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  • Rem
    a répondu
    Nouveau hotfix :

    - Fixed a serious issue where big cloud saves could become corrupted
    - Various changes to the EU4 converter for the EU4 v1.4 patch
    - Improved save compatibility feedback

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  • Rem
    a répondu
    Encore un petit hotfix aujourd'hui...le jeu passe en version 2.0.3 (checksum COWM)

    - Fixed crash when stepping around in the history
    - Locked date widget when loading ironman saves
    - Fixed crash with ironman saves in a different directory

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  • Magazin3D
    a répondu
    Oui et au moi celle la est dispo a partir du launcher de CK2 non-steam , la 2.0.1 ne l’étais pas et pendant un moment j'ai presque eu peur que Paradox annule les download direct !

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  • Rem
    a répondu
    Le patch 2.0.2 est maintenant disponible en version définitive (checksum LAAW). Plus d'infos ici.

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  • Magazin3D
    a répondu
    oulalal l'Horreur

    Enfin !!!! un Casus Beli pour déposé l'anti-pape!

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  • Rem
    a répondu

    Il m'a fallu totalement désinstaller le jeu (et virer tous les dossiers restants sur mon PC) pour régler le problème...j'avais un mod installé (les armoiries d'Arko) et même s'il n'était pas activé, c'est peut être bien lui qui m'a foutu le bazar. Bref, faites gaffe, c'est bel et bien de la bêta .

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  • Rem
    a répondu
    Un bon gros hotfix (bêta) pour corriger les petites merdouilles provoquées par le dernier patch et les erreurs dans l'extension :

    - Added a "Depose Antipope" Casus Belli
    - Added an "Antiking" faction. The leader usurps the liege's primary title, deposes the antipope and passes papal investiture. The Pope can be called into the resulting war.
    - Not possible to set up an antipope within 50 years of one being forcibly deposed
    - Fixed bug in Linux where the game became totally unplayable if you ALT+TAB
    - Now possible to play in Ironman mode with the ruler designer and mods (but you won't get achievements)
    - Significantly reduced the amount of event-spawned troops across the board to better reflect the rebalanced levies
    - Fixed crash bug in the Mac launcher

    - West African Pagans can no longer have higher CA than Low
    - Fraticelli now get investiture laws
    - Waived the non-neighboring rule for theocracy title grants, but made it moddable
    - Now allowed to grant one higher-than-duke tier title to a theocracy
    - Blocked granting away your capital county if you have moved your capital
    - Disallowed revoking and plotting to revoke a title that you just gave to someone
    - Antipopes now correctly lose the status if they change religion
    - Antipopes now lose their status if their liege is not the same religion
    - Fixed some memory and thread safety issues with the trigger 'check_variable'
    - Added a blocker flag to first generation Jewish courtiers, preventing conversion demands
    - Increased the revolt risk for wrong culture and religion a bit
    - Antipopes now have papal clothes
    - You now have to be independent to create an antipope
    - Added Jewish buildings
    - Added Jewish retinues
    - Fixed a bug with patricians pressing claims
    - Improved the "pagan converts to spouse's/concubine's religion" decisions to work with all heresies
    - Mending the schism is also now possible for Orthodox heresies that have taken over and become the main branch
    - Tweaked various religious events
    - Lowered the mean time to happen for certain story events
    - Fixed a bug with the de facto liege of primary holdings
    - Now patricians will be picked sometimes when using the random character button
    - Added trait "Battlefield Terrain Master"
    - Fixed bug where independent characters couldn't be assigned a religious title
    - Fixed issue where liege took barony vassals entire county as capital when he didn't own the county
    - Fixed missed check for unlanded when usurping title
    - Fixed crash bug when looking at religions in game setup
    - Corrected Orthodox patriarch name lists
    - Added missing reason tooltip for why you cannot make an antipope of a bishop of another religion
    - Added missing crusade names for some heresies
    - Fixed a bug with the ending of the Shepherds' Crusade
    - Fixed some triggers that weren't correctly checking for the Jewish religion group
    - Non-Jewish rulers with Jewish councillors can now get some special technology improvement events
    - Fixed a very rare crash in combat
    - Marriage, betrothal, and concubinage can no longer be arrange while imprisoned
    - Fixed bug in the Crusade CB where a courtier could not get the king title he deserved
    - There is now automatic peace with rebels if you get a complete victory
    - Fixed bug where the unit reorganization window didn't pop up and split of troops was not selected
    - Fixed the invasion CB for Muslims so it becomes invalid when the target converts religion
    - Fixed bug where a regiment managed to detach itself from its army completely
    - City and bishopric rulers can no longer get claims through inheritance
    - Corrected several heretic religion descriptions
    - Added some missing Fraticelli college of cardinal text
    - Added a minimum cap for bottleneck chokepoints

