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  • Faras
    a répondu
    Hop, villes byzantines :

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  • Valyrian_Knight01
    a répondu
    Oh , je vois. Au pire c'est pas grave , je peux faire la preview du système français et espagnol (les seuls traduits il me semble pour le moment ) , pour temporiser :-p

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  • Faras
    a répondu
    Valyrian_Knight01 : Aie aie aie, le souci c'est que je vais revoir le système musulman avec supermenteur lorsqu'il sera de retour. Mais je te dis ce qu'on va faire si tu veux l'ajouter dans ta preview :
    - Faire des zones "bédouines" impossibles à sédentariser : ce seront des réserves d'asabiyya, qui pourront suppléer voire remplacer le système d'eslaves-soldats. Exemple : avoir les régions kurdes tribalisées qui vont fournir de puissants contingents (avec le danger que les dits kurdes prennent le pouvoir. Dès qu'une tribu s'empare d'un centre sédentaire, elle se sédentarise et "libère" ses zones bédouines de départ.
    - Relier un peu mieux les bâtiments à la géographie et au contexte (en gros, ne pas pouvoir recruter des soudanais si on est en Perse)
    - Un bâtiment pour les zones rurales (chateaux) et les mosquées : mais ca sera comme les ayyarum ; pas de la grande qualité.
    Y'a deux-trois éléments à corriger, mais je le ferais après, si tu désires ajouter les éléments plus haut.

    Je t'envoie le lien de ma dernière mouture par MP.

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  • Valyrian_Knight01
    a répondu
    Du coup , je vais commencer à rédiger deux trois trucs sur la réforme du système militaire , parce que si je dois attendre que t'ai tout fini pour le faire, on a pas fini :-p

    du coup j'ai commencé par le système musulman, mais il me faudrait un ou deux screen (je peux pas le faire moi même vu que la version postée sur la page de présentation ne contient pas ça :-3) . Un screen montrant les lois liées à l'Asabiyya et un screen montrant les casernes de Mamelouks conviendraient je pense. Ou alors m'envoyer ta version que je le fasse moi même peut convenir aussi. Bref, en tout cas :

    Hello everyone, welcome back to a new RIRSEI Dev Diary ! Today we will talk of the upcoming update on the rework of the military system ! We will more specifically talk about the muslim military system of RIRSEI ! There will be a bit of text and not much screens, as it is still work in progress, but you should read this if you are interested in the mod, as it is a major mechanic !

    The medieval muslim armies were following a pattern of using slave as their main soldier corps . We are not talking of slave dying of hunger, walking to the battlefield in chains fearing the master's whip, but of elite soldiers, bought in their youth, trained from their childhood, and given the best equippement avalaible. The most famous exemples of theses are the Mamlukes, or the Janissaries. They often formed the bulk of muslim armies. But why though ?

    To understand this , we must explain Ibn Khaldun's cycle theory.

    For Ibn Khaldun (medieval muslim phiklosopher) , there are two extremely different worlds : the sedentary world , and the nomadic world.

    The sedentary world is composed of cities and city-dwellers. Cities are essential for a state, as they provide most of the taxes, the bureaucracy and the cultural life. However, in order to maximise the collect of revenues, the state disarm the people. Thus , the city-dwellers are poor soldiers, their armies often formed of thugs and hooligans, just good enough to fill the ranks.

    On the opposite side , you have the nomadic people. They live harshly, but theses harsh conditions lead them to develop a strong clan spirit, or "Asabiyya" . In short , they develop a very strong bond, where a man can give his life away for the clan without asking for a compensation. They thus form a strong, disciplined force which will smash through the city dweller's armies. However, they often waste their strenght in petty clanic issues. The city dweller thus must hire theses nomads to ensure their safety.

    The Ibn Khaldun's cycle begins when a nomadic force conquer a sedentary city and sedentarize itself. The new dynasty's Asabiyya is strong, and their tribal forces are not asking for financial compensation.

    However , the Ibn Khaldun cycle state the following :

    Adversity leads to strenght. Strenght leads to prosperity. Prosperity leads to weakness . Weakness leads to ruin.

