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  • Ajouter une campagne provinciale

    Par Stilgar


    - Téléchargez ce pack et extrayez le dans le dossier du mod où vous voulez avoir les campagnes multiples.
    - Savoir modifier un peu les maps n'est pas obligatoire mais peu aider.
    - Avoir le jeu prêt pour le modding.

    Rendre disponible les campagnes multiples
    Après l'unpack du pack donné ci-dessus, voici l'image qui doit apparaître dans le menu solo :

    Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir

    Si c'est ok, quittez le jeu.

    Coder le fichier
    Commencez par créer un nouveau dossier dans le dossier custom ( data/world/maps/campaign). Cette nouvelle campagne se trouvera dans ce dossier. Vous pouvez faire un test en copiant les fichiers de la campagne impériale.
    Par exemple, un fichier nommé test_campaign.
    Ouvrez votre descr_strat.txt et changez la ligne imperial_campaign par test_campaign :

    ; Custom campaign script generated by Romans Campaign Map Editor
    campaign        test_campaign

    Editer les descriptions
    Vous devez maintenant mettre à jour le data/text/campaign_descriptions.txt, remplacez les lignes qui contiennent IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN parTEST_CAMPAIGN.
    Faites de même avec les lignes d'affichage en jeu : {TEST_CAMPAIGN_TITLE}Imperial Campaign vers {TEST_CAMPAIGN_TITLE}Test Campaign.

    {TEST_CAMPAIGN_BYZANTIUM_DESCR}Byzantium is the shadow that remains of the old Roman Empire. It is a mere shadow because despite retaining the civilised ways of the Roman legacy, the Byzantines have done little to further it. In fact, it is their reverence of the old ways that has brought the empire to a point of stagnation, in a world that has gradually kept moving on. The differences between the thinking in Byzantium and the west were most profoundly highlighted with the Great Schism, the division of Christendom.\n\nDespite boasting the world's trade capital and home of Orthodox Christianity in Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire is well past its zenith and is now in steady decline. The outer regions of the empire have been slipping from the Emperor's grasp for decades now. To the west, the Normans have taken southern Italy, and in the east the Turks have moved into Asia Minor after their decisive and terrible victory at Manzikert. The latter of these two losses was the worst defeat the Empire had suffered in its entire history. To make matters worse, general corruption, chaos and dissent has lead to some of the other provinces closer to home to rebel. \n\nArguably, the greatest threat to Byzantium lies in its independence from Rome. There is significant risk that the lords of the west will consider the lands of Orthodox Christianity to be fair game unless the Pope decrees otherwise. It is a true irony that Constantinople may now have to appease Rome after becoming the new capital of the Roman Empire centuries ago.\n\nIf the Byzantine Empire is to once again become the dominant power of the east, then it will first need to reclaim its heartlands wholly before encroaching upon the borders of another power. The Byzantine legacy is long and predominantly proud, but unless the Emperor can turn things around in a hurry, it is a legacy that will soon end.
    {TEST_CAMPAIGN_DENMARK_DESCR}Denmark is a relatively new kingdom in the world of Christendom, emerging from centuries of paganism under Viking rule. Exactly one hundred years ago, Harold Bluetooth, the Viking King of the Danes, embraced Christianity, not just personally, but also on behalf of his people. Though the Vikings' fierce conviction in battle was a true asset, forsaking these pagan ways and embracing Catholicism is what has actually elevated Denmark into a true northern power. With the Reich and other Catholic Kingdoms offering support against stubborn Viking pagans, the Kings of Denmark now enjoy an absolute authority that has never been seen in the region before.\n\nThe Danes have no illusions that maintaining such authority abroad is an easy feat, having lost control of England within the last half century. In fact, forging agreements of co-operative leadership with the Norwegian royal court almost saw an end to Danish rule over the Kingdom of Denmark itself. So it would seem that both diplomatic and militaristic expansion are something the Danish Kings are yet to master.\n\nArguably the most expedient move that the present King Knut II could now make would be to try to take the Scandinavian lands to the north rather than continue to negotiate with them. No mortal army could possibly dream of approaching Norway or Sweden's northern reaches, making the region an ideal set of easily defendable homelands. Crossing the Baltic Sea is also an obvious option that offers the Danes several access points into Eastern Europe without having to deal with the TEST forces in Saxony. It is more than a little ironic that the Catholic powers of Europe that have secured Denmark's future are now the main obstacles to seeing that future improve.

    Ouvrez le fichier data/world/maps/campaign/custom/test_campaign/description.txt et changez le de la même manière.

    La dernière chose qu'il reste à faire est de créer le data/text/test_campaign_regions_and_settlement_names.txt et d'ajouter les noms de vos villes et régions.
    Copiez la sur la version originale et renommez la simplement comme montré.

    Maintenant lancez le jeu, Joueur Solo, et sélectionnez la campagne secondaire "Test Campaign". Voici le résultat attendu :

    Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir

    Pour Kingdoms
    Le complément qui va avec l'extension.

    Etape 1
    Allez dans nom_delacampagne..\Data\Menu\MTW2.INT

    Rendez vous dans la section suivante : (ici avec Britannia)
    <UI piece>new_game_imperial_campaign
    </UI text>
    </UI piece>
    Rajoutez ceci à la suite :

    <UI piece>new_game_provincial_campaign
    </UI text>
    </UI piece>

    L'option est donc mise en marche.

    Etape 2
    Si vous voulez aller plus loin vous pouvez changer le ..._m2_single_player_panels.tga comme dit plus haut.
    Dans le fichier MTW2.INT cherchez :


    Définis les dimensions du tga donc.

    Etape 3
    La dernière...

    </UI piece>
    <UI piece>_M2_Single_Player_PANELS

    Ceci définit l'endroit où le tga apparaîtra.

    Dernière modification par Stilgar, 07-09-2011, 19h42.

  • #2
    le lien est corrompu !


    • #3
      Pourrais-tu mettre un nouveau lien pour que l'on puisse le télécharger?


      • #4
        Le lien n'est pas corrompu, il est mort c'est pas pareil Je verrai si j'ai le temps de faire ça après mes partiels mais actuellement non je n'ai pas le temps, désolé.


        • #5
          Ok c'est pas grave, il vaut mieux privilégier ses études, bon courage à toi en tout cas.


          • #6
            salut et on peut faire comment si on a pas le lien ya t'il un autre moyen ???
            j'aimerai au depart juste ajouter des regions et des pays merci de bien vouloir repondre


            • #7
              Tu n'as pas besoin de ça pour ajouter des régions et des nations (pour cela se reporter aux tutoriels adéquats).

