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  • I Have a dream...

    Et ce reve depend de la question suivante :
    - Est-il possible de realiser un mod special batailles multi, où des unités de différents autres mods seraient regroupées ?
    Dernière modification par F-Ake, 25-09-2010, 13h12.

  • #2
    Oui bien sur, suffit d'avoir l'autorisation des autres mods et de respecter la limite de 500 unites par mods (export_descr_unit).

    Tu peux creer un mod qui fonctionne en campagne ou alors tu fous juste que les unites sont recrutables quand tu veux et avec n'importe quel batiment.
    Dernière modification par F-Ake, 25-09-2010, 13h13.


    • #3
      Joarius parle de multi, donc je pense qu'il ne veut pas inclure une campagne.
      Pour te répondre Joarius, oui c'est possible, il suffirait d'inclure les factions des mods en question. Elfes Verts, Royaume de Sicile, Bretonnie, ...


      • #4
        Envoyé par Genava55 Voir le message
        Oui bien sur, suffit d'avoir l'autorisation des autres mods et de respecter la limite de 500 unites par mods (export_descr_unit).
        Pour les autorisations, je peux essayer de demander si j'ai des précisions pour d'autres questions.
        500 unités de combattants, quelles que soient les factions et cultures, c'est bien ca ? Meme pour RTW (j'ai modifié le titre du thread, s'cusez pour l'imprécision antérieure... )

        Envoyé par Caulaincourt Voir le message
        Pour te répondre Joarius, oui c'est possible, il suffirait d'inclure les factions des mods en question. Elfes Verts, Royaume de Sicile, Bretonnie, ...
        T'as tout a fait compris mon idée !
        ca veut donc dire que dans le descr_strat.txt, 'faut aussi reprendre des cultures correspondant ? RTW, ainsi que les factions des mods "supports" correspondants donc ?
        Comme sur cet exemple rapide :

        ;############# VIRTUA HERO!CA-FANTASIA #############
        ; Virtua Hero!ca-Fantasia campaign script modded by Virtua Roma Team

        campaign Virtua_Hero!ca-Fantasia
        carthage ; GONDOR
        gauls ; ROHAN
        romans_julii ; MORDOR
        romans_brutii ; ISENGARD
        romans_scipii ; ORC RABBLES
        parthia ; HARAD
        armenia ; EASTERLINGS
        egypt ; DWARVEN CLANS
        dacia ; DUNLENDINGS
        britons ; DALE
        macedon ; GALADHRIM ELVES
        thrace ; SILVAN ELVES
        seleucid ; NOLDOR ELVES
        germans ; FREE-PEOPLES
        greek_cities ; ANDUIN WOODSMEN AND BEORNINGS
        romans_senate ; MT GUNDABAD
        macedon ; ERIADOR

        Envoyé par Caulaincourt Voir le message
        Joarius parle de multi, donc je pense qu'il ne veut pas inclure une campagne.
        Exact : juste les unités et des cartes pour des combats multi suite aux actions dans VIRTUA ROMA.
        ca serait pour les Terres du Milieu, et/ou une campagne med-Fan.
        Dernière modification par F-Ake, 26-09-2010, 14h30.


        • #5
          Oui la limite est la meme pour RTW et M2TW, 500 unités différentes pas plus. Et 7 cultures différentes dans M2TW contre 5 dans RTW.

          Dernière modification par F-Ake, 25-09-2010, 13h13.


          • #6
            A mon avis, cela va etre chaud d'obtenir les autorisations.
            Dernière modification par F-Ake, 25-09-2010, 13h13.


            • #7
              Bah, je vois pas pourquoi, un petit mail du genre:

              "Excusez moi, mais vos unités sont vraiment magnifiques, à tel point qu'on aimerait les utiliser pour nos campagnes multijoueur entre amis, ça vous dérange?"

              A moins de tomber sur un gros con, 95% de chance qu'il accepte.

