trait to littlefinger
            - Added sympathy for westerosi religion trait to Shireen

            - Older children no longer need an education selected for them at the start of the game
            - Republic barons will no longer plot to kidnap unmarried women
            - Made it easier for the AI to change gender laws
            - When a non-wildling wins a dejure war agaisnt a wildling all occupied provinces are now usurped rather than the wildling swearing fealty
            - Reduced the basevalue level for Asshai/Shadowland provinces
            - Children can now lose the stressed trait
            - Adjusted vassal transfer event so liege takes into account opinion/strength/utility of vassal to be transferred
            - Only holdings with base value level 3 or greater can now be looted for slaves (level 4 for sub holdings)
            - Improved Dragonstone's fort level
            - Reduced family person opinion malus of selfish from -40 to -20

            Graphics and portraits:
            - Added a new Moat Cailin CoA by Vystas
            - Removed some redundant vanilla event pictures
            - Added Ghiscari coats of arms, by revisionist

            - Swapped the position of Hayford and Rollingford provinces, so Hayford is sworn directly to king's landing
            - Sharp Point is now in dejure Dragonstone after the conquest

            - Renamed the trait 'combat skill rating' to 'duel skill multiplier', which gives an idea of how a trait effects the duel engine
            - The names of council positions can now depend on ruler rank. For example only king tier Westerosi rulers have Master of Coin, Whisperers etc. King tier Castellans now also called Hand of the King.
            - Added unique councillor names for Yi Ti
            - All Essosi realms and republics now use correct councillor titles (e.g. Seneschal, First Sword, Justiciar etc)
            - Removed the bugged Dornish Conquest scenario for now
            - Added several hundred random dynasty names for westerosi cultures, by MBjarno
            - Added a owns_valyrian_steel_sword flag for use in scripts, every sword holder should have this flag
            - Wildlings no longer use tribal holdings
            - 'Grew up together' event should now be less spammy
            - Improved Dany's quest failiure event
            - Added some AI logic to selection of kingsguard
            - Wildlings can no longer take the ambition to see their bloodline on the Iron Throne
            - If a character grants a title which they have a traditional dynastic claim on to another house, the character's dynasty will no longer get these claims whilst the new house holds the title
            - Widows who were lovers with their dead spouse now take longer to lose the widowed trait

            - Fixed many event errors using validator
            - Members of loyalist factions can no longer be dissuaded from joining factions by spymasters
            - Improved/fixed pirate realm break-up event
            - Fixed reforge valyrian steel events
            - Landless player characters can no longer invade ruins/unoccupied provinces
            - Fixed 7 pointed star dynasty problem with dothraki domains, king of astapor and winter provinces
            - Fixed bug with Northern Frostfangs province not being set as winter wasteland in AFFC
            - Fixed Household Guard decision/events
            - Fixed day 0 ambition CTD
            - Slavery laws will now be set appropriately when creating a new kingdom by decision
            - Coronation event should no longer trigger by error
            - Female Dothraki courtiers can no longer desert and form their own khalasar
            - Only adult men can now be executed by snu snu
            - Fixed problem where the new wildling cultures didnt have access to some wildling mechanics
            - Slaves will no longer receive the mega war 'relative is opposing my host' event
            - Fixed AI fix which prevents Westerosi AI accepting embargo requests in the east
            - Fixed a case of trial by combat not working properly
            - Fixed base value buildings in Moroggos
            - Fixed problem where stillborn children of consorts were sometimes marked as bastards
            - Imprisoned kingsuard can no longer be sent away to protect family
            - Added localisation to Yi TI base value buildings, they can now also be upgraded
            - Dragons can no longer try to make the eight
            - Dragons can no longer 'comfort' a widow
            - All spouses and consorts should now be properly removed from a character when they join the Night's Watch
            - When Hizdahr marrys Dany he is now released from prison if in prison
            - Wildling revolts should no longer occur if a revolt is already ongoing


            • Bonjour à tous, j'ai un gros problème dans ma partie avec les dothraki car à chaque fois que je veux donner une terre à un de mes courtisans j'ai droit deux secondes plus tard à un message me disant que mon courtisan n'a plus assez de chevaux pour entretenir son khalasar et que donc il doit revenir avec moi me redonnant ainsi le titre qu'il avait . Idem si je le marie avant puisque environ 30 secondes plus tard sa femme meurt toujours de mort naturelle alors qu'elle sont toujours en bonne santé .

              C'est assez frustrant à la longue car on ne peut donner aucune terre et je subis par la même occasion pleins de malus du à la possessions de terres . Si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider j'en serai reconnaissant


              • Bonjour, j'ai un problème avec le mod. À chaque fois que je commence une partie, peu importe la date ou le personnage de départ, ck2 crash après exactement 8 jours in-game. J'ai désinstallé et réinstallé plusieurs fois le mod mais j'ai toujours le même problème. J'ai bien la version 0.9.2 du mod qui est censé être compatible avec la version 2.3.2 de ck2. Donc je voulais savoir si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider à régler mon problème. Merci d'avance


                • J'ai le même problème qu'harken


                  • http://www.jeuxvideo.com/news/417426...of-thrones.htm

                    C' est beau la notoriété .


                    • Vercetorix, j'ai trouvé comment régler le problème. J'ai télécharger encore une fois le mod puis j'ai fusionné ensemble les deux copies. Maintenant ça marche.


                      • Cool ! Merci Harken


                        • De rien


                          • Harken117 peut tu expliquer comment tu a fait j'ai pas compris tu fusionnent quels copie ?


                            • hello,
                              Quelles sont les dernière versions du mod qui valent le coup d'etre télécharger ?
                              Dernière modification par Raphinia, 16-03-2015, 15h07.


                              • Tu télécharges la dernière en date, comme tous les jeux ou mods Paradox.

