Europa Universalis IV - Sortie de Leviathan et Premier Patch

Bonsoir tout le monde!

Ce mardi 27 Avril marquait la sortie de Leviathan, dernier DLC d'Europa Universalis IV dont les premiers contours avaient commencé à se dessiner 10 mois plus tôt, peu de temps après l'arrivée sur le marché d'un DLC Emperor pour le moins décevant. Autant dire que la fébrilité était au rendez-vous et qu'après de une belle déconvenue l'an dernier, il ne fallait mieux pas décevoir.

La promesse était belle: une refonte complète des mécaniques pour les tribus amérindiennes, une Asie du sud-est transfigurée, l'apparition d'un système de merveilles, de nouvelles options de diplomatie, une liste de bugs corrigés longue comme le bras, et bien d'autres choses qui devaient apporter un nouveau souffle à un jeu déjà bien éprouvé. Mais force est de constater que plantage il y a eu, et pas qu'un peu...

La Sortie de la Version 1.31.0 "Majapahit"

Le patch 1.31.0 sorti tôt le 27 Avril accompagné du DLC Leviathan faisaient peine à voir. Au delà d'un nombre faramineux de dysfonctionnements et soucis de balance auxquels nous sommes à présent habitués, l'on pouvait trouver: des interfaces incomplètes dont les icônes manquaient, des morceaux de code à la place du texte, tout un tas de fichiers internes au jeu comportant des mentions «A Faire», des lignes de codes menant à des éléments inexistants ou oubliés, des fonctionnalités pourtant en dehors du champ de la mise à jour cassées (gain de réforme gouvernementale en fonction de l'autonomie inversé, généraux accédant au pouvoir avec des valeurs délirantes), des pays injouables sans le DLC, des arbres de missions donnant des récompenses insensées ou n'affichant pas leurs conditions d'exécution, des valeurs improbables offertes par les politiques, des monuments mal localisés, le coup de la multiplication de valeurs négatives, l'obtention de faveurs mal calculé, et on s'arrêtera là parce que la liste est probablement plus longue que le changelog du patch lui-même.

La critique ne s'est pas faite attendre et les forums de Paradox ont vite été submergés par les plaintes et des rapports du bugs tout aussi improbables les uns que les autres. Sur Steam la réaction aura été là aussi sans appel avec seulement 11% d'évaluations positives en début d'après midi (bon nombre de critiques positives étant plus sarcastiques qu'autre chose), autant dire un four monumental et probablement un record peu flatteur pour l'éditeur suédois.

Les Signes Avant-Coureurs

Mais au delà du plantage quasi total, ce qui a intrigué bon nombre d'entre nous était la ressemblance troublante entre les problèmes reportés pour la sortie du DLC et ceux qui avaient étés notifiés deux semaines auparavant lors des lives Twitch de présentation du DLC. Pour rappel, pendant ces trois diffusions, un développeur faisait le tour des nouveautés avec comme support une version du patch datant de quelques semaines voire quelques mois selon ses dires, et que, les bugs, les absences d'artworks ou autres ne devaient pas inquiéter car ils avaient déjà été corrigés par le reste de l'équipe dans une mouture plus récente. Simultanément, Johan, directeur de l'équipe chargée du développement d'EU4 chez Paradox Tinto à Barcelone, annonçait qu'il n'y aurait pas de carnet de développement ce jour là puisque l'équipe travaillait activement à finaliser le produit pour qu'il soit le plus propre possible lors de sa sortie.
La suite, vous a connaissez. Ce sont ces mêmes dysfonctionnements relevés deux semaines plus tôt et datant de bien plus loin que ça, qui ont été pointés du doigts lors de la sortie du DLC et de la mise à jour gratuite...