              Nan, moi ce qui me fait peur, c'est qu'il va falloir qu'on uniformise les stats des différentes unités des différents mods.
              Et ça c'est moi qui vais sans doute m'y coller!
              Oh, joie du Export_descr_unit!


              • #8
                Merci pour ces explications et le lien, Genava.

                Donc je récapitule pour les factions (j'sais, j'suis dur ? la comprenette ) : on peut avoir jusqu'a 5 Cultures et 21 Factions différentes, c'est bien ca ?
                J'ai cru comprendre que ces factions doivent correspondre aux cultures. Que veulent-ils dirent par la ?
                Je crois comprendre, mais je ne suis pas certain...

                En tout cas, sous RTW, ca donnerait pour les factions :
                - 1 faction Rebelle (Slave)
                - 4 factions romaines (Brutii, Julii, Scipii et Sénat)
                - 6 factions Barbares (Britons, Espagnols ?, Daces ?, Gaulois, Germains, Scythes ?)
                - 4 factions grecques (Grecs, Macédoniens, Séleucides, Thraces ?)
                - 3 factions orientales (Arménie ?, Pont ?, Parthie ?)
                - 2 factions carthaginoises (Carthage, Numidie ?)
                - 1 faction égyptienne (Egypte)
                S'il y a des ames charitables pour corriger, parce que ce soir, je ne peux plus... Sinon je reverrai ca a tete reposée avec les fichiers donnés en référence dans le lien que tu as donné Genava (mais pas tout de suite).

                Quant aux autorisations, effectivement il me faut faire une demande chiadée. Mais si on fait référence a leurs mods et aux gens qui y ont travaillé (et personnellement, je le ferai évidemment), s'ils comprennent bien que ce n'est pas pour faire des campagnes (leurs mods font cela très bien, je ne vois pas pourquoi refaire ce qui a déjà été fait) mais uniquement des batailles, je me dis qu'il y a de fortes chances qu'ils acceptent.
                De plus, ca ne peut leur faire que de la pub, ce que je ferai d'ailleurs sur le site d'où le mod sera téléchargeable.
                Je vais préparer une demande tranquillement, en prenant le temps avant de l'envoyer.

                Enfin, je m'avance quand meme, car il n'est pas encore fait, loin de la...
                Toutefois, je ne l'ai pas programmé pour demain ou après-demain, j'espère ne pas etre tout seul tout le temps et... I Have a dream...

                Envoyé par Zaariel Voir le message
                Nan, moi ce qui me fait peur, c'est qu'il va falloir qu'on uniformise les stats des différentes unités des différents mods.
                Et ca c'est moi qui vais sans doute m'y coller!
                Oh, joie du Export_descr_unit!
                Zaariel, mon Modo Al... Ze t'aimeuh...
                Je regarderai aussi ca a l'occasion, mais pas tout de suite.
                Aux vacances scolaires, j'aurai plus de temps.
                Dernière modification par F-Ake, 26-09-2010, 14h32.


                • #9
                  Les cultures c'est par exemple dans EB1: Western Greek, Eastern Greek, Roman, Barbarian, Semitic. Ça agit sur les différentes villes qu'il peut y avoir sur la carte, les différents bâtiments etc. Les romains ont un modèle 3D pour leurs villes, les Grecques occidentaux de même et les barbares pareil.

                  Sinon tu connais le mod THERA, a new beginning ?


                  • #10
                    Merci pour tes réponses, Genava.
                    Si je comprends bien, les cultures sont définies entre autres par les types de batiments, d'architecture, c'est ca ?

