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  • Bon, j'ai corrigé pas mal de fautes d'anglais et traduit ce qui ne l'était pas (sauf la bulle d'excommunication du Pape ) . Du coup, ça donne ça :


    (D'ailleurs j'ai traduit le texte des screens, je l'ajouterais aux lignes de codes quand j'aurais les lignes en question )


    • Bon , mon cher petit Farassounet, j'ai rédigé un début de prototype de Dev Diary (centrés sur les mécanismes liés à l'Empire Romain ). Dis moi ce que tu en penses , et si j'ai ton assentiment (et que tu me donnes les screens appropriés ) , je pense que je pourrais le poster.


      This mod is being developped since ~2014 by a very devoted mod team, primarily by Faras, a young French historian . This mod's objective is to enhance drammatically the historicity of the game (because let's be honest, ck2 is NOT historically accurate ). To achieve this, a total rework, from implementing the Investiture controversy to a rework of the entire military system, is needed. Every changes lean on historical documents and the works of recognized historians, to allow us to better understand the way of thinking of people during the middle ages.

      Given the sheer size of the mod, several devs diaries will be necessary to explain its mechanics. Today, we will talk about the legacy of Rome in the Christian world .


      The Roman Empire and its legacy is extremely present in both the western and eastern christiannity. Medieval thinkers often refer to the Roman glory , its language (Latin is the Langua Franca of Western Europe) , and its ideology. For the medieval world , the Roman Emperor is the highest temporal authority you can think of .

      To be exact, the only "Empire" ever referenced is the Roman Empire. Sometimes it can be split, or under the guidance of two Emperors, but it is the sole Empire. At the time, the word "Empire" was taken in the Roman sense (claiming universality, which means that the Empire is the political structure which rules the universe), and not as lightly as we do today. The Roman Emperor is the rightfull ruler of the Earth, and he has no equals , only subjects or subjects-to be (As claimed Frederic II of the HRE for exemple ) . The Empire, Roman and christian (the two are often associated) , will rule them all !

      To reflect this, every Empire in the Christian world other than the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzanine Empire has been definitively removed . If you are a christian, the only way to be an Emperor is to take the Eastern or the Western Empire.


      The Holy Roman Empire

      The "Holy Roman Empire" (renamed "Imperium Romanum", as it was called in theses times ) is widely recognized in the West as the continuation of the Roman Empire, restored by Charlemagne in 800 and then by Otto in 962. It is the temporal head of christiannity, and several mechanics , which were not present in the base game, has been added.

      First, Van Diemmen's mod has been added, with some modifications : the elected Emperor cannot change any law of the Empire and has maluses of opinion with his vassals, until he is crowned officially Emperor of Romans by the Pope. Every new Emperor will have to be crowned by the Pope in order to rule the Empire.

      Accordingly to the Empire's ideology, under specific conditions, the Holy Roman Empire can claim temporal superiority over the christian monarchs, and thus reclaim all the lands which belonged to the Western Roman Empire : first the Kingdom of France, and then everything from Iberia to England.. If he manages to do it, he will be able to reform the Roman Empire , if you own the DLC Legacy of Rome.


      On the other contrary, if the Empire is weak , a powerfull catholic ruler can ask for the Roman Crown to the Pope , which wil lead to a war over the Imperial throne against the current elected Emperor.


      There are also specific mecanism for each start dates . For exemple, in the 769 start date, there are no Imperium Romanum. However, if a christian ruler is powerfull enough and hold sufficient territories while the Byzantine Emperor is a child , a woman or a heretic, the Pope can decide that the Roman throne is vacant, and that a new Roman Emperor needs to be crowned to lead christiannity (as it was the case historically). Thus, if an agreement is reached with Constantinople after the Renovatioo Imperii in the West, you can create the HRE (or Imperium Romanum), and most of Western Europe wil become De Jure yours .


      For the 867 start, the King of Italy is also the Imperator Semper Augustus of the Imperium Romanum. However, if the Empire is too weak and does not hold enough territories, the Pope can refuse to crown an Emperor, which will lead to the vacancy of the Empire. If a catholic monarch is powerfull enough, he can proclaim the Renovatio Imperii , as Otto II did in 962, becoming the new Roman Emperor.

      The compromise of 812

      In the year 812, the Basileus Michael and the Imperator Semper Augustus Charlemagne negociated to determine where their respective sphere of influence stopped. It was said that the Eastern Empire will keep southern Italy and Venice, while the Western Empire will have the nothern Italy. However , if an Empire is strong and the other weak, the strong can break the compromise and claim the other's part of Italy (gaining a "reconquest" cassus belli on the other's part) .