    With each following generation, the dynasty will lose Asabiyya, and their forces will ask more and more for a financial compensation, even asking for a place in state business. At some point , the cost of the army is too high to endure to the cities, which become depopulated and die due to heavèy taxation, until either the dynasty renew its Asabiyya by introducing slave soldiers from a new source, or crumble under their slave soldier's revolt, beginning a new cycle.

    In the mod , several crown laws has been added :

    With each new generation , you will lose one level of Asabiyya. With that loss, the cost of your soldiers (which are mostly retinue) will increase, forcing you to increase the taxes exponentially, which will decrease your realm's stability. When you hit "low Asabiyya", that generally means you are in trouble.

    However, there is still hope for you ! You can decide to renew your Asabiyya by taking soldiers from other sources . There are different types of slave soldiers, each giving a specific retinue -Turkish , Circassian, Sudanese, and so on. By taking soldiers from another source, you take a tep back in Khaldun's cycle.

    This is how RIRSEI handle the rework of muslim military system (at least for sedentary rulers, tribal (nomadic) rulers gets specific buildings ). As a result, almost all other buildings regarding soldiers (like "Barracks" in castles) have been wiped out . The muslim armies are essentially composed of theses new retinues symbolising slave soldiers, with shitty infantry given by the cities (the "Ayyarum" ). The specific mercenaries of muslim rulers have been wiped out as a result . Muslim cities, however, gain a massive income boost compared to western or greek cities (as they don't have to maintain a numerous militia, unlike the western cities).

    But do not worry, as the rework of the military system will concern every culture . Thus, the massive changes of the muslim world will not lead to unbalanced world where muslims are roflstomped . All armies will generally be scaled down.

    That is all for today !

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  • Faras
    a répondu
    @Valyrian : Merci pour le message, je note, je note !
    Pour les valaques, merci aussi.
    Les mercenaires sont faits, direction Byzance maintenant.

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  • Valyrian_Knight01
    a répondu
    Ave Faras ,ceux qui vont traduire te saluent
    J'ai reçu plusieurs messages, certains en rapport avec des bugs du mod (apparemment on a trouvé un bêta testeur qui prend son job au sérieux) et autres, certains pour te filer des posts informatifs sur les Valaques
    Là, il y a un Empereur qui a survécu à la Grande Purge Farassienne des titres impériaux :


    Apparemment il s'agirait d'un titre personnalisé : https://imgur.com/nhBBlNV

    Bref, vu que c'est une HÉRÉSIE pour le mod, je pense qu'il est important de le signaler

    De plus, l'Empire titulaire d'Italie est toujours créable : https://imgur.com/j0JjNrU

    Il y a un léger problème avec les décisions liées à la Pologne apparemment : https://imgur.com/qkQAU7Y

    Apparemment, l'évent du couronnement Impérial par le Pape bug un peu puisqu'il déclenche systématiquement cet event : https://imgur.com/O1KObZF

    Il peut aussi se faire sacrer Roi de France en tant qu'Empereur. A mon avis, c'est parce qu'il a pas encore activé la décision pour porter le titre de Rex Romanum, mais bon : https://imgur.com/5mOeQaG

    Le titre du Prince de Bavière est foireux manifestement : https://imgur.com/olqXSif

    Je lui ai demandé sa save au cas où

    On m'a aussi envoyé des liens vers des pavés sur les Valaques , qui sont apparemment legit, je te laisse découvrir ça :

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  • Dragoris
    a répondu
    Merci de ta réponse Faras.
    J'ai bien le jeu à jour, je suis sur Steam et les màj sont automatiques. Au cas où, je l'ai testé sur un patch précédent également, mais ça n'a rien changé.
    J'ai bien le launcher, mais dès que je clique sur ok rien ne se passe, mais je vois sur Steam qu'il a démarré et a quitté dans la foulée sans que l'écran ne se soit recalibré pour le jeu.

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  • Faras
    a répondu
    Les Valaques (Romani) terminés. Là en gros :
    -Faire les mercos du coin
    -Faire le bâtiment de ville orthodoxe/byzance
    -Faire les mercos de Byzance
    Puis là je ferais une petite pause : Je corrigerais les bugs + les textes.

