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  • [TATW 3.1] Compilation du Baron Samedi v5.0

    Compilation du Baron Samedi

    [fs=Aperçu]Nom : Compilation de sous-mods améliorant le gameplay du Baron Samedi
    Type : Gameplay, graphiques, unités
    Epoque : Troisième Age
    Compatibilité : TATW 3.1
    Sujet original anglophone : Total War Center[/fs]

    Concept :
    Comme chaque joueur a sa propre vision des améliorations utiles ou non à apporter à la campagne, Baron Samedi a créé cette compilation qui permet au joueur de choisir les sous-mods qu'il utiliser. Ainsi, au début d'une nouvelle campagne, des messages permettent de choisir les nouvelles options (ou de les refuser) unes par unes, pour faire de chaque campagne une aventure unique.



    Installez le sous-mod dans votre répertoire Third_Age_3 (...Medieval II Total War/mods/Third_Age_3)

    Installez le patch dans le même répertoire.

    Si vous avez installé le mod au bon endroit vous devriez avoir cet écran qui apparaît au début de la campagne:


    Vous devrez recommencer une campagne si vous en avez déjà commencée une sur TATW 3.0.

    Ancienne version (Pour TATW 2.1)

    Compilation du Baron Samedi v3 => Pour TATW 2.1:

    Traduction Fr de la Compilation v3:
    http://www.fileserve.com/file/7z3ERqw/Traduction BS, v3.0.rar




    Sauron & l'Anneau Unique (partie I) par Baron Samedi

    Sauron apparait dans la campagne lorsque ses serviteurs récupèrent l'Anneau.


    Sauron & l'Anneau Unique (partie II) par Baron Samedi

    Sauron est contrôlé par l'IA. Il est détruit si l'anneau est détruit.


    Nazgûl immortels par kai

    Les Nazgûl réapparaissent après avoir été vaincus au combat.


    Total Recruitment par Baron Samedi

    Jouez avec un recrutement plus arcade, pour une campagne plus dynamique


    La renaissance des factions Elfes de la Terre du Milieu par Aikanár & Louis Lux

    Reforgez les antiques Royaumes des Elfes en remplissant certaines conditions.


    Les Feux d'Alarme du Gondor par Baron Samedi

    Aidez vos alliés ou recevez leur aide en cas de danger imminent


    Alliances réelles par TNZ

    Aidez vos alliés en capturant ses villes conquises et soyez récompensé en les leur rendant.


    Unités additionnelles par Agostinos

    Rajoute des unités supplémentaires


    Invasions corsaires par Archaon

    Eliminer la menace des pirates si vous êtes le Gondor.


    Jouer l'Arnor par Baron Samedi

    Choisissez de jouer l'Arnor au début de la campagne


    Héros immortels par Baron Samedi

    Les héros morts au combat réapparaissent.


    Capture de la capitale par Baron Samedi

    Soyez informé lorsque des factions perdent leurs capitales.


    Petits projets par patrician1, Raiven, Jarlaxe & MasterBigAb

    Jouez avec plus d'évènements qui augmentent l'ambiance et l'immersion générale.


    Le départ des Elfes par patrician1 & Baron Samedi

    Tentez de convraincre les Elfes de demeurer sur la Terre du Milieu en améliorant vos scores de campagne.


    Contrer les invasions par Baron Samedi

    Aidez les autres factions du Bien en combattant à leur côté pour défendre leurs villes contre les assauts maléfiques.


    Factions Hordes par Baron Samedi

    Les factions sans communautés continuent d'exister si elles ont toujours des armées.


    Conversion des factions par Supermoler

    Convertit votre faction en Bien ou en Mal selon certaines conditions


    Arbres de technologies par Baron Samedi

    Plus vous capturerez les ressources ennemies, plus vous vous développerez vite


    Résurrection des factions par Baron Samedi

    Permet de faire revivre une faction alliée selon en occupant son ancienne capitale


    Script de garnison par Baron Samedi

    Rend le script de garnison optionnel


    Gameplay interactif par Germanicus5

    Compilation de sous mod


    Faction ré-emergentes par Baron Samedi

    Permet le retour de factions vaincues si certaines conditions sont remplies


    Total Diplomacy par Withwar

    Amélioration de certains aspects de la diplomatie


    Settlement viewer par Baron Samedi

    Permet de voir vos communautés sur la carte de campagne (comme dans RTW)


    The Oathbreaker par Adjujant-Major et Baron Samedi

    Convoquez l'Armée des Morts grâce à Aragorn pour qu'elle vous aide à combattre Sauron


    Choisissez votre héritier de faction par Baron Samedi

    Permet de choisir son héritier de faction.


