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  • #61
    Demain ou dans les quelques jours qui suivent, il y a une exposition (dont je ne me souviens plus le nom) où les développeurs de Rome 2 seront là pour ça. Mais pour ce qui ne touche pas au modding mais à la vidéo rendez vous plutôt sur ce sujet : http://www.mundusbellicus.fr/forum/s...-Images/page10


    • #62
      On aurait quand même AMHA au moins une dizaine de villes modélisées, même en étant pessimiste.

      Envoyé par lombrenoire Voir le message
      Même si c'est bien possible, la perfidie a des limites, quand même !
      Alors là il me vient un seul truc :


      • #63
        Ban, ok, j'ai été naïf. Mais ça doit être parce que j'étais de bonne humeur cet aprèm.


        • #64
          Il y a qqch que je n'ai pas bien compris, en ce qui concerne la sortie du code De RTW. Qu'est-ce que cela implique?

          EDIT : Surl es villes : plusieurs points de capture confirmés, c'est vraiment une bonne nouvelle.
          Envoyé par daniu
          No battle UI; like I said, AI controlled both sides. Also wasn't the full battle, was cut off. Map is huge and it would have taken really long.
          There isn't a single capture point anymore, but several across the city, attacker has to have the majority.

          No civilians, calculation complexity would explode, and I believe it. The map is massive!
          Dernière modification par Arandir Tur-Anion, 26-09-2012, 21h14.


          • #65
            Le code source de RTW ne sera jamais rendu public. Deux demandes à SEGA relayée par TWC (dont une était de mon initiative pour M2TW/RTW ) ont été refusées. Là il était question d'un type de fichiers (les .sav), mais il était bien question de TWRII, seulement comme Taw n'avait pas précisé qu'il parlait des fichiers .sav on s'est tous dit qu'il parlait du code source de Rome premier du nom, alors que non. C'est un peu complexe (d'où le cafouillage) mais non tu ne verras pas le code source de RTW publié.


            • #66
              Yes, they explicitly said so. They also said they did try with that with a big grin on their face

              I must reiterate that you had the feeling all the time of how much everybody at CA is very proud of and have their heart and souls invested in TW. They love what they do and they want to do it the best they can.

              There were some words from one of the people responsible for budgeting and he explained about the economical issues with modding (before you get the wrong impression: you could tell he also loved TW. But they wanted to and it was interesting to hear that side of the story; after all, there is such a thing as a reality to deal with).
              The thing about the point that "supporting modding is also good for sales" may be true or not; the team doesn't even really care as such (mostly I think they believe it). Rather, from a their gamer's point of view - which they had a good amount of the time because they all are gamers - they were aware of and amazed by what some modders have put out there. The problem is that for them to support it, they need to include it in their budget, and they need to get money for it from their investors. Investors don't give money out for free, so there needs to be a justification. So CA goes "it's ultimately good for sales and will bring in more money in the long run", the investors is going to ask how much... and that's exactly it: there just is no amount that can be connected to it. People handling money need to fill numbers into spreadsheets, and "pretty much (probably)" just isn't a number.
              The fact that they somehow did manage to cut out money to make that summit possible (and make no mistake, that's a pretty big whopper by itself for only a day) must once again be stressed. I really hope the released tools will give S2 modding a big boost and it does pay off for CA.
              Sinon j'essayerai demain de faire un récapitulatif de tout ce qui s'est dit


              • #67
                Ca s'annonce en tout cas plutôt positif autant pour RII que pour le modding! Mais je me demandais! C'est quoi comme mod TAW car au début j'ai cru que c'étai third age mais je me suis bien fait feinté!


                • #68
                  Euh...je c'est une personne en fait, enfin un moddeur quoi .
                  Dernière modification par Rem, 27-09-2012, 06h27.


                  • #69
                    Envoyé par .Mitch.
                    Home now, I haven't slept since 10am on Tuesday... I'll be happy if I never have to take another train ever.. unless it's back to CA HQ, then I would. :tongue:

                    Well, I guess I owe it to everyone who would have liked to have gone to the summit but couldn't to make this thread, by now you guy's know the main headlines, so as I'm writing this I'm wondering what to write about.. I'll basically let you guys into my day, what I did, what I saw and what I thought. I appologise if it gets a bit long winded, I'm about to regurigitate my recent memory and then sleep for a couple of days

                    Let the story begin... our entrepid adventurer arrives at CA HQ.

