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  • #46
    Quand on vit en Suède, aussi......


    • #47
      Envoyé par Lunarc Voir le message
      Quand on vit en Suède, aussi......
      Quoi? J'habite dans une ville, pas en plein milleu de nulle part. J'ai une bonne connexion d'internet, qui ne pose jamais de problèmes, sauf pour ce forum. Je pourrais être le hôte de parties GPO sans problèmes, sauf que les horaires ou les dates ne me conviennent jamais.
      Dernière modification par Loup, 06-04-2015, 07h13.


      • #48
        Envoyé par Gigau
        A little update : we plan on taking back the idea of releasing a patch every sunday.

        Unfortunately that won't work for the first two sundays :
        Easter sunday : not quite finished, so it'll be released on Easter monday (a day off here) afternoon (CET).
        New sunday (12-apr) : i'm away with wife and friends, should be back on wednesday 15-apr...
        Following sunday (19-apr) : we are organising a big barbecue with a couple hundred people coming...

        All in all, while we do plan on having our regular patch release schedule, the month of April will be a little hectic.
        5 caractères


        • #49
          Sinon toujours ce problème d'interface
          Et Nijato je n'ai pas trouvé le low res module


          • #50
            Envoyé par Mars Voir le message
            Sinon toujours ce problème d'interface
            Et Nijato je n'ai pas trouvé le low res module
            Ici : https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum...module.847951/


            • #51
              Paradox Interactive Forums - Error
              You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

              Pourtant je suis inscris.


              • #52
                Ton jeu est enregistré?


                • #53
                  Non, c'est pour ça ?


                  • #54
                    Oui c'est pour ça.


                    • #55
                      Merci, ça marche enfin


                      • #56
                        Comment télécharger ce mod ? Je n'arrive à l'installer via steam et le forum de Paradox a supprimé le sujet. Quelqu'un pourrait mettre le mod en téléchargement direct ? Merci.


                        • #57
                          Envoyé par Lyseron Voir le message
                          Comment télécharger ce mod ? Je n'arrive à l'installer via steam et le forum de Paradox a supprimé le sujet. Quelqu'un pourrait mettre le mod en téléchargement direct ? Merci.
                          J'ai pas peiné à le retrouver ...

                          Sinon mis à part ça, je serai intéressé pour tenté une petite PPO sur le mod. Si vous êtes intéressé envoyer moi un MP


                          • #58
                            Moi je serai bien intéressé


                            • #59
                              Le nouvel arbres des doctrines de MEIOU, révélé par Zimxavier!
                              N'ouvrez point ce spoiler, vous qui voulez gardez la surprises pour votre première partie!