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  • Faras
    a répondu
    Valyrian_Knight01 : Ah mea culpa alors :3 Merci pour ta correction alors.

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  • Valyrian_Knight01
    a répondu
    Err, à ma défense, les events et décisions datant du début du mod (jusqu'à la MAJ musulmane) n'ont pas été traduits par moi , mais je corrigerais pour Principat

    Merci pour tes corrections, je ferais le nécessaire

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  • Faras
    a répondu
    Valyrian_Knight01 : Oui, oui ne t'inquiète guère. Il faut juste que je relise, pour les fautes et pour harmoniser certains mots.
    Pour la Sicile, effectivement, je devrais aussi le faire.

    Envoyé par Valyrian_Knight01 Voir le message

    Hello guys ! Here is a new RIRSEI Dev Diary !

    Today, we will speak about various mechanics about the Western Kingdoms that we eluded in former DDs , namely the Kingdoms of France and the various Spanish monarchies . This is a bit of a filler and not really themed DD, but we have to present thoses features at some point right ?

    (Especially when one of them is what gave the name to the mod but I digress)

    The Kingdom of France

    The Kingdom of France is one of the major Kingdoms of western Europe. The mod thus added several new mechanics to it to better represent the various internal matters of the Kingdom.

    First, a King, if he is at least 14 and that Reims is in the Kingdom, can be crowned in the "Sacre" of Reims . This mechanic is similar to the coronation mechanic of CK2+, however, it has (currently) only been added to the Kingdom of France, as the "Sacre" of the King was extremely important and symbolic for the Kingdom, more than in England , Danemark or Castille for exemple (le sacre français est différent des autres cérémonies de couronnement, parce que le Roi n'est plus laïc, mais presque à mi-chemin entre le laïc et le prêtre : il communie sous les deux espèces, comme les clercs. Il ya aussi une dimension mystique du sacre, cfr les écrouelles : il est l'oint de dieu, il devient presque une personne sacrée. Le sacre du Roi de France a une importance qu'on ne retrouve pas ailleurs.) .

    If a King builds his authority and power strongly enough, he can proclaim that "The King is Emperor in his Realm" (Rex in Regno Suo Est Imperator, aka RIRSEI for those who haven't noticed). He will gain several strong bonuses and make it much more difficult for the Emperor to claim his title (we saw in the first DD that under specific conditions, the Emperor could lay claims on the Kingdom).


    Historically, this proclamation was made by Phillip II "Augustus" of France. (Alors c'est pas vraiment une "décision" dans la réalité, mais plusieurs faits similaires : en gros les juristes (souvent du sud de la France) ont attribués à Phiphi les qualités du Princeps du droit romain, et Innocent III a reconnu le fait qu'il dispose de la souveraineté temporelle totale, pour faire chier l'Empire en grande partie. Bien entendu, comme tu l'as dit cela souligne aussi sa capacité à faire fermer leur clapet aux grands vassaux. On peut rajouter le fait que le titre de "Auguste", même si "officiellement" est là pour souligner l'AUGmentation (c'est la même racine) du domaine royal et de la puissance de la couronne, est bien entendu un autre pied de nez à l'Empereur. Et bien entendu, élément très important, la victoire éclatante de Phiphi contre l'Empereur, à Bouvines, un dimanche. Y'a pas plus symbolique !) He used the Roman Law to claim that since the Emperor's power was weak on France, while the power of the King was strong, the King had the same level of power than an Emperor in his realm, and thus the Emperor had no legitimacy whatsoever to lay claims on France. (Je pense qu'il est bon de souligner que le royaume de France était dans une situation plus qu'ambiguë : sous Otton III, c'est assez clair que le royaume de France était considéré "sous tutelle" (ce qui est déjà bien vague). Les empereurs essayèrent ensuite à deux reprises -peut-être plus- de transformer cette "tutelle" qui devenait de plus en plus lointaine en quelque chose de plus directe, comme l'invasion d'Henri V ou la fameuse campagne de Bouvines) This trait thus symbolise strenghtening powers of the French monarch and the weakening of the Empire's grasp on French interal affairs.