                    I take the elevator up to the first floor, a pretty receptionist greets me and leads me through to the summit room, I take a seat and Will offers me a cup of tea. I'll tell you guys now that it's very sureal being in the company of the people behind the game series that has most influenced my gaming life.

                    I shake hands with everyone and meet my fellow Modders, bobbin, Daniu and Taw, all great guys. We give brief intro's and Jamie Ferguson, lead designer on Shogun 2, gives me a nod of approval when mentioning The Great War mod and its tanks (he really likes tanks, who doesn't?).

                    Everyone takes their seat and we get started.. (I'm the guy top right in the blue)

                    ..we start with a talk about the business side of things, Rob (Rob Bartholomew, Brand Director) very much (self admitingly) taking the role of the evil corperate guy at this point explains to us how modding is taken into consideration when looking at the business side of things, he just confirms what I and most others already knew, CA and Sega are comapanies created to make money (oh em gee shock horror), they need to have their main focus being on making money else everything would fall apart, and sometimes that can just lead to things such as helping the modding community or making tools becoming not a feasible or finacially viable option.

                    One thing I should point out is that these guys were genuine, they turned up as themselves and had no hidden agenda, I believe they really do actually love modding and they want it to expand and grow massive, each of them was excited to have this summit happen.

                    Next up the much famous Jack Lusted steps up to show us his powerpoint presentation, first announcment is shown to be that there will be Steam Workshop intergration, people will be able to create and upload their own historical battles and have others download them. A nod of approval goes around the room, and you can see all of the modders taking in what it means to have this new frontier of modding now opened.

                    As we all discuss this Jack fails miserably and misclicks his powerpoint taking it to the next slide, this slide sets the tone for the whole day and as we all remarked is honestly far beyond our wildest expectations of this summit. The slide ofcourse details the release of CA created modding tools.
                    The first bulletpoint that grabs my attention is that of the model conversion software, having been part of a team that waited a very long time to be able to use new models I know just how massive this is. The next item to catch my eye is the word "campaign", at this point Jack is frantically spamming buttons on his control to go back a slide but to no avail, "a campaign reprocessor" even if at this stage I wasn't 100% what that was, it sounded epic, and then the realisation that we'll now be able to edit the most desired areas of modding, the campaign and the models, sets in. It's quite a shock and it leaves us all quite speechless for a while.

                    We now discuss with Guy Davidson (Coding Manager) all of the 'extra' formats that are less well known, for the first time I understand the idea behind what a CS2 file is. We talk about LUAC and discuss the scripting aspect of the games.
                    We talk about BOOB and what it is and does. Oops.. I mean BOB.. (Build On One Click).. They weren't allowed to call one of their tools BOOB, but there is one called Attila, DaVE and one called Terry, basically think of a name, they probably have a tool with that name.

                    Elliott Lock (TEd creator) comes down to have a chat with us about TEd and how we think it's been recieved and what the Steam Workshop will mean for it. We rather rudely keep him waiting and continue chatting to Guy about various technical things, poor Elliott sits there for ages until we eventually give him a chance to let him do his part. :tongue:

                    Next we talk about how we are all very hungry, Ice Cream Wednesday gets its first mention, there is uproar in the summit. Craig and Will shoot off to order us some Pizza. Pizza takes ages to come, so random history discussions break out.

                    The lead campaign AI guy pops down to answer our questions and say hello, we talk about if factions actively seeking to capture their victory conditions, Craig suggests that Turkey should capture Wales, this upsets me. The Pizza's arrive! The reporter from Rock, Paper, Shotgun gets angry because a Pizza has pineapple on it.:tongue:

                    While munching on our pizza the computer with the Rome2 demo arrives, we watch the battle of Carthage unfold between two AI in a live demo, needless to say I made a mess in my pants. There was one point where we used the third person unit camera to get right down into the action, at the top of a siege tower we wait with the guys as the ramp is about to drop just like D-Day, you feel the thud of the ramp hit the stone and the guys charge out of the tower, it was amazing. I definatly had goosebumps throughout the entire live demo. And apparantly we were seeing a much out of date version to boot!

                    Ice cream arrives! We grab a cab down to the mocap studio, there is one seat short in the cab. We give Craig an ice cream and make him walk. Taw finds a replica musket used in the mocap studio and decides to start playing with it near the multiple thousand £ cameras, tense!

                    We head back up to summit room, Daniu has to leave to catch his flight. The rest of us gather the troops and head down to the pub! First round is on CA, actually come to think of it so was every round. :laughter:

                    After a day full of stuff to take in it is really nice to just sit down and relax and have random chit chat with a few pints.