Beaucoup ont cru à une mauvaise manipulation lors de la mise en ligne du patch et ont pensé (sans doute à raison) que c'est cette ancienne version qui avait été malencontreusement rendue publique au lieu de la dernière. A cette interrogation, les quelques développeurs alors présents sur le forum n'ont pas réellement apporté de réponse, si ce n'est qu'il fallait espérer la publication d'un patch 1.31.1 d'ici à une semaine, pas moins. Ce qui constitue un délai assez long pour un hotfix. Mais vu l'état du jeu au matin du 27 Avril cela pouvait aisément se comprendre...
Quelques heures plus tard et après des excuses publiques de Johan, surprise! Le patch 1.31.1 (changelog au bas de cet article) est déjà de sortie grâce au travail acharné des développeurs, et il est étonnamment long pour un correctif réalisé en un peu plus d'une journée et censé être passé par la case « test » au préalable. Tellement long qu'il est plus volumineux que la liste de bugs corrigés par le patch 1.31.0 qui avait lui nécessité de longs mois de travail.

Le doute et les débats s'installent alors de nouveau sur les forums EU4 de Paradox Plaza à propos du produit qui aurait été délivré la veille. Ancienne version postée par erreur? Produit incomplet délivré délibérément dans cet état alors que la sortie aurait pu être repoussée? La vérité, nous ne la connaîtrons sans doute jamais. Toujours est-il qu'entre temps Johan a supprimé ses excuses du forum et que le patch 1.31.1 corrige de nombreux oublis tout en introduisant de nouvelles coquilles pour le moins embarrassantes. Mais n'ayez craintes, le patch 1.31.2 est déjà sur les rails!

En Attendant La Suite

Si il y a une leçon à tirer de tout ça, c'est que se lancer dans de grands projets alors qu'on déménage un studio en Espagne avec une équipe dont tous les membres n'ont pas encore été recrutés, de revoir les ambitions d'un patch à la hausse au beau milieu d'une pandémie, de délocaliser le QA testing (assurance qualité) du jeu à une équipe de 3 personnes en Pologne, et de promettre monts et merveilles à une communauté sans écouter ce qu'elle commence à vous faire remonter sur les problèmes éventuels que pourrait rencontrer le jeu avec de telles mécaniques, c'est pas très très opti comme le diraient certains...

Je vous laisse avec les notes de mise à jour de la version 1.31.1 qui vient palier bon nombre de soucis. Mais gardez bien à l'esprit qu'en l'état, le jeu avec ou sans DLC (avis subjectif qui n'engage que moi) souffre de grosses lacunes introduites par ces deux patchs et qu'il faudra attendre un certain temps avant que les choses ne s'améliorent. Je continuerai de relayer l'introduction des prochains correctifs alors restez dans les parages.
En attendant prenez soin de vous, amusez-vous à bâtir des villes plus hautes que larges, et retenez-vous de faire d'horribles tentacules sur la carte, c'est laid, très laid. Bonne soirée!

Version 1.31.1:

# Équilibrage

# Économie:
- Stopped native land from becoming totally devastated within 70 years.
- Fixed the amount of manpower required to speed up great project construction.
- Stop some subject types from having their development concentrated.
- Trade good changes will destroy invalid manufactories.
- Now centralize state reduces the governing cost of the entire state.
- Fixed so manpower and sailors received from colonies are based on max values instead of current.
- Rebalanced monuments.
- Fixed so that all tribal land is settled when you enact the federal constitution.
- Nations no longer lose their naval doctrine when failing to meet requirements.
- Fixed so that colonial cores get affected by the minimum autonomy in territories modifiers.

# Gouvernements:
- Forming Shan no longer gives player's state generic National Ideas.
- Nerfed native federation reform rate.
- Balanced federations values.

# Religion:
- Stopped the ability to snowball ancestor personalities in totemism.
- Fixed Esprit de Corps policy giving ridiculous missionary strength.