    Furthermore, a King who proclaimed himself Emperor (plutôt "Princeps" ou "Magistratus Principis" dans les textes, ca évite le terme "imperator" mais appuie bien sur la notion de souveraineté totale en renvoyant aux termes juridiques romains) in his realm can himself lay claims on various regions whose De Jure alliegance is not clear enough between the Empire and the Kingdom. He can, for exemple, claim Lyon and Burgundy (Prends plutôt l'exemple du Forez ou Bar, la Bourgogne est un cas un peu compliqué) , and even add them to the De Jure demesne of France if the Emperor is weak or wants to discuss it. Historically, the King of France indeed tried to assert their sovereignity over theses French-speaking (Non pas vraiment, c'est plus une question de possibilités juridiques pour chopper des territoires juste à coté, le Forez, on parlait langue d'oc par exemple) lands which answered to the Emperor.

    Also note that the cultures have been renamed to how they were historically named : the French culture is now the Langue d'oïl and the Occitan culture is now the Langue d'Oc (talking of "French" language in 900 AD is relatively wrong , what we now recognise as French will appear much later ).

    Also, for the 769 start date, the major culture in France is now "Gallo Roman" . It is COMPLETLY wrong to put "Frankish" culture in 769 as French major culture. Nobody except the Frankish aristocracy spoke a word of Frankish language : not the people, not the bishops, etc. They spoke a popular Latin with some Gaulic (et encore ! )accent, to put it simply. So now, the new culture is Gallo-Roman, in the Latin cultural group. But it can evolve with vanilla mechanic and becomme Langue d'Oïl/ d'Oc

    The Kingdom of Aragon.

    Historically, the Kingdom of Aragon was originally a small Duchy, based around Barcelona . But where this Duchy came from ? (Oula, non, non, non. tu confonds le royaume d'Aragon et le Comté (et pas un duché) de Barcelone qui n'ont rien à voir juridiquement. Le royaume d'Aragon a co-existé un bon moment avec le Comté/Principat de Barcelone. Le Royaume d'Aragon est "juste" issu d'un partage entre les différents fils d'un super grand roi de Castille/léon/Navarre, sans doute un Sanche (mais je m'en souviens plus), et il donna la dignité royale à ses fils. Le Principat vient d'ailleurs, comme tu le dis plus bas)

    You see, when Charlemagne invaded Spain, he set up the Marcha Hispanica, which later came to be under the authorithy of the Kingdom of France. However, during the rule of Hugues Capet, the ruling count was fighting a muslim invasion of his holdings. His pleas for help to his lord were not answered (Hugues was already enduring an invasion from the Emperor). He thus claimed that it was a breaking of the vassalage contract, and became independant. (ETTTTTTT c'est là où ca se complique. Parce que en fait, "de jure", le Comté de Barcelone faisait toujours partie du royaume de France. Certains monastères continuaient de dater selon les régnes des capétiens, et même les Comtes ont mis en avant plusieurs fois cette très lointaine suzeraineté pour repousser les prétentions des autres rois espagnols. C'était un subterfuge très utile !)
    (A noter que la France abandonna ses prétentions au traité de Corbeil, avant de les relancer de temps en temps)

    In the mod, this is represented in the following way : the Duke (COMTE) of Barcelona is independant, but his territory belongs De Jure to France (as of 1066). However, if the Duke (COMTE) manages to claim the Aragonese crown in its entierety, he can proclaim his independance from France, integrating the French De Jure territory in Spain in his own.




    Juste pour dire, tu as traduit "Principat" par "Principality". Il fallait pas, car Principat est le mot catalan, sinon j'aurais mis "principauté" en français.

    However, a powerful King of France can use his own jurists to gain claims on what was formerly part of his authority. (Seulement sur ce qu'on appelle "els comtats" les Comtés, de ce côté-ci des Pyrénées, qui font partie de la Septimanie)


    Spanish Kingdoms

    The Kingdoms of Spains can get several specific bonuses, inspired by various title held by the Spanish Kings through history :

    The King who controls Santiago de Composttella is the protector of the Relics of the famous Santiago Matamoros, giving him some bonuses .