                    Je vais toutefois te "reposer" la meme question, mais en l'illustrant par mes exemples pour etre certain d'avoir compris (note bien que j'comprends vite, hein ! :mad: 'faut juste m'expliquer longtemps... )
                    Donc, exemple extreme (en reprenant la liste plus haut), on pourrait avoir :
                    - 1 faction Rebelle (Slave)
                    - 4 factions romaines (Brutii, Julii, Scipii et Sénat)
                    - 7 factions Barbares (Britons, Espagnols, Daces, Gaulois, Germains, Scythes ET Thraces)
                    - 2 factions grecques (Grecs, Macédoniens)
                    - 4 factions orientales (Arménie, Pont, Parthie, Séleucides)
                    - 1 factions carthaginoise (Carthage)
                    - 2 factions égyptiennes (Egypte, Numidie)
                    Ou romaine, Barbare, grecque, orientale, carthaginoise et égyptienne seraient les cultures.
                    Ca nous fait toujours 21 factions et... 6 cultures...
                    Ou alors les cultures dans RTW n'ont rien a voir avec ces 6 "définitions"...
                    'faudrait alors que je cherche dans quel fichier pour savoir les 5 types de cultures ?

                    Envoyé par Genava55 Voir le message
                    Sinon tu connais le mod THERA, a new beginning ? http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showt...214078&page=24
                    C'est justement a partir de lui (entre autre) que j'ai fait mon reve. Mais comme dit, j'aurais du préciser que ce reve était pour RTW...

                    Bon, cette nuit, trop crevé pouir mieux réfléchir.
                    Bonne nuit et merci.
                    Dernière modification par F-Ake, 26-09-2010, 14h33.


                    • #11
                      Désolé, c'est moi qui ai dit une bêtise. Il y a 6 cultures dispo dans RTW, elles sont moddables (la sixième dans EB c'est les nomades). Donc dans la vanilla c'est bien: Romain, Grecque, Barbare, Oriental, Carthaginois, Egyptien.

                      Ta liste de factions me semble correcte.

                      Si je comprends bien, les cultures sont définies entre autres par les types de bâtiments, d'architecture, c'est ça ?
                      Exactement. 6 cultures = 6 modèles de villes différentes, 6 modèles de grandes cités différentes etc.


                      • #12
                        Je ne vois vraiment l'importance des cultures si le but du mod est simplement d'avoir un maximum de factions et d'unites pour le multi, sans campagne. Selon mes souvenirs, les cultures n'ont rien a foutre dans le multi, a part peut-etre pour l'interface, mais avec une bonne et belle interface generaliste, ca passe.
                        Donc que toutes tes factions, tu les mettent dans la meme "culture", peu importe, te prend pas la tete avec ca...
                        Dernière modification par F-Ake, 25-09-2010, 13h13.


                        • #13
                          Merci pour tes précisions et ta patience, Genava.
                          Maintenant, je pense avoir compris.

                          @Taneda Santoka : c'est vrai ce que tu dis, maintenant que j'ai compris le principe.
                          Mais avant que je ne comprenne, je me disais que la culture intervenait dans d'autres parametres que les batiments. Entre autres pour le bon choix des factions en fonction des unités. Mais effectivement, je vois que ce n'est oas le cas. Ouf.

                          Donc 'suffit juste d'affecter les factions aux unités (ou vice versa ) de facon a rester logique.
                          Dernière modification par F-Ake, 26-09-2010, 14h34.


                          • #14
                            J'ai envoyé des demandes pour pouvoir utiliser les unités de METW, LOTR-TW et FATW.

                            Demande préparée pour METW :

                            Before all things, i apologise for my poor english, so don't be too angry if my writings are not very beautiful in the speach of Shakespeare...

                            I'm writing to you to ask you the possibility to use the units of your mod.

                            To explain you the reason, i've installed METW six months ago on my computer and it's a good mod ; its units are very nice ! !

                            But i've said before that i ask you the possibility to use the units of your mod.
                            Why ?

                            I'm member of the forum VIRTUA ROMA (1) where we play with a software made by a player (DarkSide) which let us to construct our empires in "Multi-Player" ; with the forum, we can make role-playing by speaking between us as the kings of our empires, the diplomats who serve them, etc.
                            So you understand that we use RTW only for the battle ; you can see some of theses battles on the pages that i'v made (2).

                            The campaign actually played is made for the antiquity, but i'm thinking to prepare a campaign for the Heroic-Fantasy, and maybe more particulary for the Middle-Earth.
                            You will ask you : " But, why doesn't he want tu play with METW, this sicky man ? " and you are right on the first step : these campaigns exist, with all the maps, events, stories, etc. So no need of a new mod of campaign. For me it's evident.