# Unités:
- Fixed so you have docking rights for subjects of subjects.

# Guerre et Paix:
- Disabled Release Nation of a rebel you're supporting, use Enforce Rebel Demands.
- Demanding a country's capital and forcing religion on them changes religion in their new capital instead of their old one.
- Rebels set to be non-reinforcing won't reinforce.
- Attached armies now count as retreating if the main army retreats.
- Force converted nations are now granted the global_holy_war_released_modifier modifer.
- Threatening war now takes into account guarantors.
- Tributary Overlord now joins coalition war if it is declared by their Tributary.
- Nerfed primitive war score cost for taking provinces.
- Nerfed AE for primitives.
- Fixed so you can use the cb_push_back_colonizers casus belli to use it against non tribal nations bordering them.
- Fixed exploit where you could call to arms rivals of your enemies without being allied.
- Fixed dismantle the revolution peace treaty having different warscore cost and prestige depending on which side offers it.
- You can no longer pillage development from natives' capitals with no losses.

# Autres:
- Disallowed heir for favours for some government types.
- Fixed the climate of some provinces in north america.
- Favors from relative alliance strength works the right way around.
- Favours for x now uses the lowest monthly income of both actor and recipient country to determine how much is transferred.

# Intelligence Artificielle

# Diplomacie:
- Added AI for selection of trust usage actions between AI countries.

# Économie:
- AI no longer prioritizes Trade Company Investments too high compared to buildings.
- AI will now look to release vassals and create trade cities if their governing capacity is over or if their overextension is large.
- Fixed an issue where AI controlling Merchant Republics never creates Trade Cities.
- Added AI for concentrate development.
- Fixed so AI countries will give more priority to monarch points if they have short term needs.

# Guerre
- Fixed AI not attacking easy rebels in a country they're at war with.
- Fixed AI joining wars when bankrupt.
- Fixed AI only looking for adjacent provinces in peace deals instead of including provinces that were adjacent over a sea province too.

# Interface

# Pays:
- Allowed settled tribes to acquire tribal land from the colony window.

# Icones / Graphismes:
- crosses of the Great Britain flag have slightly nicer proportions.
- Ulster flag colours made a little bit less garish.
- Ulm flag made slightly higher quality.

# Infobulle:
- Missionary tooltip for subjects shows their modifiers instead of overlord's.
- Added tooltip for not being able to save uncompressed saves with random new world.
- Improved tooltip for not being able to sell province due to debt.
- Improved "Average non-overseas autonomy" tooltip to state that it's only core provinces.
- Improved tooltip for selecting culture in nation designer.
- Fixed tooltip for war exhaustion in battle view.
- Improved description for average unrest and average effective unrest triggers.
- Improved tooltips for browsing subject mission trees.
- You can now see the effect of the monument in the ledger page.
- Relocating monuments now states that distance is a cost factor.
- Added a descriptive tooltip to heir claim strength.
- Improved tooltip for introducing new heir.
- Improved tooltip for promoting cultures if there are modifiers affecting its cost
- Fixed tooltip text to include information about losing the title if you lose a war to infidels.
- Added a tooltip for production increase when there are no trade companies.
- Added tooltip to show claim strength growth.
- Fixed confusing tooltip when attempting to demand the last province when war reparations are already demanded.
- Improved tooltip for federation cohesion.
- Fixed so that relocating great projects specifies where they would be relocated.

# Modèles d'Unités:
- USA unit pack now uses dynamic colours.
- Tweaked USA country colors to match the palette of the original American Dream unit models.
- Ayutthaya unit models spread to countries with Siamese culture.
- Brunei unit models spread to countries with Bornean culture.
- Champa unit models spread to countries with Cham culture.
- Lan Na unit models spread to countries with Khon Muang culture.
- Luang Prabang unit models spread to countries with Lao culture.
- Majapahit unit models spread to remaining cultures in the Malay culture group.
- Malacca unit models spread to countries with Malayan culture.
- Pagarruyung unit models spread to countries with Acehnese or Sumatran culture.
- Brittany, Cornwall, Normandy, Scotland, Wales units are now tied to the appropriate cultures in addition to their tags.
- The old Byzantine unit models are now used by Greek minors.
- The old Byzantine unit models are no longer overridden by the Imperator unit pack in the Nation Designer.
- The old Byzantine unit models now use dynamic colours.
- All countries with Turkish as primary culture now use Ottoman units.
- All countries with Dutch, Frisian, and Flemish primary cultures now use Netherlands units.
- Normals on the Malacca Tier 1 unit model fixed so it appears correctly.
- The Isles and Gaeldom use Leinster Tier 1 gallowglass instead of generic Western units.
- Mann swapped to Ulster units instead of Ireland units, because their design is a bit less specific to their country.

