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    • Nouveaux arbres de focus pour les marines française ( très pauvre ...) et italienne , ainsi que pour la RAF dans la dernière maj .
      Egalement l'apparition d'un nouveau système politique . J'ai un peu testé et pas convaincu , beaucoup de complication pour pas grand chose , même si ça renforce l'immersion . En tout cas on utilise beaucoup plus de point politique puisqu'il y'a beaucoup plus de lois , de ministère et de décisions dûent à des events ( désactivable pour ces derniers ) . On en gagne aussi plus .


      • Bonjour j'aimerai savoir quel est le mod qui change les couleurs des pays dans black ice et aussi où sont les milices ?


        • MAJ de black ice:


          Compatibility patch v1.4 OAK and DoD

          Localisation correction by msslupu
          Hungary to monarchism by Duel obliteration

          New air-counters. German and minors air-equipment updated
          armor stats rework
          artillery tweaks
          AT gun tweaks
          equipment conversions added
          Localisation AIR_WING_NAME_FALLBACK
          AI production work
          Split German strategic regions.

          Energico work as follows

          Deleted extra Wever crash event
          -1.4 compatibility stuff
          -Re-ordered HUN/YUG/ROM/CZE AI focuses to improve AI/balance/historicalness
          -Democracies no longer can send volunteers at start
          -Communists/Monarchists/Fascists can now force their ideologies onto other countries
          -Lowered Monarchist war/faction impact on world tension from 2 to 0.75 (comparable to communism now)
          -Added dynamic faction names for monarchists
          -More faction work
          -Anti-Comintern Pact event now invites Hungary if Hungary has more than 35% fascism
          -1.4 stuff
          -Fixed YUG localization for Ustase
          -Added ITA NF bypass for YUG claims if YUG in faction with ITA
          -Changed communist CZE name to "Czechoslovak People's Republic"
          -Tweaked PP costs for conscription/age laws
          -Extensive Draft and Scraping the Barrel now require their preceding law before you can take them
          -Updated BEL/HOL NF mods
          -Updated FRA NF mod
          -Renamed Communist CZE to "Czechoslovak Socialist Republic"
          -1.4.1 Mergers: Localization, Events, History/Countries, AI_focuses, ideas, NFs, on_actions, tech_sharing, achievements
          -Changed KGV death event GFX
          -GER's Ally Spain NF now requires GER/Axis to either control London, control the Med, or have naval superiority against UK/Allies
          -Fixed Portugal's leaders
          -Added HoS and FM for POR
          -POR starts with 4 of its ministers in place
          -HUN tree now gives more cores for traditionally HUN/A-H territory
          -UK general and naval rearmament focuses now pick from random states that are in Europe, not the entire world
          -Horthy HoS added
          -Hungary starts with a few ministers now
          -Hungarian Horthy/monarchist and fascist parties renamed
          -Event added to remove Horthy for fascist Szalasi if HUN/GER is losing the war against SOV
          -Fascist/Horthy NF branch of HUN tree re-worked for historical reasons, Horthy remains monarchist/not-fascist but still grows closer to GER
          -Fate of Czechslovakia event now removes Early ENG-GER relations opinion modifier
          -Nerfed CZE tech sharing group bonus from 50% to 20%
          -Nerfed CZE industry, consumer goods, and fighter production idea bonuses
          -Nerfed a few HUN tech bonuses from NFs
          -Nerfed HUN license cost reduction idea (.50 > .35 ) and dockyard production bonus idea ( 0.1 > 0.075 )
          -Added NF bypass for Anschluss NF is AUS doesn't exist or is in faction

          Change strategic regions in Alpine region to former version into Austria, Alpien and Switzerland
          Changed strategic regions Western Germany into Spouth Germany, Wurttemburg and Central Germany
          Created strategic region Berlin W.

