Le Nouvel Ordre : Version 1.1 « Cutting Room Floor »

Aujourd'hui, 21 NOVEMBRE, quatre mois après la sortie initiale de The New Order, voici la première version majeure qui sort et qui ajoute - ou plutôt rajoute - du contenu à plusieurs nations ainsi que de toutes nouvelles mécaniques. L'objectif de cette première mise à jour, ainsi que des prochaines sur le court et le moyen terme est de rajouter du contenu qui a dû être coupé de TNO pour avancer la sortie en se focalisant sur la première décennie couverte par le mod (1962-1972). Pour le cas de « Cutting Room Floor », c'est vraiment tout le contenu prévu juste avant la sortie. Bien entendu ces mises à jour verront aussi des refontes et l'apport de nouvelles mécaniques (notamment le système économique, de politique étrangère, de la simulation de la guerre froide entre les trois superpuissances...). La finalité de tout cela est de compléter entièrement cette première décennie avant de pouvoir avancer sur la suivante (1972-1982/4).
Pour cette version 1.1 voici ce qui sera au menu :
  • La totalité du contenu de Reinhard Heydrich, prétendant lors de la Guerre civile allemande - coupée avant la sortie, désormais vous pourrez déverser un cauchemar sans fin sur l'ensemble de l'Europe...
  • Du nouveau contenu d'après guerre en Afrique du Sud à la fois pour les colonies du Reich allemand et pour les mandats de l'OFN étatsuniens...
  • De nouvelles mécaniques diplomatiques et de démantèlement pour l'Allemagne de Bormann
  • De nouvelles mécaniques et focus liés à une crise au début des années 1970.
  • Les Présidents des Etats-Unis élus en 1972 auront désormais un arbre des focus sur leurs 100 premiers jours - donnant une meilleure idée de ce que donneront leurs présidences à l'avenir.
  • L'Allemagne et les Etats-Unis ont désormais leurs propres agences de renseignements avec leurs propres mécaniques. Ces mécaniques permettent de mieux représenter la façon dont la guerre froide a permis aux superpuissances de rapprocher certaines nations de leur côté en les cajolant ou en sabotant leurs ennemis.
  • Refonte de la Bataille pour l'Italie entre l'OFN et la Sphère de Co-prospérité.
  • Ces unificateurs russes se sont vu ajouté du contenu (événements, focus, missions, décisions etc.) qui avait dû aussi être coupé avant la sortie :
    • Nouvelles mécaniques pour la Russie ultravisionnaire, l'Eurasie
    • Nouvelles opportunités pour Magadan
    • Du contenu pour Novosbirisk, le Conseil révolutionnaire populaire
  • Du contenu partiel pour l'Irlande avec ses propres mécaniques, focus et événements.
  • Nouvelles mécaniques pour l'Angleterre collaboratrice, notamment pour s'occuper de la garnison de Cornwall.
  • Refonte de la politique étrangère des années 1970.
  • Ajouts de nouveaux événements et chaînes d'événements.
  • Et bien d'autres ajouts ou rajouts !

Le patchnote complet de la version 1.1.0a « Cutting Room Floor » (en Anglais !)

Major Additions
- Content for the Großafrikanisher Reichsstaat
- Content for the three OFN mandates in Africa (accessed via the USA)
- Content for the Central African Republic (accessed via the USA)
- New mechanic for Ultravisionary Russia, added the beginnings of new paths at the end of the game
- New mechanic for Eurasia, with several archaeological event chains
- 1 new path for Magadan, with 2 new mechanics (WerBell)
- Full content for 2 unifiers with their own paths and mechanics: Novosibirsk and the People's Revolutionary Council
- Several, several, several fixes to Göring that should make him much more playable now
- New diplomatic & dismantlement focus trees for Bormann
- New Oil Crisis focus tree & mechanic for Speer
- The RND has received a significant expansion in content, and Bormann now has his own version in form of the HVA
- Full content for Heydrich’s Germany
- Added epilogue trees to all 6 potential candidates in the 72 election. Providing a glimpse of their planned content
- Added a CIA mechanic allowing the player to influence how the cold war plays out by nudging certain countries towards US favorable paths/sabotaging enemies
- Reworked Battle for Italy to have a GUI and be more interactive and transparent
- Full 5 years content for Ireland including 3 mechanics, 150 focuses and 300 events
- New mechanic for Collab England to deal with the Cornwall Garriso
Reworked 1970s Foreign Policy tree and its decisions
- Around 150 new events, including a new event chain and 130+ flavor events
- Added progress bar to the Caudillo Popularity decision category so that the player knows the current balance of popularity
- Added a new game rule to prevent Diplo Crises from escalating to WW3
- Ceylon now starts independent from India