    Also, as historically, a powerful, pious , and succesfull King in the Reconquista can ask for an official recognition of his merits by the Pope, gaining the title of Shield of Christendom, or Athleta Christi :


    Thoses symbolises the prestige and the fame coming with such titles and characteristics, with all your neighbours looking at you with envy !
    Also, like the cultures in France for the 769 start dates , the Visigothic culture has been wiped out of Spain . As the mod leader said somewhere "Nobody (enfin des classes dominées !) spoke a word of Visigothic language, expect maybe some 9 random guys in Toledo ". So the culture has been renamed "Ibero-Roman" and incorporated in the Latin cultural group.

    (As a side note, since the Lombards had paradoxically a much more lasting influence in Italy than either the Visigothic or Frankish cultures, they were left as they are now : (eeeeeh, en fait, il faudrait que je le fasse aussi pour les lombards, mais ca cause des soucis car la culture "italienne" existe déjà, donc faudrait que je modde plein de truc, donc flemme. Mais ca serait fait un jour ).

    Also, on a totally unrelated note, a new commercial road has been added for the Western world !


    It is the famous Northern Italian-Flandres road, the heart of the western medieval economy. You can now build trade posts (renamed "Fair") on it. But be carefull, there can only be 2 provinces (one for each "branch" of the road) with the last tier of trade post (the Great Fair, inspired by the famous Champagne fairs) .

    With this road, having the control of the Flandres and Northern Italy is much more important, as historically.

    That is all for today ! Have a nice day !

    Credits : Faras, mod leader
    Mouchi & Mat, slav... collaborators
    And many other, who helped in a way or another

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  • Valyrian_Knight01
    a répondu
    C'est pas mal tout ça dis donc ,ça avance bien.

    Tu penseras à m'envoyer les pavés de trucs à traduire quand tu auras le temps ? Faudrait pas l'oublier

    D'ailleurs on m'a fait remarquer qu'il faudrait peut être ajouter la même mécanique de couronnement pour le Royaume de Sicile que pour les autres non ? Sachant que la Couronne fut effectivement demandée au Pape pour sécuriser l'indépendance des normands vis à vis des deux Empereurs.

    Bon, maintenant :

    Hello guys ! Here is a new RIRSEI Dev Diary !

    Today, we will speak about various mechanics about the Western Kingdoms that we eluded in former DDs , namely the Kingdoms of France and the various Spanish monarchies . This is a bit of a filler and not really themed DD, but we have to present thoses features at some point right ?

    (Especially when one of them is what gave the name to the mod but I digress)

    The Kingdom of France

    The Kingdom of France is one of the major Kingdoms of western Europe. The mod thus added several new mechanics to it to better represent the various internal matters of the Kingdom.

    First, a King, if he is at least 14 and that Reims is in the Kingdom, can be crowned in the "Sacre" of Reims . This mechanic is similar to the coronation mechanic of CK2+, however, it has (currently) only been added to the Kingdom of France, as the "Sacre" of the King was extremely important and symbolic for the Kingdom, more than in England , Danemark or Castille for exemple .

    If a King builds his authority and power strongly enough, he can proclaim that "The King is Emperor in his Realm" (Rex in Regno Suo Est Imperator, aka RIRSEI for those who haven't noticed). He will gain several strong bonuses and make it much more difficult for the Emperor to claim his title (we saw in the first DD that under specific conditions, the Emperor could lay claims on the Kingdom).


    Historically, this proclamation was made by Phillip II "Augustus" of France . He used the Roman Law to claim that since the Emperor's power was weak on France, while the power of the King was strong, the King had the same level of power than an Emperor in his realm, and thus the Emperor had no legitimacy whatsoever to lay claims on France. This trait thus symbolise strenghtening powers of the French monarch and the weakening of the Empire's grasp on French interal affairs.

    Furthermore, a King who proclaimed himself Emperor in his realm can himself lay claims on various regions whose De Jure alliegance is not clear enough between the Empire and the Kingdom. He can, for exemple, claim Lyon and Burgundy , and even add them to the De Jure demesne of France if the Emperor is weak or wants to discuss it. Historically, the King of France indeed tried to assert their sovereignity over theses French-speaking lands which answered to the Emperor.