                            But in fact, there is some explications why i would like to make a mod only for battles :

                            - All the members of the forum of VIRTUA ROMA (1) don't have the add-on Barbare Invasion, and/or Alexander...

                            - I would like to transform somethings in the Middle Earth : the diversity of factions.
                            In fact, i think that if we want to play in the same way that in the antiquity campaign actually, we need more than the factions yet presents in the METW : maybe more than one player would want to play Gondorians, or Rohirrim or Dwarves ? How to make, if 5 players want to play Elves ?
                            The VIRTUA ROMA software could give us this possibilty without problem, but for the battles, it will be more difficult : how to make difference between two gondorian lords who fight one against one ? How could we make the difference between their units in the battle (in the nervosity of the action) if all the soldiers have the same weapons, armours, etc ?
                            So my idea is simple : to use the units of the three mods made for the Middle-Earth : Middle-Earth Total War, Lords of the Rings Total War and Fourth Age Total War (in the chronogical order of the Middle-Earth).
                            With the units of these differents mods, we could have 3 gondorian factions, 2 dwarven factions, etc...
                            So, in battles, if players of same cultures want to fight, they will be able to recognize their units.

                            After to have explained you the reason of this message, i make you offcially my request :
                            Do you agree that the team which will work on this mod (Virtua Fantasy, Virtua Battle, Virtua Pugna, i don't know yet its name) can use the differents units of your mod ?
                            If you are not the creator of all the units, can you ask this question to their creator, or give me their adress to help me in asking them this resquest ?
                            I precise that i give you my word that the name of the METW team will appears in the credits, with the links of your website. And for me, it's evident that i will refer too your names and weblinks on the page of the site which will explain the mod that i want to make.
                            If you want more precisions, i can answer to your questions.
                            If you want to be informed of the progression of this mod for fantastics battle, i can inform you with the frequence that you want ; but i must prevent you : i'm not modder, so this Virtua Battle mod is not yet created... It will take the time that it will take...

                            Si, i have finished with my text.
                            I thank you to have read all this text writen in very bad english and i hope that you will answer to this message, even if you don't accept my request (oh gods, plesae, make that he accept !... )
                            Have a good day.

                            (1) VIRTUA ROMA :

                            (2) VIRTUA JOAR
                            Quelqu'un saurait-il comment les contacter ? J'ai envoyé un mp ? Amroth de MODS REALMS, mais je ne suis pas certain qu'il repasse souvent.

                            Demande envoyée ? LOTR-TW :

                            Before all things, i apologise for my poor english, so don't be too angry if my writings are not very beautiful in the speach of Shakespeare...

                            I'm writing to you to ask you the possibility to use the units of your mod.

                            To explain you the reason, i've installed LotR one year ago on my computer and it's a great mod, one for which i don't stop to play with it : i enjoy to play the Gondor ! Its units are beautiful ! !
                            OK, i must recognise that i use codes to have more money... But i've begun my campaign nine months agon and when i've the time, i return to fight the Gobelins, Orcs and Trolls, without saying the Nazg?ls !
                            Oh, the battle that i've made at Osgiliath against armies of Mordor, led by Nazgul on beast... huge battle ! My heart bit a lot and there was a battle after that i've less than 100 solmdiers suviving, and one units with less than 4 soldiers ! ! !
                            But now, my empire is becoming enormous ! ! !

                            But i've said before that i ask you the possibility to use the units of your mod.
                            Why ?

                            I'm member of the forum VIRTUA ROMA (1) where we play with a software (OVR) made by a player (DarkSide) which let us to construct our empires in "Multi-Player" ; with the forum, we can make role-playing by speaking between us as the kings of our empires, the diplomats who serve them, etc.
                            So you understand that we use RTW only for the battle ; you can see some of theses battles on the pages that i'v made (2).