                              • #60
                                En effet, voici le contenu du patch 1.19.02, sorti aujourd'hui!
                                Fixed a loop in Swedish missions to conquer Estonia, Latvia and Pommerania.
                                Fixed a crash bug with Portuguese mission to conquer Indian provinces.
                                Added back colonial growth bonuses from dip tech to hopefully alleviate abysmal colonisation rates.
                                The Danish Obudshaer unit should now properly appear for Denmark
                                The Druze, Ibadi and Wahhabi religions now get access to the fourth Holy War CB like most religions do
                                Fixed a rare issue with Atua colonies being impossible to convert
                                The religious minority system should now require fewer checks per province
                                Reverted artillery back to 1000/regiment as it was not working quite as desired.
                                Adds several monastic events for Catholics
                                The Protestants should now be able to win the League War
                                Adds an event to simulate the Treasure Fleet spreading Islam
                                Strong Caliphs now get an extra diplomatic relationship
                                Catholics now get an extra diplomatic relationship instead of a diplomat
                                New NUS flag by Fus87.
                                Reordered CAS idea selection..
                                Expulsions have been consolidated into a single decision by popular request.
                                Majaphit no longer gets Wrath of God.
                                Indonesia countries now all Austronesian tech group.
                                Trastamara has Castilian NIs now.
                                Changed Theravada Buddhism bonus from mercenary pool to mercenary cost in order not to inflate their forcelimit.
                                Halved impact of tolerance on local autonomy change.
                                Claims no longer automatically give gaining_control, instead they give 0.8 MTTH modifier to coring events. You no longer loose claims on owned provinces. This also makes missions that give gaining_control more valuable.
                                Slightly buffed gaining_control effects so that they are indeed a midpoint between no-core and full-core.
                                Removed AI -50% coring cost and instead added an event that grants them half of ADMP spent back. Further refinements pending.
                                Base time to fabricate claims reduced from 3 years to 2 years.
                                TRADE_ADDED_VALUE_MODIFER 0.1 => 0.75.
                                TRADE_PROPAGATE_DIVIDER 7.5 => 5.
                                Adjusted ostsiedlung MTTH modifier.
                                Yamasee in present-day South Carolina renamed Cusabo.
                                Timurid tag now has access to the Persia Unification casus belli.
                                Slightly nerfed Westernisation rebels and decreased chance of them spawning.
                                Ported El-Dorado events (exploration and 7 cities).
                                Added Sicily to the War of Two Peters.
                                Added 10% base tax efficiency.
                                Ported festivities event from MEIOU.
                                Some fixes to Chernichov and Brandenburg history.
                                The Inuit are now considered Animists instead of Tengriists.
                                Several events which convert religion now check that the country is not force-converted first.
                                Conversion decisions which reduced missionary strength now reduce the number of missionaries instead.
                                It should now be clearer to players why a papal action is not available to them.
                                Countries of a unique religion now start the game with the Sword of Faith modifier to keep them alive.
                                Egypt no longer becomes Coptic in the fantasy scenario (oops).
                                The Donation of Constantine now removes the owner's core (temporarily) and guarantees the papal state.
                                Adding a center of reformation to a province now makes it far more likely that province will convert to that religion.
                                Added a third option to the Apostasy event if you have a theologian or inquisitor.
                                Reduces the number of cardinals the Papal Controller gets.
                                The annulment event chain no longer costs the victim stability (and opinions should reflect the right country now).
                                The Supreme Lama should no longer be infinitely spawned.
                                Hides one maintenance event from players.
                                Most heretic events now use heretic modifiers instead of choosing a random religion.
                                Adds Marine infantry to the USA.
                                Fixes a bug in the Sunni heresy event which was causing province religion to be calculated improperly.
                                Increases the chance the pope will consider your dispensation, especially as time goes on.
                                The Catholic religion once again gives +1 upkeep instead of +1 diplomat.
                                Adds Alawite minorities to Syria.
                                The Mayan religion has been added to the mod.
                                The West African Spiritualist religion has been added to the mod.
                                Force-conversion of minorities has been turned into a single decision instead of 36 separate decisions.
                                Adds nine new monastic events for Catholics.
                                The Protestants can now actually win the League Wars (oops).
                                Adds an event to simulate the Treasure Fleet spreading Islam in Indonesia.
                                Some tweaks to idea group modifiers (most importantly, removing constant 100 AT combo).
                                Some tweaks&fixes to several missions. Added missions for Lithuania to help them reconquer their starting cores.
                                Vitebsk and Nevel owned by Lithuania at game start.
                                Russia is now inland node.
                                Reduced base caravan_power.
                                Formation of Germany and HRE now correctly accepts all Germanic cultures.
                                Added more governments to custom nation designer.
                                Added 0.75 MTTH for culture change with ostsiedlung for Latvian provinces.
                                Added 0.75 MTTH for culture change from east_elbian and pommeranian to prussian.
                                Adjusted Turkish idea group selection.
                                Event for Tyrol to be inherited by Austria now set to be "fire_only_once".
                                Ported the Vanilla Thrity Years' War events.
                                All idea groups that require other now require the prerequisite groups to be at least 50% filled (meaning 4 or more ideas researched).
                                Fixed a loop-hole in the "The DYNASTYNAME shogunate has fallen !" event.
                                The japan.2 event now properly removes obsolete modifiers.
                                Fixed triggers of the decision to grab or to take over the Shogunate.
                                If shogun refuses to yield his title when a diamyo tries to take over, his vassals gain 15% liberty desire.
                                Fixed the unite_japan_diamyo" decision.
                                When erbkaisertum is passed, vassal electors no longer lose electorship.
                                Transfer electorship events are now major.
                                allow_vassal_war vassals are now referred to as "Daimyo or autonomous vassal" instead of "Daimyo".
                                Better calculation of Papal Authority (including whether the HRE is Catholic or not)
                                Piety should now work properly with the new idea group system
                                Countries should no longer be able to spam annulment requests
                                Papal Controllers now get more control over the pope's decision for annulments
                                Fixed a loophole in which a pagan country that permitted Christians but oppressed them could get no options in one event when conquering a province in Greece
                                Should fix the Royal Patronage modifier for the Papal States reported on the forums
                                Removes a number of inappropriate modifiers when a country changes religion
                                The Papal States will no longer try to give itself a cardinal in the same province repeatedly.
                                Some experimental changes to how Reformed spreads in Catholic and Protestant countries
                                Makes the Hussite Wars last a little longer by adding some duration checks to two events
                                Makes the Taborite event worse if Bohemia is doing very well in the Hussite Wars
                                Changes the way foreign pressure is handled in the Foreign Pressure event for the Hussite Wars
                                The beginning of the Hussite Wars will add modifiers to captured provinces, and will convert slightly more people in them
                                The AI is more likely to accept conversion to Reformed in the Nationalism event
                                The Reformed Nationalism event spawns patriots rather than Reformed rebels
                                Makes it more likely larger empires will suffer religious turmoil during the Reformation
                                It should be slightly clearer how to win the first league war
                                Fixes a broken event in E - Colonial (it was trying to use the wrong religions/variables for religions).
                                Typo was preventing Judaism from being tolerated in cases where pagans owned many Jewish provinces, because, you know, that happens SO much at game start.
                                Starting pagan tolerance levels are now set properly
                                Added events for king or emperor-level monarchies to secure a peace treaty with a royal marriage.
                                Added the Genoese holdings in Crimea to the Pontus region.
                                Tweaked the Roman Asia region.
                                Roman Asia province now convert to Greek instead of Cappadocian.
                                Added the Treaty of Perpetual Peace for England and Scotland.
                                Added the Union of the Crowns event for England and Scotland.
                                Added the Act of Union decision for England.
                                French decisions reform the kingdom (Jacques Coeur and Permanent Army) no longer require to be at peace.
                                Added an exception for Turko-Byzantine culture spread to not require the bordering culture trigger.