Minor Additions
- Various new portraits for African leaders
- New portrait for Hans Hüttig
- The OFN Mandates will now receive their own OOB instead of inheriting the RKs' ones
- Added Laser SPAA unit type for Ultravisionary Russia.
- SocIntern has been moved to a decision GUI
- Several Minister and General descriptions for some warlords
- Germany now annexes the Cornwall Garrison on the peaceful outcome for the crisis
- New "Pakt Observer" faction status for Sweden, Finland, Iran and Ceylon
- Germany can now steal oil from the Middle East during the Oil Crisis
- Speer can now send volunteers to the Middle East during the Oil Crisis
- Stefan Tiso now has a bio
- Germany now declares war on the Slave Revolt should Brandt, through his sheer sexiness alone, beat Schörner
- New Remer portrait
- New Speer 70s/natsoc portraits
- Added a world event for Speer's regime collapse
- Each German GCW contender now has a unique capitulation quote
- Added descriptions to the Cornwall Garrison's ideas that were missing them
- Response trees for all SAW outcomes for Goring
- The War Cabinet events and decision category for Goring
- Goring now has the ability to spend political power on experience points
- Minister and General descriptions for many important characters in Germany
- Flavor event expansion for Speer's Germany
- New flags for Schutzzone Germania and Göring's Germany
- Speidel's government in Germania is now Despotist
- Theodor Oberländer momentarily features in Germania
- Added several new flavour events for Bormann’s Germany
- Bormann's Poland/GGN diplo tree has been replaced with an event chain
- Bormann's Sweden and Finland diplo trees have been replaced with new extensive event chains
- Goering’s GCW2 & WPC are now functional
- Reworked George Wallace's welfare branch to be more populistic, racist and true to his character.
- Expanded Bennet’s interactions for crafting and passing a civil rights act.
- Added a response tree in cases where Thurmond became president
- Added various flavor events
- New system to pass the Civil Right Acts with Bennett
- New Kirkpatrick and Harrington Portraits
- Corresponding loc and events for the Battle for Italy
- Flavour events for Japan
- Unique English Content for Sealion 2
- More Welsh and Scottish World Events
- Added icons for all remaining Italy National Spirits.
- Added all missing focus icons
- Pictures and fixes for Italy-Greece events.
- Added loc for Dem Italy's Göring diplomacy tree.
- Added remaining missing loc for empire management events.
- Fixed loc for post-1969 CD, BN, and FD
- Added loc for Scorza's epilogue events.
- Added a bunch of flavor events, including some for Italy's space program.
- Added custom tooltips for Scorza's Greece event chain, and a few event pictures for Scorza and DC.
- Iberia can now declare war on Yves when he declares independence
- Added bios for several generals and admirals
- Restored a piece of cut content for the Frente Azul
- they will now ask to join the Pakt should they win the Wars
- Countries that join a faction now get automatically embargoed by the other two factions
- Iran now joins their supporter's faction once their civil war ends
- Implemented ministers and missing idea GFX for the microstate tags (Andorra, Monaco, the Vatican and San Marino)