                            The campaign actually played is made for the antiquity, but i'm thinking to prepare a campaign for the Heroic-Fantasy with OVR, and maybe more particulary for the Middle-Earth.
                            You will ask you : " But, why doesn't he want tu play with LotR, this sicky man ? " and you are right on the first step : these campaigns exist, with all the maps, events, stories, etc. So no need of a new mod of campaign. For me it's evident.

                            But in fact, there is some explications why i would like to make a mod only for battles :

                            - All the members of the forum of VIRTUA ROMA (1) don't have the add-on Barbare Invasion, and/or Alexander...

                            - I would like to transform somethings in the Middle Earth : the diversity of factions.
                            In fact, i think that if we want to play in the same way that in the antiquity campaign actually, we need more than the factions yet presents in the LotR : maybe more than one player would want to play Gondorians, or Rohirrim or Dwarves ? How to make, if 5 players want to play Elves ?
                            The software of VIRTUA ROMA (OVR) could give us this possibilty without problem, but for the battles, it will be more difficult : how to make difference between two gondorian lords who fight one against one ? How could we make the difference between their units in the battle (in the nervosity of the action) if all the soldiers have the same weapons, armours, etc ?
                            So my idea is simple : to use the units of the three mods on RTW made for the Middle-Earth : Middle-Earth Total War, Lords of the Rings Total War and Fourth Age Total War (in the chronogical order of the Middle-Earth).
                            With the units of these differents mods, we could have 3 gondorian factions, 2 dwarven factions, etc...
                            So, in battles, if players of same cultures want to fight, they will be able to recognize their units.

                            After to have explained you the reason of this message, i make you offcially my request :
                            Do you agree that the team which will work on this mod (Virtua Fantasy, Virtua Battle, Virtua Pugna, i don't know yet its name) can use the differents units of your mod ?
                            If you are not the creator of all the units, can you ask this question to their creator, or give me their adress to help me in asking them this resquest ?
                            I precise that i give you my word that the name of the LotR team will appears in the credits, with the links of your website. And for me, it's evident that i will refer too your names and weblinks on the page of the site which will explain the mod that i want to make.
                            If you want more precisions, i can answer to your questions.
                            If you want to be informed of the progression of this mod for fantastics battle, i can inform you with the frequence that you want ; but i must prevent you : i'm not modder, so this Virtua Battle mod is not yet created... It will take the time that it will take...

                            So, i have finished with my text.
                            I thank you to have read all this text writen in very bad english and i hope that you will answer to this message, even if you don't accept my request (oh gods, plesae, make that he accept !... )
                            Have a good day.

                            (1) VIRTUA ROMA :

                            (2) VIRTUA JOAR
                            Réponse :
                            Envoyé par wlesmana
                            First of all, that's a very cool game you got going. So you do the empire management over the web and the battles done via RTW's multiplayer battles? Very nice concept. Total War developer should learn from you about this system.

                            Now, I don't have a problem with giving you permission to use my mod in your game but I don't think I like having assets from my mod combined with assets from another mod. I made an agreement with the teams of Middle Earth Total War and Fourth Age Total War that we keep our mods separate, otherwise there will be plenty of "mix and match" mods done by others simply by taking parts they want from multiple mods into a "frankenstein" mod. This kind of mod would not be true to the vision of each mod: to create the Tolkien world according to their own vision.

                            So I'm afraid I cannot give you permission if you're going to mix the assets in the mod with assets from another Lord of the Rings mod. You do have permission if you use only assets from this mod alone and you only add assets you create yourself.

                            As for your dilemma of having more than one player use the same faction, all you need to do is slightly re-skin the units. Add a touch of color, like a belt or a sash or a different banner. It's silly to see "Gondorians from the films" fighting "Gondorians from the books". It's like having 2 factions of Sparta: one based on history with Spartans wearing bronze breastplate, the other based on the film "300" with Spartans all bare-chested.
                            Le gras, italique & Co, c'est moi qui l'ai mis pour une meilleure lisibilité.
                            Je comprends tout a fait son point de vue, ce que je vais d'ailleurs lui répondre.
                            Je vais voir si c'est négociable en partie, pour certaines choses.