      The Byzantine Empire

      The Byzantine Empire (renammed "Basileia tôn Rhômaiôn" , Empire of the Romans), is the original bearer of the Roman legacy before Charlemagne claimed it . It is widely recognized in the orthodox world as the avatar of the Roman power, but many are thoses who seek to take the wealth of Constantinople...

      The Byzantine Empire possess a wide variety of wonderfull internal politics and conflicts, but I think we will need an entire other Dev Diary to talk about it . So, let's focus on the legacy of rome .

      The Byzantine Empire can , if the Basileus Autokrator is powerfull enough, reclaim all lands who belonged to the old Eastern Roman Empire , "from Dalmatia to Alexandria" , passing everything from Egypt to Syria in the De Jure demesne of the Empire.


      But , on the contrary, if the Empire is weak or destroyed, several things can happen. If a Bulgarian or Serbian Lord is powerfull and prestigious enough, he can declare himself Basileus Autokrator, defender of the True faith . They will thus acquire specific Empires (the "Serbian" and "Bulgarian" Empires, actually the "Basileia tôn Serbias / Boulgarias kai Rhomaois" ), which are titular titles . If they manage to conquer Constantinople , they become Byzantine Emperors and can help to restore the Empire's glory. Theses decisions are based on what heppenned historicallly with Simeon I st and the Serbian Empire .


      If the Empire is weak, the Russians will be able to create the Tsardom of Russia , proclaiming that , for the survival of the faith, they must become its new temporal head, as Tsar Autokrator of all Russias .

      The Byzantine Empire is still able to recreate the Roman Empire vanilla , and will destroy the Imperium Romanum by doing so.

      Note that if the Empire is weak , you can convert to catholicism in exchange of a military and financiary help from the Pope. But if the Kingdom of Greece is entirely converted to catholicism, the Great Schism will be mended, and orthodoxy will become a catholic heresy.


      The Latin Empire

      The Imperium Romaniae ("Empire of the land of the Romans" ), or, as we call it today, the Latin Empire, is an attempt by Western catholics to usurp the Eastern Empire. If you hold Constantinople and Rhomania (Greece), you will be able to call yourself Imperator Orientali, and compete for the title of Eastern Emperor. This decision is also notably avalaible for Venice, which can decide to transfer its capital to Constantinople and claim the Imperial Crown (arguing that some Emperors were elected by the Roman Senate). This comes from an actual historical vote from the Venician Senate, which was a veeery close "no" to the Imperial adventure.


      If you manage to crush every pretender to the Eastern throne ( Greek, Bulgarian or Serbian), you will officially be recognised Emperor of the East, and the De Jure Latin Empire will replace the De Jure Byzantine Empire.


      As a sidenote, if you are king of Sicily, you will have a permanent cassus belli on every Duchy of Greece if the Byzantine Emperor is orthodox, because he is nothing more than a schismatic heretic, he doesn't deserve to be the Emperor, right ?

      If the Imperium Romaniae exist and has converted the totality of Greece to catholicism , you mend the Great Schism and orthodoxy becomes a catholic heresy.

      I think this is enough for today's explanation of the new mechanisms linked to theses Empires. Next time , we will talk about the new mechanisms for the Muslim world !

      Credits : Faras , mod leader
      Mouchi & Mat , slav... collaborators
      And many other , who helped in a way or another.


      • Merci pour les corrections et les nouvelles traductions.
        Par contre il faut écrire le texte en anglais juste après le 1er point-virgule et non après le 2nd sinon le jeu l'interprète comme le texte français.
        Mettre de l'anglais dans la version française de RIRSEI serait un comble.

        J'ai également corrigé quelques fautes mais d'ordre techniques.

        Le fichier mis à jour est au même endroit qu'avant.

        Il manque toujours quelques textes (en plus de la lettre d'excommunication).
        J'ai mis à jour le fichier de diagnostique sur mediafire.

        Tu peux te lancer dans la rédaction d'une page dédiée au mod sur le wiki aussi.
        Comme c'est communautaire, tout le monde peut y participer.
        Je l'ai par exemple fait pour L3T, en m'inspirant de ce qui a été fait pour WtWSMS.
        Dernière modification par Mouchi, 28-05-2017, 15h39.


        • A la limite, je préfèrerais le faire sous la forme de Devs Diaries postés à intervalles réguliers, ce sera peut être un peu moins dense, et en plus ça permet de faire monter la hype
          (D'ailleurs j'ai post un prototype du premier Dev Diary plus haut, il me manque les screens en anglais et l'accord de Faras et je pourrais le post)

          Et je jetterait un oeil aux fichiers dont la traduction manque .