    Le Conseil Blanc par Baron Samedi

    Permettez à votre chef de faction ou au Porteur de l'Anneau de participer au Conseil Blanc si vous êtes convoqué par celui-ci en jouant une faction du Bien.


    Le Retour du Roi par Kiliç Alì

    Choisissez de restaurer l'ancienne lignée des Rois du Gondor en acceptant le Retour d'Aragorn s'il offre ses services au Royaume.


    Spam de stacks de l'IA limité par Baron Samedi

    Permet de faire des batailles plus décisives et moins répétitives contre l'IA et de ne pas se faire submerger par ses full stacks répétitifs.


    Le Royaume Réunifié par RK-mod team, Tokus*Maximus et alreadyded

    Choissiez de réunifier les Royaumes d'Arnor et du Gondor une fois que vous avez répondu à certains objectifs lors de la campagne.


    Invasions optionnelles par Baron Samedi

    Permet de personnaliser les Invasions Corsaires (choisir à quelle moment elles commencent à apparaître) ou de les désactiver.


    Shebol par Baron Samedi et alreadyded

    Laissez Shelop, l'Araignée Maudite, quitter Torech Ungol et se répandre selon certaines conditions.


    Descendance d'Isildur par smoesville

    Gardez la lignée royale vivante tant qu'il y a un héritier vivant.


    Gandalf le Blanc par Baron Samedi Louis Lux

    Résurrection de Gandalf le Gris en Gandalf le Blanc s'il vient à mourir en jouant avec une faction du Bien.


    Campagne Bien vs Mal par Baron Samedi

    Les factions du Bien seront alliées tant qu'une faction du Mal restera vivante. De même pour les factions du Mal.


    Soyez Mauvais, restez-le par Baron Samedi

    Les factions du Mal recevront des récompenses si elles exterminent les populations des cités conquises et les prisonniers de guerre (boost de culture Suivants de Melkor).


    Les Neufs par Baron Samedi

    Commandez ou battez-vous contre les Neufs au moment ou vous commencez une campagne.


    Heroes mod par Louis Lux

    Jouez avec des héros ressemblant autant que possible aux acteurs de la trilogie cinématographique.


    Pillage réel par Baron Samedi

    Recevez des ressources additionnelles en pillant des territoires ennemis (il vous faut rester plusieurs tours à proximité d'une communauté ennemie).


    Faction du Seigneur Noir jouable par Baron Samedi

    Prenez le contrôle de Barad-dûr avec le Seigneur Noir et préparez-vous à la dernière guerre contre les Hommes et les Elfes.


    Invasions additionnelles par Baron Samedi

    Choisissez de vivre des sièges épiques durant votre campagne.


    Communautés alliées visibles par Baron Samedi

    Suivez en temps réel la progression de vos alliés en observant les communautés qu'ils possèdent.


    Balrog dès le départ par Baron Samedi

    Choisissez de ressusciter le Balrog dès le début de la campagne si vous ne souhaitez pas attendre 100+ tours.


    FAQ (en Anglais...)