Bug Fixes
- Fixed Ural Integration failsafe
- Fixed Anti-Salon decisions Increasing their popularity
- Fixed Tomsk name/flags being reset when a new Salon takes over
- Fixed Amur not getting Chita generals when they are integrating the territory
- Russian Unification Superevents won't display Ending screen for who is not Russia
- Nerfed Collapsed Omsk into the ground so they don't miraculously conquer West Russia again somehow
- Fixed various loc issues in several warlords (e.g. typos)
- Various misc bug fixes for the warlords
- Invasion notifications for focuses that were missing them
- Switzerland now gets proper laws and no longer decides to overturn ~700 years of democratic tradition by crowning a king because they beat Göring
- Ukraine now joins Speer's Pakt properly
- Ostland contenders who join Speer's Pakt are now properly displayed in the Zollverein GUI
- Speer Free Ukraine tree has GFX
- Restored some old effect tooltips for Speer's GCW tree that had been lost
- Germany won't send ultimatums to countries that no longer exist during WW3
- Rewrote the GCW city capture code to be less buggy
- The Copenhagen Talks world event is no longer too big for the event screen
- RK Kleinasien can actually get cores on Turkey now
- Iraq no longer takes over Göring's Germany (Changed GFX for a lot of Goering NatSpirits to something more German)
- Fixed Fall Rot breaking if the Workers Revolt succeeded in Central Siberia
- Speidel's Germany will no longer be taken over by a time traveling Speer during the GCW2
- Changed peace deals for Fall Rot that should allow the player to progress to WPC even if the Russian warlords have reached regional state
- Parts of the Fall Rot tree should no longer disappear randomly
- WP0- Touched up on some peace deals and decisions that prevented the player progressing to WPA
- Fixed Germany having Battleships researched, but not the "Resume Battleship development" technology
- Fall Blau peace deal now fires for both the Iberian wars tree and unified Iberia tree
- Removed some outdated foci in the Fall Blau tree, and fixed many existing effects
- Fixed the Schild naval invasions for good this time
- Speerite science no longer gives Zhdanov a run for his money with infinite research slots
- Speer's Free Ukraine reaction focus tree should correctly trigger now
- Fixed various effects adding to the wrong OFN unity variable
- Fixed a Goldwater event chain and bill not firing
- Thatcher is no longer racist to clams
- Made some English Events not appear where they should not
- Prevented England from stealing Ascension
- Several small bug fixes
- Fixed Scorza's natspirits and added proper titles for them.
- Fixed Croatian world events not firing.
- Fixes to Dem Italy's military tree and Italy's intervention in the Oil Crisis.
- Fixed prerequisite of "Labor Camps" Levant focus
- Fixed some of Italy's focus tooltips
- Italy's Levantine Imperial Investment will now drop to 0 if it is couped.
- Margaret Chase Smith will no longer use backwoods Maine witchery to turn the NPP into a 60 unity hive mind
- The correct debate should pop up in the 72 elections
- Fixed Bennett Silver Act senate support calculations
- Fixed microstates colors

Balance Changes
- Increased Tomsk regional tree Focuses time
- Important Tomsk regional focuses will need Duma approval to be taken
- RFK Liberalism less likely to convert the entire world to the science of Progressive Kennedism
- Conservative Bennett now always removes Jim Crow
- AI-America commits more "advisors" to South Africa
- AI-LBJ send even more "advisors" to South Africa
- Rebalanced various popularity effects
- Speer's Germany is now considerably harder to play, depending on the path
- The Oil Crisis now hits harder for Bormann
- Bormann can no longer fully rid himself of the effects of the Oil Crisis
- Bormann's "Shellshocked Wehrmacht" modifier effect on Command Power has been severely reduced
- Goring's army focus tree buffs have been nerfed to more reasonable levels
- The Anti-Heydrich Pact should now fire later
- Tweaked English Generals and Admirals
- Increased Ireland's Population
- England AI Improvements
- Göring can no longer ignore England, should they be in the OFN
- Electing the LibDem party is now easier
- Reduced the amount of Military Hostility in the LibDem tree
- Gibraltar Dam now takes more time to complete and is more expensive to do so
- Nerfed Falangist Spain in the Iberian Wars
- Buffed military revolt in the Iberian Federation
- The South African War has been rebalanced a bit