          • Coucou, la version de RIRSEI pour le patch 2.7 de CK2 est disponible en téléchargement. Elle aurait pu l'être plus tôt si je savais lire mes mp :c

            Valyrian_Knight01 : Ton prototype me plaît, merci. Y'a juste deux-trois erreurs en anglois (christianity ne prends qu'un n ), et deux-trois trucs à expliciter ou à ajouter (si l'empire byzantin est faible, un empereur d'occident puissant pourra demander l'union des deux couronnes pour les "sauver", comme cela fut proposé histololement) et une confusion sur la création de l'empire d'occident "au départ" (en gros, Charlemagne fut couronné empereur des romains tout court, car le Pape considérait que le trône était vacant. Il avait donc l'intention d'aller régenter aussi Constantinople (mariage avec Irène). Ce n'est que lors des négociations avec Michel et son prédécesseur qu'on est revenu à la séparation classique orient/occident). Je te passerais ca ce soir je pense. Pour les images, tu peux utiliser la console et déclencher les événements pour aller plus vite.


            • Ok , je vais corriger tout ça.

              Il y a la traduction anglaise avec la nouvelle version?


              • Coucou Faras, concernant la dernière version, le jeu présente le même bug que le dernier "Historical Immersion project", à savoir le blocage des personnages catholiques lors de la sélection du personnage avant de démarrer une partie. Au contraire, Les Trois Tours ne présente pas ce bug. Y a t il des fichiers à envoyer pour vérification ?

                EDIT : ça marche nickel pour les personnages non-chrétiens (blocage pas limité aux cathos mais bien à tous les chrétiens) et aussi pour les personnages marqués comme intéressants, si on les choisit AVANT de passer par le bouton "personnaliser".
                Dernière modification par Kalmakil, 29-05-2017, 14h17.


                • Par contre, je sais pas comment forcer les évents à se déclencher, c'est quelle commande ? :-3


                  • Envoyé par Valyrian_Knight01 Voir le message
                    Ok , je vais corriger tout ça.

                    Il y a la traduction anglaise avec la nouvelle version?

                    Envoyé par Kalmakil Voir le message
                    Coucou Faras, concernant la dernière version, le jeu présente le même bug que le dernier "Historical Immersion project", à savoir le blocage des personnages catholiques lors de la sélection du personnage avant de démarrer une partie. Au contraire, Les Trois Tours ne présente pas ce bug. Y a t il des fichiers à envoyer pour vérification ?

                    EDIT : ça marche nickel pour les personnages non-chrétiens (blocage pas limité aux cathos mais bien à tous les chrétiens) et aussi pour les personnages marqués comme intéressants, si on les choisit AVANT de passer par le bouton "personnaliser".
                    Je viens de lancer une partie en 2.7.1 sans DLCs et sans autre mod que RIRSEI, j'ai la checksum JJGH, et je n'ai aucun problème avec Henri IV.


                    • Moi j'ai le même problème que susnommé, mais en prenant un musulman et en utilisant la console on peut jouer un chrétien

                      (D'ailleurs si tu sais comment trigger les décisions via la console ça m'arrangerait )
                      Dernière modification par Valyrian_Knight01, 29-05-2017, 20h28.


                      • Bon alors :

                        Envoyé par Valyrian_Knight01 Voir le message
                        Bon , mon cher petit Farassounet, j'ai rédigé un début de prototype de Dev Diary (centrés sur les mécanismes liés à l'Empire Romain ). Dis moi ce que tu en penses , et si j'ai ton assentiment (et que tu me donnes les screens appropriés ) , je pense que je pourrais le poster.


                        This mod is being developped since ~2014 by a very devoted mod team, primarily by Faras, a young French historian (ouais sauf que le truc c'est que je suis en ancienne ) . This mod's objective is to enhance drammatically the historicity of the game (because let's be honest, ck2 is NOT historically accurate ). To achieve this, a total rework, from implementing the Investiture controversy to a rework of the entire military system, is needed. Every changes lean on historical documents and the works of recognized historians, to allow us to better understand the way of thinking of people during the middle ages.

                        Given the sheer size of the mod, several devs diaries will be necessary to explain its mechanics. Today, we will talk about the legacy of Rome in the Christian world .


                        The Roman Empire and its legacy is extremely present in both the western and eastern christianity. Medieval thinkers often refer to the Roman glory , its language (Latin is the Langua Franca of Western Europe) , and its ideology. For the medieval world , the Roman Emperor is the highest temporal authority you can think of .