    Also note that the cultures have been renamed to how they were historically named : the French culture is now the Langue d'oïl and the Occitan culture is now the Langue d'Oc (talking of "French" language in 900 AD is relatively wrong , what we now recognise as French will appear much later ).

    Also, for the 769 start date, the major culture in France is now "Gallo Roman" . It is COMPLETLY wrong to put "Frankish" culture in 769 as French major culture. Nobody except the Frankish aristocracy spoke a word of Frankish language : not the people, not the bishops, etc. They spoke a popular Latin with some Gaulic accent, to put it simply. So now, the new culture is Gallo-Roman, in the Latin cultural group. But it can evolve with vanilla mechanic and becomme Langue d'Oïl/ d'Oc
    The Kingdom of Aragon.

    Historically, the Kingdom of Aragon was originally a small Duchy, based around Barcelona . But where this Duchy came from ?

    You see, when Charlemagne invaded Spain, he set up the Marcha Hispanica, which later came to be under the authorithy of the Kingdom of France. However, during the rule of Hugues Capet, the ruling count was fighting a muslim invasion of his holdings. His pleas for help to his lord were not answered (Hugues was already enduring an invasion from the Emperor). He thus claimed that it was a breaking of the vassalage contract, and became independant.

    In the mod, this is represented in the following way : the Duke of Barcelona is independant, but his territory belongs De Jure to France (as of 1066). However, if the Duke manages to claim the Aragonese crown in its entierety, he can proclaim his independance from France, integrating the French De Jure territory in Spain in his own.





    However, a powerful King of France can use his own jurists to gain claims on what was formerly part of his authority.


    Spanish Kingdoms

    The Kingdoms of Spains can get several specific bonuses, inspired by various title held by the Spanish Kings through history :

    The King who controls Santiago de Composttella is the protector of the Relics of the famous Santiago Matamoros, giving him some bonuses .


    Also, as historically, a powerful, pious , and succesfull King in the Reconquista can ask for an official recognition of his merits by the Pope, gaining the title of Shield of Christendom, or Athleta Christi :


    Thoses symbolises the prestige and the fame coming with such titles and characteristics, with all your neighbours looking at you with envy !
    Also, like the cultures in France for the 769 start dates , the Visigothic culture has been wiped out of Spain . As the mod leader said somewhere "Nobody spoke a word of Visigothic language, expect maybe some 9 random guys in Toledo ". So the culture has been renamed "Ibero-Roman" and incorporated in the Latin cultural group.

    (As a side note, since the Lombards had paradoxically a much more lasting influence in Italy than either the Visigothic or Frankish cultures, they were left as they are now).

    Also, on a totally unrelated note, a new commercial road has been added for the Western world !


    It is the famous Northern Italian-Flandres road, the heart of the western medieval economy. You can now build trade posts (renamed "Fair") on it. But be carefull, there can only be 2 provinces (one for each "branch" of the road) with the last tier of trade post (the Great Fair, inspired by the famous Champagne fairs) .

    With this road, having the control of the Flandres and Northern Italy is much more important, as historically.

    That is all for today ! Have a nice day !

    Credits : Faras, mod leader
    Mouchi & Mat, slav... collaborators
    And many other, who helped in a way or another
    Dernière modification par Valyrian_Knight01, 07-07-2017, 16h09. Motif: Erreur de screen

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  • Faras
    a répondu
    Bulgares, en cours :

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  • Faras
    a répondu
    Désolé de te répondre en retard : Tu as quelle version du jeu pour commencer ? Si le jeu n'est pas à jour, je crois que le mod ne marche pas.

    Sinon, les Serbes :

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  • Dragoris
    a répondu

    Je ne parviens pas à jouer au mod. Chaque fois, je coche bien la case pour jouer uniquement à ce mod, puis... plus rien. Sur Steam, le jeu passe de "jeu lancé" à plus rien, comme si ça avait quitté. Est-ce que ce bug vous dit quelque chose ?
    Merci !

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