    Immortal Nazgul:
    * My Witch-King dies and when he respawn he isn't the Faction Leader of Mordor anymore?
    Known limitation of the immortal-nazgul-script.
    Total Recruitment (TR):
    *If I conquer for instance Minas Morgul with Gondor do I have immediate access to the complete unit roster of Gondor?
    No, culture still remains important as it should be, however the culture requirements to recruit units are slightly less strict than in vanilla (50% is the maximum).
    *Are there still the barracks events in the campaign?
    No it doesn’t fit well in Total Recruitment.
    * Can I now build AOR units such as Marines, Swan Knights and Mumakils in every settlement?
    No this is perfect as it is right now in vanilla.
    * If I build more advanced barracks, are there any changes in recruitments-pools?
    No, the maximum unit pool size remains 1 for each type of barracks, meaning there will be at max. one unit of each type available every turn. The reason for this is to prevent the human player from spamming armies in a single turn and to stimulate the player to build more advanced barracks.
    * Since I have complete access to a faction's roster are there any incentives for me to recruit low-tier units?
    Yes you could build only elite stacks, but you still need a developed economy to support them. Therefore it is advised to produce well balanced armies or the recruitment upkeep will kill you eventually.
    The Reforging-concept of the Elven Factions:
    * What are the conditions to reform the elven factions?
    For High Elves:
    1)conquer and hold: Mithlond, Harlindon, Forlindon, Imladris, Elostirion, Ost-in-Edhil, Lond Daer, Eryn Vorn
    2)after you have done this you will be notified through a event that you have undertaken the first steps to reform Lindon
    3)develop Ost-in-Edhil to a city in case is isn't already
    4)build the history guild (third level --> score enough points to unlock it!) in any given region, build the jewel-smith guild (second level --> score enough points to unlock it!) in Ost-in-Edhil
    5)you will be given the option to form Lindon, after this you can recruit Smiths of Eregion in Ost-in-Edhil (after you have at least 80% culture)
    For Silvan Elves:
    1)conquer and hold: Cerin Amroth, Caras Galadhon, Eryn Dolen, Dol Guldur, Emyn-nu-Fûin, Ost-in-Gîl, Thranduil's Halls
    2)After you have done this you will be notified through a event that you have undertaken the first steps to reform Woodland
    3)develop Dol Guldur & Thranduil's Halls to city in case they aren't already
    4)build the forester guild in any given region, build the dance guild (second level --> score enough points to unlock it!) in any forest region.
    5)you will be given the option to form a new Sindarin kingdom, after this you can build ent-houses in regions that have the ''forest''-resource and furthermore you can recruit ents (after you have at least 80% culture)
    * What happens if Elrond dies?
    You can’t reforge HE.
    * Can I check the above conditions also in the game?
    Yes check the ancillaries/retinues of the faction leader of both elven factions!
    The Beacons of Gondor:
    * Can I help my ally every time one of their key settlements is under siege?
    Yes, but watch your treasury, it will cost you money every time you send reinforcements for help.
    * What are the requirements regarding asking for help?
    1. Minas Tirith/Dol Amroth/Edoras/Hornburg needs to be under siege by an enemy army
    Dale/Esgaroth/Erebor/Azanulimbar-Dûm needs to be under siege by an enemy army
    Moria/Goblin towns/Gram/Carn Dum
    2. You must have build the beacon of Minas Tirith/Edoras in ... (you do the math)
    You must have build the nest of great ravens in Dale/Erebor
    You must have build the drums of the deep in Carn Dum/Moria
    3. You must be allied with Rohan/Gondor
    You must be allied with Dale/Dwarves
    You must be allied with OoG/OoMM
    4. You can't ask for aid before turn 50 as Gondor (for Rohan this is turn 40, since they are usually the first invasion target)
    For Dale/Dwarves it is 50 turns
    * What are the consequences of asking for help and helping your ally?
    Regarding receiving help from your ally: Your ally will send reinforcements directly next to the settlement that is under siege. Take command of them and destroy the enemy army within 2 turns. You will give them a small reward for their service to Gondor once they successfully helped you. Regarding helping your ally: Next to the settlement that is under siege, an army will spawn, ready for your command. Save your ally and get rewarded for your service, if not your reinforcements will automatically disappear within 2 turns. Your relations with your ally will also improve.
    * Will it be hard for the A.I. to conquer key-settlements of my ally:
    Depends on how well-stacked your pockets are and your willingness to help.
    * Could important characters also be relocated/moved to use them as reinforcements?
    Not possible with the current engine (you can't move characters that aren't labeled properly). The reinforcements are always lead by Theoden, no matter what.
    * Will you apply your ''beacon-system'' also to other allied factions besides Gondor & Rohan?
    Dale and the Dwarves have since patch 1.1 a similar system.
    OoG and the OoMM have since patch 1.2 a similar system.