                        To be exact, the only "Empire" ever referenced is the Roman Empire. Sometimes it can be split, or under the guidance of two Emperors, but it is the sole Empire. At the time, the word "Empire" was taken in the Roman sense (claiming universality, which means that the Empire is the political structure which rules the universe), and not as lightly as we do today. The Roman Emperor is the rightfull ruler of the Earth, and he has no equals , only subjects or subjects-to be (As claimed Frederic II of the HRE for exemple ) . The Empire, Roman and christian (the two are often associated) , will rule them all ! (Très bon paragraphe, t'as tout dit)

                        To reflect this, every Empire in the Christian world other than the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire has been definitively removed . If you are a christian, the only way to be an Emperor is to take the Eastern or the Western Empire.


                        The Holy Roman Empire

                        The "Holy Roman Empire" (renamed "Imperium Romanum", as it was called in theses times ) (tu peux même ajouter qu'il est même pas Sacrum jusqu'à Frédéric II...) is widely recognized in the West as the continuation of the Roman Empire, restored by Charlemagne in 800 and then by Otto in 962. It is the temporal head of christianity, and several mechanics , which were not present in the base game, has been added.

                        First, Van Diemmen's mod has been added, with some modifications : the elected Emperor cannot change any law of the Empire and has maluses of opinion with his vassals, until he is crowned officially Emperor of Romans by the Pope. Every new Emperor will have to be crowned by the Pope in order to rule the Empire.

                        Accordingly to the Empire's ideology, under specific conditions, the Holy Roman Empire can claim temporal superiority over the christian monarchs (c'est d'ailleurs là qu'il peut gagner le titre de sacrum dans le jeu), and thus reclaim all the lands which belonged to the Western Roman Empire : first the Kingdom of France, and then everything from Iberia to England.. If he manages to do it, he will be able to reform the Roman Empire (Imperium Romanorum, qui est vu comme une sorte de renovatio imperii "à la romaine" telle qu'on peut le voir dans les Augustales de Frédéric II ou bien la vie d'Otton III entière, à noter qu'ils peuvent ensuite réclamer l'ensemble du bassin méditérannéen après) , if you own the DLC Legacy of Rome.


                        On the other contrary, if the Empire is weak , a powerful catholic ruler can ask for the Roman Crown to the Pope , which wil lead to a war over the Imperial throne against the current elected Emperor.


                        There are also specific mecanism for each start dates . For exemple, in the 769 start date, there are no Imperium Romanum. However, if a christian ruler is powerfull enough and hold sufficient territories while the Byzantine Emperor is a child , a woman or a heretic, the Pope can decide that the Roman throne is vacant, and that a new Roman Emperor needs to be crowned to lead christianity (as it was the case historically) (Oui, et le nouvel empereur gagne carrément une prétention forte sur l'empire d'Orient, qu'il peut échanger contre un accord, qui fait que l'empire byzantin reconnaît l'empire d'occident + sa souveraineté de jure sur l'italie du nord ). Thus, if an agreement is reached with Constantinople after the Renovatioo Imperii in the West, you can create the HRE (or Imperium Romanum), and most of Western Europe wil become De Jure yours . (Faux ici : L'empire d'Occident est crée quoiqu'il arrive. S'il y a accord, l'italie du nord devient de jure, perte de la prétention sur l'empire d'orient et gain d'une prétention sur Al-Andalus, par contre, oui la plupart de l'europe devient de jure à l'Empire d'Occident, sauf l'espagne (du nord) et l'angleterre si je me souviens bien).


                        For the 867 start, the King of Italy is also the Imperator Semper Augustus of the Imperium Romanum. However, if the Empire is too weak and does not hold enough territories, the Pope can refuse to crown an Emperor, which will lead to the vacancy of the Empire. If a catholic monarch is powerfull enough, he can proclaim the Renovatio Imperii , as Otto II did in 962, becoming the new Roman Emperor.

                        The compromise of 812

                        In the year 812, the Basileus Michael and the Imperator Semper Augustus Charlemagne negociated to determine where their respective sphere of influence stopped (et surtout la reconnaissance du titre impérial pour Charly). It was said that the Eastern Empire will keep southern Italy and Venice, while the Western Empire will have the nothern Italy. However , if an Empire is strong and the other weak, the strong can break the compromise and claim the other's part of Italy (gaining a "reconquest" casus belli on the other's part) .


                        The Byzantine Empire

                        The Byzantine Empire (renammed "Basileia tôn Rhômaiôn" , Empire of the Romans), is the original bearer of the Roman legacy before Charlemagne claimed it . It is widely recognized in the orthodox world as the avatar of the Roman power, but many are thoses who seek to take the wealth of Constantinople...