                            Demande envoyée ? FATW :

                            Before all things, i apologise for my poor english, so don't be too angry if my writings are not very beautiful in the speach of Shakespeare...

                            I'm writing to you to ask you the possibility to use the units of your mod.

                            To explain you the reason, i've installed Fourth Age one year ago on my computer and it's a great mod : i enjoy to play the Gondor ! Its units are great ! !

                            But i've said before that i ask you the possibility to use the units of your mod.
                            Why ?

                            I'm member of the forum VIRTUA ROMA (1) where we play with a software (OVR) made by a player (DarkSide) which let us to construct our empires in "Multi-Player" ; with the forum, we can make role-playing by speaking between us as the kings of our empires, the diplomats who serve them, etc.
                            So you understand that we use RTW only for the battle ; you can see some of theses battles on the pages that i'v made (2).

                            The campaign actually played is made for the antiquity, but i'm thinking to prepare a campaign for the Heroic-Fantasy, and maybe more particulary for the Middle-Earth.
                            You will ask you : " But, why doesn't he want tu play with Fourth Age, this sicky man ? " and you are right on the first step : these campaigns exist, with maps, events, stories, etc. So no need of a new mod of campaign. For me it's evident.

                            But in fact, there is some explications why i would like to make a mod only for battles :

                            - All the members of the forum of VIRTUA ROMA (1) don't have the add-on Barbare Invasion...

                            - I would like to transform somethings in the Middle Earth : the diversity of factions.
                            In fact, i think that if we want to play in the same way that in the antiquity campaign actually, we need more than the factions yet presents in the Fourth Age : maybe more than one player would want to play Gondorians, or Rohirrim or Dwarves ? How to make, if 5 players want to play Elves ?
                            The VIRTUA ROMA software (OVR) could give us this possibilty without problem, but for the battles, it will be more difficult : how to make difference between two gondorian lords who fight one against one ? How could we make the difference between their units in the battle (in the nervosity of the action) if all the soldiers have the same weapons, armours, etc ?
                            So my idea is simple : to use the units of the three mods made for the Middle-Earth : Middle-Earth Total War, Lords of the Rings Total War and Fourth Age Total War (in the chronogical order of the Middle-Earth).
                            With the units of these differents mods, we could have 3 gondorian factions, 2 dwarven factions, etc...
                            So, in battles, if players of same cultures want to fight, they will be able to recognize their units.

                            After to have explained you the reason of this message, i make you offcially my request :
                            Do you agree that the team which will work on this mod (Virtua Fantasy, Virtua Battle, Virtua Pugna, i don't know yet its name) can use the differents units of your mod ?
                            If you are not the creator of all the units, can you ask this question to their creator, or give me their adress to help me in asking them this resquest ?
                            I precise that i give you my word that the name of the Fourth Age team will appears in the credits, with the links of your website. And for me, it's evident that i will refer too your names and weblinks on the page of the site which will explain the mod that i want to make.
                            If you want more precisions, i can answer to your questions.
                            If you want to be informed of the progression of this mod for fantastics battle, i can inform you with the frequence that you want ; but i must prevent you : i'm not modder, so this Virtua Battle mod is not yet created... It will take the time that it will take...

                            Si, i have finished with my text.
                            I thank you to have read all this text writen in very bad english and i hope that you will answer to this message, even if you don't accept my request (oh gods, plesae, make that he accept !... )
                            Have a good day.

                            (1) VIRTUA ROMA :

                            (2) VIRTUA JOAR
                            Réponse :
                            Envoyé par Aradan
                            Hi there.

                            Yep, you can use the units from FATW as long as proper credit is given to the team.

                            Good luck with your project!
                            Dernière modification par F-Ake, 26-09-2010, 14h35.


                            • #15
                              C'est déjà un bon début!
                              Dernière modification par F-Ake, 25-09-2010, 13h14.