    * I can't spend 5000 to help my ally. What now?
    Get a loan.
    * Wouldn't it be better that the A.I. completely controls the reinforcements.
    This was my original preference, but due to the limits of the game it is not fully implementable unfortunately.
    * I asked for aid, got it, but when I fight (and destroyed) a enemy in the region of the settlement that is under siege, the reinforcements disappear? Be sure in case you ask for help, you directly use the reinforcements to counter the siege
    Real Alliances:
    * How this mod work?
    Example (quote):
    ''1. At the start of the game, Gondor is allied with Rohan. Mordor is allied with the Harad and with Rhûn as well. Gondor is already at war with Mordor and the Harad.
    2. Gondor and Mordor have just fought a battle. As a result, Rohan declared war on Mordor and Rhûn declared war on Gondor.
    If you are playing as Gondor, Rohan, Dale, Eriador, Dwarves, High Elves or the Silvan Elves and are allied with any of the above, you may be ask for help by you allies.''
    Start with Arnor:
    * How can I start a campaign with Arnor?
    The faction Arnor won't become available at the faction selection screen. Just start a campaign with Eriador. You can select the feature once it will automatically pop up.
    Immortal Heroes:
    * Which heroes are immortal in the game?
    Gandalf, Aragorn, Faramir, Boromir, Denethor, Theoden, Gimli, Dain, Elrond, Elladan, Glorfindel, Elrohir, Thranduil, Legolas, Celeborn & Saruman.
    * What are the conditions for the heroes to respawn?
    You need your starting capital in your possession. This also counts for the A.I.!
    The Elves Departure:
    * What is up with all these messages that the elves are leaving?
    Quote: ''Since the current setting for the elves in vanilla isn't exactly realistic (they weren't seeking for war and wanted to leave ME, so the current settlement growth-mechanic isn't a adequate representation of their situation), patrician1 and I decided to develop and implement a new feature for everyone who wants to play with the elves. Initially the elves will leave your starting settlements (based on random chance), but as you perform better in your campaign the more elves will believe they have the power to resist the evil forces in ME. So improving your overall campaign ranking will decrease the possibility that the elves leave to the West. Once all the elves have decided to stay you will receive certain rewards (economic boost). There 5 different stages representing different probabilities (from high to low) for the elves leaving your settlements. During the campaign you will be on regular base informed at which stage you are (actually it will be triggered once the elves leave). If you reach the last stage all the elves will stay.''
    Counter Invasions:
    * How does it work?
    Quote: ''I give you the option when you play as a good faction to counter any invasion on a city of a good faction. When an invasion launched you will get option to help. When you accept --> preparations will be made. When the evil forces arrive at their destination and siege the invasion target, reinforcements will spawn under you command and ready to defeat the evil forces (it will cost some money to raise the army). If the invasion ends (whether you have succeeded or not), any reinforcements left will be disbanded.''
    All Factions Horde:
    * How does it work?
    Quote: ''This script makes all the factions horde. For example, if you destroy let's say, Isengard, an army of remaining raiders will spawn and continue to exist. The army that will spawn will contain a variety of units. Also any units that aren't destroyed will stay alive. That army will then attack the faction that owned that particular city in the first place. - If it was always theirs, they will attack a faction they are at war at, apart from you. When a Ai faction has become a horde, the player will get a message saying 'A people in flight' - telling you which faction is now a horde". The player will also get a message saying which town the horde took as their new capital - this helps give an idea of where the faction has migrated too. It also applies for the human player. If you are getting owned, you can still survive, move somewhere safer and later take everything back.''
    Faction Conversion:
    * How does it work?
    This feature let's you convert your faction into an ''evil'' or ''good'' religion once you fulfill certain conditions
    * To which factions does this feature apply?
    Gondor, Rohan, Eriador, Harad and Rhun.
    * What are the conditions to convert?
    If you have less than 3 settlements left. In case of Harad: > 18 settlements, Rhun: > 14 settlements.
    * What happens if I convert:
    When playing as Gondor, Rohan or Eriador you will be allied with evil factions and you can join invasions launched by Sauron. Furthermore all good factions will declare war to you. The opposite applies to Rhun & Harad. After conversion people might rebel in any of your starting settlements you posses. Unrest will happen last for 10 turns.
    * Can I still recruit units after conversion due to different religious requirements of units?
    Yes, new recruitment-pools become available with adjusted religious requirements.
    * Can I revert back later in my campaign?
    Currently not.
    Tech Tree Events [WIP]:
    * How does it work?
    The tech tree event (apache-tribe gameplay from america's campaign)-script changes the way you can recruit units and construct buildings. If you perform better in your campaign by capturing the equipment and resources from your enemies, you will be able unlock more powerfull and new units faster. Every time you will unlock a certain feature, you will be informed by a epic custom made video event!
    * To which factions does this concept applies?
    To the Orcs of the Misty Mountains & the Orcs of Gundabad. This feature makes playing with both mentioned factions a new exciting and entertaining experience you never had before!
    * What are the conditions to unlock units?
    Find out by yourself. Just plunder and kill your way into Middle Earth. It's that simple for an Orc!
    * Will there still be barracks events?
    They won't have any effect when you play with this feature (as it should be).
    Resurrect Allied Factions:
    * How does it work?
    Quote: ''This feature allows you to revive former allies by holding their former capital
    (you also have to keep your own starting capital in possession). If an A.I.
    faction wasn't your ally when it lost all of their settlements, you can't
    resurrect them later in the campaign when you occupy their starting capital.
    * Which factions can you revive?
    All good faction can revive each other and vica versa.
    * What do I have to do to revive a faction?
    Hold your starting capital and conquer the capital of your former ally. Press yes to resurrect your ally when an event pops up. Then use your spawned diplomat to give the settlement to your ally.
    Optional Garrison-Script:
    * Does the script also applies to A.I. vs A.I.?
    Yes, there is no other choice.
    Interactive Gameplay Mod:
    For more info or questions go here: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=304850
    Re-emergent Factions:
    * How does it work?
    Quote: ''This feature allows defeated A.I. factions to re-emerge on the campaign map
    based on several conditions. These conditions are as follows: the faction in
    question has lost all it's settlements/armies and once the unrest in the former capital of the defeated faction is high enough, then chances are that the faction will re-emerge. The defeated faction will get one stack with a new faction leader and will act as horde and therefore they will try to find a new suitable homeland for their new empire. If you as human player defeat for
    instance Rohan and you don't want them to re-emerge, you will have to make sure
    that the people of Edoras are at least content with you as their new leader.''
    Total Diplomacy:
    For more info or questions go here: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=463385
    Settlement Viewer:
    * How does it work?
    1) Press the "Locate position of settlement on the map" button of any settlement you have in possession.
    2) Click on ''show me how'' button from the advisor that will pop up
    3) A battle will be simulated. Start deployment and the battle
    4) Freely explore your city without any interruption
    5) Press the escape button on your keyboard and wait a couple of seconds!!!
    6) End the battle and DO NOT continue it.
    You will be taken back to the campaign. Start the process again if you want to view
    The Oathbreakers:
    * How can I obtain the dead army?
    You need to move Aragorn to the region of Erech. He will pick up the army of the dead ancillary. As soon as Minas Tirith is a invasion target and becomes under siege you will have the army of the dead under your command. Use them to drive off the invaders!
    * How long can I have the army of the dead under my command?
    As long as Minas Tirith is an invasion target.
    * What happens if Aragorn dies or loses the army of dead ancillary?
    The army of dead will be automatically disbanded.
    Choose Your Next Heir:
    * How do I choose the next heir?
    Select a general from your family tree once a message will pop up asking you to do so. The general in question will receive a crown ancillary. As long as he keeps it in possession he will be crowned as the heir if the current one dies or becomes the faction leader.
    * Can I change my decision anytime I want during my campaign?
    Yes you can. Just drag the crown ancillary to the general of your choice.
    The Return of the King:
    * What happens if I don't want Aragorn to spawn as the faction leader?
    Denethor will automatically become the faction leader and Boromir the heir. If Aragorn offer his services to Gondor, he will do so as a regular general.
    * What happens if I want Aragorn to spawn as the faction leader?
    Most importantly he will be your faction leader in case he offers his services to Gondor. Denethor and Boromir will become regular generals. There will be no heir unless Aragorn will have a legimate son.
    * When does Aragorn offer his services to Gondor?
    After turn 70 there is everything at max 10% chance he will offer his services. Alternatively when an invasion is launched on Minas Tirith, Aragorn will also help you out when playing as Gondor.
    Limited Stack Spam:
    * How do you limit A.I. stack spam?
    A.I. can 't use the money debt script unlimited. Also the A.I. won't receive stacks and money out of thin air if they happen to lose their settlements.