    - Made sure the Vikings have enough ships in 867
    - Strengthened 867 starting positions for Rurik, Dyre the Stranger and the Khazars
    - Added Jewish Khazar names
    - Made some minor fixes to male Iberian names

    - AI: Adjusted succession marriage reasoning
    - AI: Better at calculating odds of victory when attacking
    - AI: Should now be more careful about attacking with inferior numbers
    - AI: Will now re-raise its forces if current levies are significantly smaller than the potential amount it can raise
    - AI: Will now use the Spymaster to suppress factions
    - AI: Will now use the Chancellor to improve relations with vassal faction members
    - AI: More careful about appointing disgruntled Spymasters
    - AI: Will now always honor the terms of an existing betrothal

    - Triggers are now automatically sorted by their computation complexity so modders won't have to think about it
    - Added trigger 'is_recent_grant'
    - Exported 'matrilineal_marriages' flag to religion script (no longer hardcoded for Muslims)
    - Exported 'can_have_antipopes' flag to religions (now decoupled from 'investiture')
    - Added event target 'betrothed'
    - Added history command 'add_matrilineal_spouse'
    - Added trigger 'is_married_matrilineally'
    - Added support for the 'player_allow' trigger in factions
    - Added a configuration "mp_max_lead_days" which is defaulted at 7, this prevents the server from progressing more than a week ahead of the slowest player
    - Added do_not_disturb character flag to help optimize triggers and lock character availability for journeys, feasts etc
    - Added any_claimant effect
    - Fixed error with character and province event effect where they could not trigger cause they missed a trigger
    - Added a new -debugscripts command line option that will output our internal asserts of the triggers and effects so modders can see what went wrong with their scripts
    - Added EVENT_TROOPS_SIZE_MULT define as a global multiplier on match_mult
    - Fixed an issue with namespaces and how delayed event ids are saved
    - Fixed so duplicate entries of a character's ID won't create duplicate characters.
    - Added BOTTLENECK_CHOKE_TROOP_CAP in defines which defaults to 300

    - Fixed bug where province view was toggled when siege ended

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  • Wozan
    a répondu
    Plus je joue a la version 2.0 plus je me rend compte que c'est vraiment la MAJ qui se veut "équilibrage de l’expansionnisme".
    Par contre, des choses sont encore flous, quand il parle d'armée dans le territoire de jure est-ce par rapport au titre principal? titre secondaire? tous les titres?

    Je possède Britania + Hispanie en territoire.
    Mon OST des vassaux sera t-elle plus grande si je créer le titre empereur d’Hispanie étant donné que ça sera dans mon empire de jure? (dans ce cas empire de Britania et d'Hispanie)

    Je n'ai pas de partie pour le vérifier avec l'arrivé de l'Ironmode j'ai effacé toutes mes saves des mes anciennes grosses parties et actuellement je n'ai pas d'autre partie pour tester.

    Si quelqu'un peut éclairer ma lanterne!

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  • Larkh
    a répondu
    Je rencontre les mêmes problèmes, impossible de refaire mon rêve d'Empire Éthiopien...

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  • Magazin3D
    a répondu
    tres drole

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  • Hourstak
    a répondu
    Elle était facile celle la

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  • Azrock
    a répondu
    Envoyé par Wozan Voir le message
    Grosse Russie au nord et ouest, Empire byzantin au Sud d'Ouest, Empire arable au Sud.
    Empire arable? ils doivent avoir de bonne récolte là bas

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  • Captain Prussia
    a répondu
    Je confirmes j'ai quelques succès qui ne se sont pas activé >.<

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  • Rem
    a répondu
    Toujours pas mal de bugs reportés et confirmés par les développeurs, ce qui laisse entrevoir l'arrivée d'un nouveau hotfix dans quelques temps...quelques exemple :

    - Impossible de rembourser un emprunt aux Templiers
    - Plusieurs accomplissements Steam ne sont pas obtenus malgré l'atteinte des objectifs
    - ...

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  • Magazin3D
    a répondu
    Nah disons que je trouve ca plus difficile de partir a zéro ( comte ou petit duché) avec le malus de martial pour les troupe de levé ca crain, ca coûte plus chère mais c'est toujours aussi difficile avoir du fric dans les premiers 50 ans ( début old gods) et plus tot j'ai perdu une bataille de 5000 troupes vs leurs 3000 , terrain plat et aucune rivière , juste parce que le leader adverse du milieu avais 24 martial et moi le mien avait genre 11 .... lol

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