# Autres:
- Added to war peace description if a Hegemon will lose their status as a result of the peace.
- Event windows now move to the front when you click on them.
- Fixed "Suggest Demands" option generating a peace offer that will be rejected when occupying an OPM with allies who are not defeated.
- Can now use either shift key for templates.
- Can now upgrade existing buildings through building construction screen in province interface if the province has no free building slots.
- State macrobuilder now specifies which state you're changing the edict for.
- Fixed GUI for Sikhism.
- Trade favors for trust notification now disabled by default.
- You can now double click monuments in the ledger to center on their location.
- Fixed so you can right click culture and core creation in the outliner to cancel it.
- Fixed nations that could decline a call to arms being added to estimated enemy strength when declaring war.
- Fixed so that monarch dynasty names are added to the list of future possible leader names.
- Fixed so that message about gaining/losing casus belli appears for every affected nation.
- Fixed so extend regency doesn't show up for non-monarchies and non-hordes.
- Fixed so you can browse subject upgrades without fulfilling requirements.
- Fixed so icons for federation advancements are highlighted when you have 100% cohesion.

# Pour les modders

# Connecteurs:
- Improved errorlog printout when failing to read a modifier type.

# Déclencheurs:
- Added support to use "all" for estate_influence trigger.
- Added trigger num_of_free_explorers for checking unassigned explorers.

# Autres:
- Number of sprites in nation designer can be raised with new variable MAX_ARMY_SPRITE_LEVEL_IN_NATION_DESIGNER in defines.lua.

# Script

# Décisions:
- Abolishing slavery now changes trade goods to a random goods instead of unknown.

# Événements:
- Decline of Hanseatic League event: Free Cities no longer only join Lübeckian Trade League if Lübeck has at least 1% trade power in their home trade node.
- The event "A Political Marriage" now grants you a consort from the married country and the localization makes now sense.
- Calvin becomes the Spiritual Leader of Geneva can trigger for any nation and convert the Papal States to Reformed.
- Fixed nobles_estate_events.7 triggering when you have a regency.
- Fixed issues with consort events triggering when you have a regency.

# Configuration initiale:
- Rename Ngati Awa.
- Renamed Te Tai Tokerau to Ngapuhi.
- Moved Waitaha from 1109 to 2738.
- Fixed Missing reforms of Polynesian Kingdom and Polynesian Tribe.

# Autres:
- Fixed the incident_shogunate_authority where it was using absolutism without checking if it was a revolutionary nation.