    * Will giving A.I. factions limited access to money debt won't make them permanently bankrupt?
    My finding have produced results that can label this statement as a fable. The use of the money debt script actually makes A.I. factions permanently bankrupt! The money will be spend by the A.I. on the recruitment of new units, which in turn makes them more and more bankrupt.
    * What are the consequences of playing with the feature?
    You will fight more decisive and less repetitive battles. Also you will be able to give a more siginifcant blow to the A.I. in case you conquer their key settlements or win important battles.
    The Reunited Kingdom (RK):
    * How do I form the RK as Gondor?
    1) Conquer/ hold the following regions: Minas Tirith, Dol Amroth, The Black Gate, Minas Morgul, Barad Dur, Henneth Annun, Emyn Arnen, Tir Ethraid and Goben Tolfalas.
    2) Eriador must have formed Arnor.
    3) Aragorn must be alive or Isildur's heir.
    4) Be allied with Arnor
    5) Rebuild the Dome of Stars in East Osgiliath (can only be done if you have completed step one)
    6) Rebuild the Great Bridge in West Osgiliath (can only be done if you have completed step one)
    7) Rebuild the North South Road in Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, Minas Ithil (can only be done if you have completed step one)
    8) Accept the option to form the RK
    * What will happen if I accept?
    Arnor will join your faction. You will get all of their settlements they currently. You will be able to recruit their units in their starting settlements. You can recruit Honor Guards in East Osgiliath. Harad and Rhun will get a boost if they are alive.
    * How do I form the RK as Arnor?
    1) Conquer/ hold the following regions: Bree, Annúminas, Fornost, Amon Sûl, Tharbad, Coldfells, Hoarwell, Lond Daer, Argond, Carn Dûm and Gram.
    2) You must have formed Arnor.
    3) Aragorn must be alive or Isildur's heir.
    4) Be allied with Gondor
    5) Rebuild Fornost Erain in Fornost (can only be done if you have completed step one)
    6) Rebuild The Tower of Amon Sûl in Amon Sûl (can only be done if you have completed step one)
    7) Rebuild the North South Road in Bree, Tharbad (can only be done if you have completed step one)
    8) Rebuild The Bridge of Tharbad in Tharbad (can only be done if you have completed step one)
    9) Rebuild The Port of Lond Daer in Lond Daer (can only be done if you have completed step one)
    10) Accept the option to form the RK
    * What will happen if I accept?
    Gondor will join your faction. You will get all of their settlements they currently. You will be able to recruit their units in their starting settlements. Harad and Rhun will get a boost if they are alive.
    Optional Invasions :
    * How does it work?
    Following the instruction when activating the feature in-game. You can choose to play without any invasions. If you play with invasion, you can choose start: turn 0, start: turn 50 or start turn: 100 with invasions.
    * How does Shelob spawn?
    The moment you enter the Cirith Ungol region with a character you will disturb her and she will be unleashed. This is not the case if you play as Mordor.
    Heirs of Isildur:
    * How does it work?
    Every son of Aragorn will receive a custom line of Isildur trait. As long as the line of Isildur is alive you will be able to form Arnor or the Reunited Kingdom without a living Aragorn.
    Gandalf the White:
    * How do I defeat the Balrog with Gandalf the Grey?
    Select him in Moria (when playing as Eriador. You can choose to let Gandalf fight the Balrog.
    * When does Gandalf the White spawn?
    When Gandalf the Grey dies. He will spawn for every good faction. If you play as Eriador and manage to lose Gandalf the Grey, then Gandalf the White will always respawn for Gondor.
    Good v.s. Evil campaign:
    * Can I still attack my ally and can they still attack me?
    Yes it is technically possible but it is very unlikely, since the relation with your ally will stay perfect unless all good/evil factions are destroyed.
    Be Evil, Stay Evil:
    * Should I exterminate every enemy?
    It is up to you. The more you do it, the more your population will become faithfull to Sauron. Exterminate settlements and executing captured prisoners with your faction leader, will grant you the highest cultural bonus.
    Real Looting:
    * How can I loot?
    Very simple, use your army and position them on the lands of your enemies. When you notice the devastation on the tile your army is standing, that is when you will receive additional money. These mechanics also apply to the A.I. So force them to get of your lands if you don't want them to loot your territory.
    Playable Dark Lord Faction:
    * I am in possession of Barad Dur, but how can attack my enemies if I blocked off by Mordor?
    Position a named character of your faction near the Black Gate and click on this character. You can now give the order to take control of the Black Gate without declaring war to your ally Mordor.
    Starting Balrog:
    * If I choose not to have the Balrog as a starting general can I still resurrect him later in my campaign?
    Yes it is still possible to resurrect the Balrog. You as the OotMM need to construct Mithril Mines in Moria and you need to have past turn 90 in your campaign.