                        The Byzantine Empire possess a wide variety of wonderful internal politics and conflicts, but I think we will need an entire other Dev Diary to talk about it . So, let's focus on the legacy of rome .

                        The Byzantine Empire can , if the Basileus Autokrator is powerfull enough, reclaim all lands who belonged to the old Eastern Roman Empire , "from Dalmatia to Alexandria" , passing everything from Egypt to Syria in the De Jure demesne of the Empire.


                        But , on the contrary, if the Empire is weak or destroyed, several things can happen. If a Bulgarian or Serbian Lord is powerfull and prestigious enough, he can declare himself Basileus Autokrator, defender of the True faith . They will thus acquire specific Empires (the "Serbian" and "Bulgarian" Empires, actually the "Basileia tôn Serbias / Boulgarias kai Rhomaois" ), which are titular titles (+ cb sur la romanie) . If they manage to conquer Constantinople , they become Byzantine Emperors and can help to restore the Empire's glory. Theses decisions are based on what heppenned historicallly with Simeon I st and the Serbian Empire .


                        If the Empire is weak ou détruit, the Russians will be able to create the Tsardom of Russia , proclaiming that , for the survival of the faith, they must become its new temporal head, as Tsar Autokrator of all Russias . (les russes peuvent aussi refaire l'empire byzantin, mais ils n'ont pas les cb des serbes et des bulgares)

                        The Byzantine Empire is still able to recreate the Roman Empire (Imperium Romanorum, version plus "latine") vanilla , and will destroy the Imperium Romanum by doing so.

                        Note that if the Empire is weak , you can convert to catholicism in exchange of a military and financiary help from the Pope. But if the Kingdom of Greece is entirely converted to catholicism, the Great Schism will be mended, and orthodoxy will become a catholic heresy.

                        Si l'empire d'Orient est faible, un empereur d'occident qui tient la route peut demander l'union des deux empires à Constantinople, comme historiquement.


                        The Latin Empire

                        The Imperium Romaniae ("Empire of the land of the Romans" ), or, as we call it today, the Latin Empire, is an attempt by Western catholics to usurp the Eastern Empire. If you hold Constantinople and Rhomania (Greece), you will be able to call yourself Imperator Orientali, and compete for the title of Eastern Emperor. This decision is also notably avalaible for Venice, which can decide to transfer its capital to Constantinople and claim the Imperial Crown (arguing that some Emperors were elected by the Roman Senate). This comes from an actual historical vote from the Venician Senate, which was a veeery close "no" to the Imperial adventure.


                        If you manage to crush every pretender to the Eastern throne ( Greek, Bulgarian or Serbian), you will officially be recognised Emperor of the East, and the De Jure Latin Empire will replace the De Jure Byzantine Empire.


                        As a sidenote, if you are king of Sicily (et catholique), you will have a permanent cassus belli on every Duchy of Greece if the Byzantine Emperor is orthodox, because he is nothing more than a schismatic heretic, he doesn't deserve to be the Emperor, right ?

                        If the Imperium Romaniae exist and has converted the totality of Greece to catholicism , you mend the Great Schism and orthodoxy becomes a catholic heresy.

                        I think this is enough for today's explanation of the new mechanisms linked to theses Empires. Next time , we will talk about the new mechanisms for the Muslim world !

                        Credits : Faras , mod leader
                        Mouchi & Mat , slav... collaborators
                        And many other , who helped in a way or another.


                        • Pour la console c'est event RIRSEI.trucmuche
                          Bref, event, puis l'id de l'event, tout simplement. Embêtant pour les persos chrétiens, je vais tester aussi...


                          • Envoyé par Mouchi Voir le message

                            Je viens de lancer une partie en 2.7.1 sans DLCs et sans autre mod que RIRSEI, j'ai la checksum JJGH, et je n'ai aucun problème avec Henri IV.
                            J'étais resté à la 2.7.0 . Je reviens une fois que j'aurai testé la 2.7.1. ( Valyrian_Knight01, quelle est ta version ?)


                            • Ah , merci d'avoir annoté les trucs à modifier

                              Hum , je réessaierai , je crois que j'avais essayé et ça n'avait pas marché, mais bon je retesterai :-3

                              Et sinon je crois que j'étais genre en 2.7 effectivement. Il faudrait que je vérifie mais je ferai ça demain


                              • C'est bon problème réglé en passant à la 2.7.1 ! Le bug devait provenir de la version 2.7.0 !

                                Merci Mouchi au passage.