          Naval update by yuudachipoi
          French armor stats update
          soviet AI work
          German AI work
          chinese penalites vs Japan reduced slightly
          air work by Alen
          USA AI work
          Japan AI work
          infantry weapons tweaks
          Italian TD stats tweaked
          Army-, Navy- and Air view are enlarged by 99 pixels


          • Merci Benoît ! j'attendais la maj avec impatience pour tester DoD


            • C'est moi ou ce mod bug énormément ? impossible de passé 1936 trop de bug de retour au menu


              • Le mod n'est pas à jour du dernier patch. Soit tu downgrade en 1.4, soit tu attends.


                • Maj de black ice dans la soirée. En dehors des bugs, de tres légères modifications sur les focus du russe et des pays de DoD.
                  Les focus redeviennent prioritaire dans le développement du mod, donc de prochains gros changements à venir.


                  • BICE 2.4 Changelog

                    Added Juan III as minister.
                    Added mountaineers to Handheld AT I tech.
                    Added Schlesien, Schwalken and Eupen-Malmedy states
                    Added Schlesien to German NF G4YP autobahn-project.
                    Created strategic region Danzig, Nord and Sud Ost-Preussen.
                    chinese penalties reduced a little
                    soviet barbarossa penalties reduced a little
                    French penalties reduced a little
                    SS armored car training time fixed

                    work by energico ~
                    -Added Louis Napoleon as monarchist leader for France (no GFX yet)
                    -Made low education investment and divided nation the default laws for their law sets
                    -YUG NFs: Added third Slovene Nationalism idea so the problem doesn't disappear if you suppress the Slovenian nationalist groups
                    -YUG NFs: Rebalanced Croation opposition ideas
                    -Added a YUG event to remove minority related ideas if YUG no longer owns any of that minorities territory
                    -Slightly nerfed HUN NFs armor tech bonus
                    -ROM no longer gets claim on Dobrudja if it accepts the Treaty of Craiova from BUL
                    -AI more likely to accept Bled Agreement if in faction with HUN
                    -Fixed certain DoD NF gfx not showing up
                    -If CZE accepts Sudetenland demand, ROM guarantees of other Balkan nations go away (due to crumbling of Little Entente and Balkan Pact)
                    -If ITA is at war with CZE over YUG, and if YUG is close to surrendering or has capitulated, ITA can offer white peace to CZE
                    -FRA NF: Demand Wallonia now also transfers Eupen-Malmedy if BEL accepts
                    -FRA NF: Fixed Marcel Bucard (fascist demagogue) not being available due to wrong NF pre-requisite
                    -If ITA owns Tyrol, Carinthia-Styria, and/or Salzburg states, Anschluss will only annex the territory AUS owns and GER will gain claims on the states ITA kept
                    -CZE NFs: Democratic land doctrine bonus nerfed from 75% to 50%
                    -CZE NFs: War college idea nerfed slightly
                    -CZE NFs: Shipbuilding Legacy idea nerfed slightly
                    -HUN now gets 500k manpower each when it annexes CZE and AUS
                    -Lowered similar ideology requirement for joining a faction from 30% to 20%
                    -FRA NFs: Demand Wallonia will only transfer states that are owned by BEL to prevent GER losing Eupen-Malmedy wrongfully
                    -ROM AI will refuse Treaty of Craiova if it is in faction with GER/SOV/ENG
                    -GER NFs: Ally Turkey NF not available if Turkey is democratic or communist
                    -SOV NFs: Removed Estonia reference from Baltic Security NF and improved its localization
                    -SOV NFs: Improved foreign policy choices in Anti-Fascist line, broadening choices and expanding future invasion possibilities
                    -SOV NFs: Added focuses to puppet ROM/BUL/GRE/HUN/YUG/AUS/ALB that start to become available after summer 1941
                    -SOV NFs: event chain for Puppet Romanian focus that has high chance of war with Axis or Allies
                    -GER now needs to have a strength ratio of 110% against YUG to take the Fate of Yugoslavia focus
                    -Albania will now refuse ITA Ultimatum if in faction with YUG
                    -GER now gets option to back down from Sudetenland ultimatum if CZE/AH refuse, taking into account their strength_ratio
                    -GER NFs: Ally Turkey focus lengthened to 15 weeks
                    -GER NFs: Ally Turkey focus now requires Turkey to either have same ideology as GER or at least be authoritarian/neutrality
                    -GER NFs: Ally Turkey focus now can only be taken after Jan 1942
                    -SOV NFs: Improved AI and pre-requisites for Balkan puppet focuses
                    -GER NFs: Ally Turkey focus now requires GER/Axis to control Stalingrad, Moscow, Leningrad to take
                    -GER NFs: Ally Spain focus shortened from 16 to 15 weeks to bring in line with Ally Turkey focus
                    -GER NFs: For GER AI, USSR War Goal focus now requires FRA/YUG/POL to have capitulated if at war with them
                    -GER NFs: For GER AI, Fate of Yug focus now requires FRA/SOV/POL to have capitulated if at war with them
                    -Added "Monarchist Influence" idea
                    - added in the supreme commanders made for FRA/ENG/USA/SOV/JAP/PRC/CHI.