    Changelog (en Anglais...)
    * fixed one ring description for Frodo
    * diplomacy-script updated & extendend to OoG & Arnor
    * implemented real ''palantir'' effects (script) + fixed not working trait + custom video event + reduced possibility acquiring palantir + negative effects of using the palantir + palantir can be acquired from another general after a succesfull battle
    * barracks events will occur on turn 30 & 58
    * Sauron will die when Mordor is played by A.I. to prevent ctd for siege-battle Barad Dur
    * fixed sfx sounds
    * added lost events for the palantir script (which should prevent ctd's as from turn 125)
    * fixed game not remembering recruitment-pools of constructed buildings when playing with Total Recruitment
    * implemented feature: Immortal Heroes
    * implemented feature: Captured A.I. Capital Messages
    * implemented feature: Small Projects
    * implemented feature: The elves departure
    * implemented feature: Counter invasions
    * fixed fountain guard recruitment-pools after barracks events
    * fixed aragorn strat-map model when starting as Arnor
    * fixed wrong spawn point for ai beacon-aid hornburg
    * new video-event when good ally lost/recapture a settlement for allied-aid-script
    * new video-event when evil ally lost/recapture a settlement for allied-aid-script
    * easy to use installer incorporated!
    * implemented feature: All Factions Horde
    * implemented feature: Faction Conversion
    * implemented feature: Tech Tree Events
    * implemented feature: Resurrect Allied Factions
    * implemented feature: Optional Garrison-Script
    * implemented feature: Interactive Gameplay Mod
    * implemented feature: Re-emergent Factions
    * implemented feature: Total Diplomacy
    * implemented feature: Sauron & the One Ring (part 2)
    * fixed ballista/catapult/troll cages-bug when playing TR
    * starting recruitment-buildings will be auto-destroyed when playing TR
    * recruitment of units that are tied to custom buildings are removed from recruitmentpools TR
    * added missing unit from AUM
    * added some missing regional video-events
    * corsair-invasion event will not display for human Harad-player
    * barrack events are not yes/no events anymore
    * starting religious buildings will be auto-destroyed
    * mordor will receive extra kings purse (7500) to compensate for high nazgul upkeep
    * sauron is now useable in siege battles, thanks to Moneybags14
    * sauron launches fire balls and he can blast city gates open, thanks to Adjudant-Major
    * new introduction event
    * implemented feature: Sauron & the One Ring reworked (also part of TATW 3.0!)
    * implemented feature: Settlement Viewer
    * implemented feature: The Oathbreakers
    * implemented feature: Choose Your Next Heir
    * implemented feature: The White Council (also part of TATW 3.0!)
    * implemented feature: The Return of The King
    * implemented feature: Limited A.I. Stack Spam
    * implemented feature: The Reunited Kingdom
    * implemented feature: Optional Invasions
    * implemented feature: Shelob
    * implemented feature: Heirs of Isildur
    * implemented feature: Gandalf the White
    * implemented feature: Good v.s. Evil campaign
    * implemented feature: Be Evil, Act Evil
    * implemented feature: The Nine
    * removed feature: The Palantir (obsolete with TATW 3.0)
    * removed feature: Lost Capital Events (obsolete with TATW 3.0)
    * removed feature: Rammas Echor Passage & Allied Fort Ownership (for technical reasons)
    * fixed building browser title descriptions
    * improved counter invasion army spawn for eriador (inclusion of Greenway Sentries instead of Hobbit Infantry)
    * less OP (no more ents & trolls) rewards from achievement mod
    * rewrote some scripts for better campaign turn performance
    * elves passing event will happen less often
    * when activating TR you don't need to construct new recruitment-buildings in every starting settlement you have (similar to vanilla gameplay)
    * implemented feature: Real Looting
    * implemented feature: Playable Dark Lord Faction
    * implemented feature: Additional Invasions
    * implemented feature: Visible Allied Settlements
    * implemented feature: Starting Balrog
    * playing with Real Alliances doesn't automatically reveal tiles of allied settlements
    * updated AUM (vanilla recruitment conditions & addition of Mounted Axeman)
    * fixed adoption of wrong bodyguards when playing the RK
    * when forming RK you will get ownership of siege weapons as well
    * when playing with Harad or Rhun you can now also choose your heir
    * fixed immortal nazgul spawn when playing without the starting nine nazgul?
    * fixed theoden silver skin when playing beacons of gondor
    * countless other bugfixes
    Dernière modification par ALG, 22-04-2013, 17h20.