QoL Improvements
- Moved Tomsk Duma Mechanic to a Full GUI
- Duma Approval is Displayed directly on the Duma screen
- Duma screen will show how much Representatives currently approves the government
- If West Russia unifies early, Onega can be invaded/negotiated with by decision, and the remainder of the West Russian expansion tree skipped.
- Some tweaks to Tomsk expansion decisions
- Updated ministers for several Komi rightists
- Added missing ministers for the Vyatka paths
- Bunch of redone Russia focus icons, as well as new ones for several warlords
- Changed some Far East VP values (e.g. Omolon and Kamchatka's)
- Added tooltips explaining what the outcomes of a certain lederhosen discussion do
- RFK decision menu now provides information on how liberal/conservative he is seen as being.
- Added GUI arrows on the Grossraum to make the slider options more clear
- RND/HVA investment is now automatic
- Made nuclear destruction not trigger if the world is already undergoing a nuclear war to prevent CPU's dying
- DLC made a little easier to navigate
- General bugfixes and event implementation
- Added decisions that allow for monthly purchasing of supplies
- Tree reloads won't reset the current Focus

Other Changes
- Added hundreds of new flavor events for various Russia paths
- Added a more coherent story for Ultravisionary Russia
- Added dozens of new icons in a unique style for Ultravisionary Russia's focus tree
- Several foci and events for the SBA have been rewritten to have a more consistent quality
- Removed the English OFN/Pakt mechanic for now
- Göring has trucked his fat ass from Kiel to Breslau
- The Einheitspakt now has its proper name
- You can now recuperate a fraction of pre-OC GDP growth as Speer's Germany
- Speer's AI is now weighted to retake Crimea only once Ukraine is back in the Pakt
- Converted some Fall Rot foci into decisions and reduced it's focus duration from 28 days to 14 days
- GCW 2 cabinets for CLN, ARC, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Aktau
- Moved Bormann's Ukraine, Moskowien and Kaukasien diplo trees to Phase 1
- Werner Mummert will now be in charge of the GCW2 collapse Lithuanian warlord (replacing Harald Hirshfeld) and Harald Hirshfeld will replace Armin Zimmermann as the head of the Austrian warlord state
- Yockey and Hall are now National Socialist and Authoritarian Socialist respectively.
- Goldwater no longer gets a reduction to the depression spirit from breaking the law, instead he has to do an epic EPA
- Thurmond and LeMay can now do the NPP foreign policy tree if they have finished their main trees
- No more generic starting admiral for the US - Merged some Cornwall National Spirits, and gave them descriptions.
- Hid some of Italy's Empire Management events so their titles won't spoil the plot.
- Changed the names of some Levantine Victory Points.
- Italy can now properly influence the Jerusalem Peace Conference.
- The Oil Crisis won't happen anymore if WW3 breaks out
- Lack of political power won't prevent the superpowers from launching their nuclear arsenals anymore
- WW3 can no longer end in a white peace
- New Iberian Wars superevent music
- New unification superevents for Russia, plus tweaks and additions for every single one of the older ones
- Added unique pictures for most Russian unification superevents
- Tweaked Thatcher's British unification superevent music

Collection d'images


Les nouvelles mécaniques du Grand Reich Africain, royaume chauchemardesque d'Huttig...

Aperçus de la République d'Irlande au début du jeu...

... et quelques années plus tard.

La Fédération de Novosibirsk était l'un des unificateurs laissé pour compte au moment de la sortie. Voici l'un de ses arbres de focus !

En tant que coeur industriel de la Sibérie et héritière du plan de développement soviétique de Boukharine, Novosibirsk a des mécaniques intéressantes...

L'Allemagne de Bormann et de Speer pourront mettre en place leurs propres agences de renseignement leur permettant de mettre en action leurs politiques étrangères face au Japon et aux Etats-Unis...

L'un des mandats de l'OFN que les Etats-Unis peuvent mettre en place après la guerre sud-africaine... Certainement la voie pour ramener la paix et la stabilité sur le continent africain...

En politique étrangère ou face aux crises... des situations exceptionnelles nécessitent souvent des réponses appropriées...

Qui dit Guerre Froide, dit CIA. Qui dit CIA, dit... méthodes intéressantes

L'Italie peut devenir le terrain de jeu féroce entre les différentes superpuissances qui chercheraient à la courtiser... Une brêche assurée dans le mur de fer européen.

Voici un aperçu de l'autre seigneur de guerre potentiellement unificateur russe qui a fait l'objet d'une attention particulière pour cette nouvelle version.

Il est entendu qu'un "état" forgée dans le fer, le sang, l'esclavage, l'opression orwélienne ne peut être qu'un paragon de stabilité, n'est ce pas ...?

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