                    • suite à mon erreur, le lien de la video présentation/tutoriel sur black ice


                      • La deuxième video:


                        • MAJ dans deux semaines environ, voici ce qui est prévu:

                          The next update to BICE is shaping up to be a big one.

                          There are as of now 55 new WW1 land doctrines will be in place for all nations with a mix of researched already and still to be researched doctrines in 1936 leading into the ww2 era doctrines.

                          A newly revamped German unique air tech tree features a lot more historical aircraft and options. More details to come on this as we finish it off.

                          Foreign armor equipment is a new armor battalion unit and equipment which allows the player to convert all his captured and lend leased armor into the one battalion type.
                          Very useful to cleaning up those stockpiles of various armors and using them in a division template.

                          Germany also is able to research techs which alter their Panzer battalions to remove the light tank from the medium tank battalions and make the battalions more homogeneous

                          Vichy and the Spanish civil war have been refines and worked on much more. Vichy now includes event chains for the eventual surrender from Operation Torch and Case Anton.
                          In both cases there is an AI build up in Vichy Africa for the Allies and the Axis.

                          New Mech equipment added which includes Mech AT, Mech HMG, Mech Mortars, and Mech AA for your Mechanised Infantry battalions. These work in the same way as the HMG and Mortars for Infantry.
                          Research the tech and gain the equipment to the Mech battalions with increased stats and increased costs.

                          We also split engineers into assault engineers and engineers, and created airborne engineers.

                          New event chains for the German SS divisions, and the Gross Deutschland

                          There has also been more work done on the Chinese-Japanese theatre to balance the war a little better in the Chinese fight.

                          In a similar vein the German player during Barbarossa should have a harder time in his rush to Moscow thanks to a series of Soviet counter attack events.

                          We have continued the usual work on the political leaders, GFX, map tweaks and additions, as well as a few little surprises here and there.

                          Bug fixing and CTD issues have also been a focus. So far every CTD issue we have encountered in the last few weeks has been resolved and testing allows game play into 1945.

                          We are still some time from the next release. Possible 2 weeks if all goes to plan ! It will be a big one.


                          • Pour résumer:
                            - creation des doctrines de la ww1 qui devront être terminées pour amener à celles de la ww2. L'idee est de représenter le fait que la plupart des pays se battaient encore avec les stratégies de la ww1.
                            - nouvelle refonte de l'arbre aérien allemand
                            - un nouveau type de bataillon pour vous permettre d'y mettte vos équipements captures et envoyés par vos alliés
                            - l'Allemagne peut rechercher des reche qui affectent la composition des bataillons pour retirer les tanks légers des bataillons de chars moyens. C'est un projet dont ils parlent depuis longtemps et qu'ils vont développer dans le futur
                            - améliorations de Vichy, guerre espagnole et front chinois
                            - des technos pour les mecanises


                            • Tease de la prochaine MAJ:


                              • Maj de black ice pour assurer la compatibilité avec le patch 1.4.2.