  • #2
    Lorsque je veut la vers. fr ils me mettent "Le fichier n'est pô dispo" !
    Bon, je pense que je vais la faire moi_même...


    • #3
      Bizarre...Je vais le reuploader bientot alors

      Edit: Fait
      Dernière modification par Lt Kapout, 02-11-2010, 14h57.


      • #4
        Merci !


        • #5
          Es que quelqu'un peux me passer la traduction en francais car le lien est corrompu...
          Merci d'avance !


          Merci, c'est actualisé !
          Dernière modification par Simondevlm, 07-03-2011, 17h10.


          • #6
            Vraiement super la compil.

            Quelqu'un sait les prérequis pour restaurer les royaumes elfes anciens?

            Le message dit que les instructions sont dans les auxiliaires du chef de faction. Pas compris, j'ai regardé le perso et je vois pas où c'est.

            Je joue une partie avec les sylvains pour l'instant


            • #7
              Tu regardes la "suite" du chef de faction (ivrogne, assassin, moine et je ne sais quoi): l'un d'entre eux doit te donner les prérequis.


              • #8
                Ya mieux que cette compil, maintenant ya MOS 5.2 qui rassemble la compil de baron samedi + beaucoup d'autres mods et de nouveaux à venir.


                • #9
                  ya mieux que cette compil, maintenant ya mos 5.2 qui rassemble la compil de baron samedi + beaucoup d'autres mods et de nouveaux à venir.
                  EDIT : Tu m'as devancé.


                  • #10
                    J'ai vu cette dernière compil sur TWC. Mais je vais en rester là pour l'instant, d'autant que Lt Kapout a traduit celle du Baron et que c'est bien agréable de jouer en français.

                    Pour la suite du chef de faction il y a quelque chose qui continue à m'échapper. Je regarde leur suite et je vois pas les prérequis, même en faisant clic droit ou gauche dessus, l'infobulle ne dit rien.
                    Un fonction que je connais pas?


                    • #11
                      Je sais pas, alors.
                      Un lien pour MOS??


                      • #12
                        C'est pas grave on m'a répondu sur twc pour les sylvains.

                        the conditions are stated in thranduil's ancillary (on of them) after conquering entire mirkwood an retaining starting teritories you'll have to build guilds in Thranduil's halls and Dol Guldur (which will be renamed to Amon Lanc)
                        le lien pour la dernière compil de sous- mods http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=419958
                        Dernière modification par Démocrite le Jeune, 29-04-2011, 08h43.


                        • #13
                          euh désolé je suis un peux une quiche en anglais bien que je comprend assez bien la j'aurais besoins d'une bonne traduction FR pour l'installation et qu'on m'explique ce qu'il faut faire pour le expand map mod merci.

                          - Edit your files if wished to include the expanded map mod. A matter of overwriting the files from "manual installation" over the normal data folder. DO NOT use the gondorian changes in the "manual installation" folder.

                          et c'ets quoi the vanilla quickstart ?

                          c'est juste sa que je suis pas sur de comprendre
                          Dernière modification par Crapi, 28-04-2011, 15h22.


                          • #14
                            Envoyé par Crapi Voir le message
                            euh désolé je suis un peux une quiche en anglais bien que je comprend assez bien la j'aurais besoins d'une bonne traduction FR pour l'installation et qu'on m'explique ce qu'il faut faire pour le expand map mod merci.

                            - Edit your files if wished to include the expanded map mod. A matter of overwriting the files from "manual installation" over the normal data folder. DO NOT use the gondorian changes in the "manual installation" folder.

                            et c'ets quoi the vanilla quickstart ?

                            c'est juste sa que je suis pas sur de comprendre
                            C'est un peu ce genre de phrases qui m'a arrêté je dois dire.


                            • #15
                              Bah, je suis pas super bon en anglais non plus, mais utilisez les traducteurs automatiques ! C'est moche mais au moins on compren .