                    I'd just like to finish by saying I wish you guys could have been there, it was one of the most sureal and enjoyable experienes I've had in, well, ever. I'll never be able to convey to you guys with words how friendly, genuine and amazing everyone I met was. These people love their jobs, and as Will accuratly put it, in some jobs people don't really give a shite, but in this job the giving a shite-o-meter is off the scale, they care about their work a lot.

                    The truth is that as a modder/tool maker/fan/player there wasn't much we had to do, CA have given us what we've always wanted now, as Craig put it, where we go from here is very much up to us.

                    It was an honor and a pleasure to be invited, these are truthfully memories I'll keep forever, thank you to everyone who put effort into making it happen and as for the summit..

                    Modding Summit: Success

                    Here's to the next one? :whistling
                    En cours de traduction


                    • #70
                      Voila pour la trad :

                      On commence avec un discours sur l'aspect financier de tout cela. Ke directeur commercial explique comment le modding est pris en considération lorsqu'on regarde le jeu sous l'angle financier. Il explique, et est honnête sur ce point, les différentes obligations financières, de vente pour un jeu et le fait que créer des outils prends du temps et donc coûte de l'argent.

                      Il faut souligner que ces gars connaissent leur boulot, jamais une note, même pour les aspects les plus techniques, ils étaient tous super content d'être là et de parler modding.

                      Ensuite le fameux Jack Lusted arrive et fait la première annonce : intégration du Steam workshop.
                      Pendant que l'on discute, Jack se plante avec le powerpointe et passe au diapo suivant, or celui-ci indique le ton du modding sur toute la journée, qui est bien plus loin les espérances de tous les moddeurs. Ce diapo détaille les nouveaux outils.

                      Le premier point explique la création d'un outil de conversion des modèles. Le second mot qui m'attire est celui avec "campagn", à ce moment Jack matraque sa souris pour revenir au diapo précédent, mais j'ai assez de temps pour lire "campaign reprocessor" même si je ne savais pas encore ce que c'était.

                      On discute maintenant avec Guy Davidson (responsable du codage) tous les formats qui sont moins connus. Le premier sera le CS2, ensuite le LUAC et sur le scripting du jeu.

                      Elliott Lock (TEd) discute à propos de TEd et sur notre réception de l'outil. Mais malheureusement pour lui on est majoritairement intéressés par Guy et du coup il reste assis attendant qu'on lui pose des questions sur son boulot !

                      Le directeur de l'IA de campagne vient répondre à des questions, il explique du fait que les factions essayent de capturer leurs conditions de victoire.

                      Pendant que l'on mange, l'ordi avec les démos de Rome 2 arrive, on regarde la bataille de Carthage entre deux IA sur une démo en live. Ils nous montrent un moment où l'on prend la caméra à la 3ème personne pour l'immersion.

                      Ensuite il est temps d'aller au studio de motion capture. Puis direction le pub.


                      Modding Summit:


                      • #71
                        Sure, it's not officially live yet, but you can get to it at wiki.totalwar.com - this has been something we've been planning for about two years to help with collaboration and documentation... so relieved it's finally going live (even if typing so much into it is making mine and Will's fingers hurt!)

                        It'll go officially live this afternoon and we're planning to let the community edit it in the next couple of weeks (we have a couple of technical hurdles to overcome first).
                        Ca fait environ deux ans qu'ils bossent sur ce type de projet


                        • #72
                          Bon, les moddeurs ont l'air réellement satisfaits de cette rencontre. Il n'y a plus qu'à espérer maintenant...


                          • #73
                            Bah on verra ça dans les semaines qui suivent, le temps de décortiquer tout ça, mais pour le coup je peux dire que j'ai repris confiance en CA. Et il faudrait être vraiment de mauvaise foi pour dire l'inverse.


                            • #74
                              Et il faudrait être vraiment de mauvaise foi pour dire l'inverse.

                              Maintenant il faut attendre les actes de CA et les applications concrètes qui en découleront dans les mois qui suivent. Pour le moment ça reste dans le domaine du beau discours.


                              • #75
                                Si les outils valent le coup ils ont moyen de regagner la confiance de beaucoup de monde c'est sûr.

                                Mais il faudrait qu'ils se mettent dans la tête que certes, la création d'outils de modding coûte de l'argent mais que les mods font vendre ! Aaaah cette politique du "faire de l'argent tout de suite !" .