# Correctif des bugs

- Events or missions granting development now work for native countries.
- Female heirs are now generated without relying on female advisor chance.
- Fixed inheriting country during war disables all occupations from that country on enemy.
- Fixed no penalty for setting as co-belligerent a nation you have a royal marriage with.
- Fixed the Dhimmi agenda to build a temple may have been impossible to complete.
- Ming no longer loses the Celestial Empire mandate after going to war with any non-asian country.
- Monuments no longer get downgraded when a province changes owner peacefully.
- New ruler popup now correctly reports on ruler personality.
- Stopped leaders converted into monarchs having 0,0,0 skills.
- Subjects are now called into wars inherited by forcing personal union through peace offer.
- Totemism ancestors now have an effect.
- Trade power now transferred from colonies.
- Upgrading a territorial core no longer ignores former claims on the province.
- Upgrading colonies/changing colonial types no longer count as monthly expenditure.
- Fixed dialog on settling natives showing wrong development being added.
- Closed "support independence" loophole when forming a new nation with subjects, so their attitude initially stays the same as it was.
- Concentrate development cooldown is persisted in all states.
- Estate_vaisyas_disaster no longer incorrectly references estate_rajput.
- Fixed inconsistent units when Rajput nation is created.
- Fixed not being able to concentrate development in one state from more than one subject.
- Natives who reform leave federations, reforming federations removes all members.
- Special regiment modifiers applied to drilling.
- Now sprites are applied after loading the initial state of all countries. This fixed primary_culture working again in the sprite pack's triggers.
- Now when playing the same nation with a friend you don't have to play twice a tribute.
- Now second step in Spanish Empire A New World tutorial guides player to the correct province.
- Now the recruit tab in the province view is closed when the player closes the view and opens it again.
- Fixed an error blocking dismiss or detach of military leaders.
- Added a Leviathan DLC requirement to the potential of the fall_of_majapahit disaster.
- Fixed so majapahit.2 event can be triggered from the on_battle_won_unit onaction.
- Fixed a number of issues with the event personality_events.47.
- Added the correct age to Queen Shin Sabwu and added a minimum age to Dhammazedi so there is not a huge difference of ages between one option and the other.
- Fixed second step in Spanish Empire A New World tutorial guides player to the incorrect province.
- Fixed problems with Consort Events.
- Fixed Portuguese and Spanish missions being blocked for player.
- Consort should not fire west_african.27.
- Fixed issues found while testing Dynamic Historical Events.
- Fixed issues found while testing tribal casus bellis.
- Fixed issues with Event trade_policy_events.7.
- Fixed localization for mission gc_cas_spa_new_spain mentioning states instead of provinces.
- Fixed No Current Cult alert using Fetishist icon for Alcheringa religion.
- Fixed popup when diplo vassalizing a country mentioning we now receive half their tax incomes.
- Fixed When zero days are left to get the innovation boost for teching it gives no info on time remaining.
- Fixed province view fabricate claims stating duplicate text.
- Fixed text in continue game overflowing.
- Fixed issues in dynasty events.
- Fixed text for supremacy over the crown going out of bounds.
- Fixed text for colony name going out of bounds.
- Fixed text for supporting rebels going out of bounds.
- Added missing localization for opinion modifier when pillaging a state for someone.
- Fixed issue with event mnd_khmer_4 with Ayu pillaging itself.
- Fixed issue where Spanish Empire tutorial may ask to select a fleet in a province without any fleet.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong type of advisor would be generated.
- Fixed a desync related to converting a leader to monarch.
- Fixed issue where seizing land from an empty estate can cause revolt.
- Fixed the HRE cast vote button covering the top crest.
- Fixed bug where becoming a junior parner in a PU would cancel vassal annexation.
- Fixed so that annexing a country in a peace deal doesn't teleport the diplomat.
- Fixed issue where forming Italy may force nation into HRE.
- Fixed a potential crash for AI handling ancestors.
- Fixed so ledger doesn't show absolutism for revolutionary nations.
- Fixed a crash when hovering nonexistent great projects in the ledger.
- Fixed hotkeys not working in units macro builder.
- Fixed a potential CTD when hovering temple icon in technology view.
- Fixed an out of sync when removing the leader from their federation.
- Fixed oddities in province panel after changing government type away from native.
- Fixed score screen showing revolutionary flags for nations that previously went revolutionary.
- Escape menu game options now correctly preserved, displayed.
- Fixed a case where attaching to an army fails with no feedback.
- Fixed so tech screen shows correct cost for buildings.
- Fixed icons of active privileges not being centered properly.
- Fixed broken english with revolutionary country names for country names that start with The.
- Fixed tributary subject UI elements overlapping icons.
- Fixed an issue where you could extend regency without an heir.
- Fixed an issue where federation members would leave the federation at game start.
- Fixed an out of sync related to combat modifiers.
- Fixed an out of sync related to language configuration.

# Autres

- Added Leviathan DLC country recommendations (NA tribes, Colonial nations, East Indies and Oceania countries).
- Fixed so credits screen expansion name is in bold.
- You now need to select a valid username before attempting to join a lobby.

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