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  • Infos diverses et discussions sur le développement

    Tout un tas d'infos disponibles dans le dernier numéro de PC Gamer, que l'on peut retrouver sur Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/co..._grim_and_the/

    OK on a train at the moment so will type up bit by bit:

    PC Gamer played through a Quest Battle, Lizardmen against High Elves. They had to stop the elves from completing a ritual, either by defeating the Elves or killing two chariot-riding wizards.

    The battle map features a narrow bridge which the Lizardmen have to fight across. Judging by the pictures it's the same as the map shown in the recent Lizardmen trailers.

    The "Out of Control" feature came in to play a few times, and the player says it added an interesting tactical aspect.

    Vampire Count and Human presence in Lustria confirmed!

    "Ancient ruins can be explored for treasure, and will draw the attention of other armies"

    The campaign map will feature "rogue armies: one-off armies made with no restrictions. Goblins herding dinosaurs!"

    High Elves will have a new settlement type called a "Fortress Gate" (presumably the gates between outer and inner Ulthuan).

    Meeting certain criteria on the campaign map will unlock faction-specific battleground abilities. If the High Elves properly fortify their Fortress Gates, it allows them to summon Eagles when defending. The lizardmen can "summon velociraptors from space" "like a Star Trek away team". The player in this battle had three charges of this ability on a long cooldown.

    Sun Dragon confirmed for High Elves. Appears to be unmounted.

    The player shoots down said dragon with lasers mounted on dinosaurs (Solar Engine Bastilodons), which he describes as "an extremely Warhammer moment"

    Winning the Vortex campaign will require gathering certain resources. The article implies there will be several ways to collect these (it mentions questing, looting ruins and buildings as three sources)

    You'll get a chance to resist being beaten suddenly in the Vortex campaign.

    At the end they ask about Skaven: ""We will say that the list of races is yet to be... rat-ified", Roxburgh says, extremely pleased with himself"".

    The game engine is the same but is updated with new rendering tech.

  • #2


    Vidéo en direct sur le multi de TW W2 à 16h heure française.


    • #3
      L'article complet de PC Gamer est dispo sur leur site : http://www.pcgamer.com/total-war-war...gned-campaign/

      Total War: Warhammer 2 brings high fantasy to a redesigned campaign

      Warhammer 2 is an unusual sort of Total War sequel. Creative Assembly's spin on Games Workshop's Old World has been envisaged as a trilogy from the beginning, a three-game cycle where each individual game will eventually stitch together into a single massive strategy sandbox. The factions and many of the features of Total War: Warhammer 2 were planned out before work on the first game began. Even so, this is still a sequel—and as such, it sets out to fix many of the things that didn't quite work in Creative Assembly's first stab at fantasy strategy. A new map and a new endgame

      Total War: Warhammer 2's new campaign map spans four land masses separated by stretches of open ocean, all located to the west of the territory featured in the original game. Lustria is the home of the Lizardmen, a huge jungle dotted with ancient ziggurats. Ulthuan and Naggaroth are where you'll find High Elves and Dark Elves respectively, while the Southlands belong to Warhammer 2's as-yet-unannounced fourth faction. (I say 'unannounced', but Creative Assembly's relentless rat-themed hints make Skaven all but a certainty.)

      In the centre of Ulthuan is a magical vortex that acts as a focal point for each faction. In a standard Warhammer 2 campaign, victory is achieved by winning the 'race' to the vortex—a race that involves performing rituals, gathering specific resources, and capturing specific parts of the map. Although it'll still be possible to win through old-fashioned conquest, this shared victory condition is intended to provide drama and challenge all the way to the end of a playthrough.

      It'll be possible to both win and lose a campaign at the 11th hour, as even a small force in the right place at the right time has the potential to interrupt a key ritual or intercept a force on its way to victory. CA are keen to rid Total War of the 'cleanup phase' that accompanies victory by conquest—the point where you're too big to fail and all that remains is auto-resolving your way to world domination. The notion is that a campaign should always end with a battle where both parties are equally invested in the outcome. Points of interest

      Other, subtler changes are coming to the campaign map. Your choice of hero now determines your faction's starting position—High Elf leader Tyrion begins in Ulthuan, for example, while his brother Teclis starts in Lustria. There's also a new type of settlement called a fortress gate, a defensive edifice located in a bottleneck location that provides a strategic advantage to the faction that controls it.

      The first game's factions will make an appearance, too. There's a new Vampire Counts sub-faction located in Lustria, and independent forces called rogue armies now roam the map. Each rogue army is a bespoke force built around a theme that ignores faction restrictions—one example CA provides is a goblin beastmaster who commands a combined force of squigs, wolves, spiders and dinosaurs. These rogue armies are intended to provide a bit of variety in terms of the battles you'll fight, and they can be a nuisance too—they're attracted to unlooted ruins, which has the potential to become a problem if you're not particularly diligent in your tomb-raiding.

      Oh yeah: you can raid tombs. Ransacking Lustrian ziggurats can help bolster your fledgling empire with gold and ritual-enabling resources. Expect these to be hotly contested.

      Frog factions

      Four factions isn't a lot for a Total War game, but the fantasy setting allows for greater differentiation then you'd find in, say, an ancient warfare sim. On the campaign map, High Elf politicking manifests as 'influence', a resource that they can expend to toy with the relationships between other factions. High Elf trade agreements also function a kind of spy network: after all, elves who live in glittering cities of ivory and gold don't need the money as much as they need information.

      The surprisingly technologically advanced Lizardmen (they're from space) take advantage of something called the geomantic web to build connections between their cities. Linked cities share bonuses—a souped-up and faction-specific version of the first game's edicts. This is designed to influence not just how you play as Lizardmen, but how you play against them: taking out a key node in the geomantic web might be as important as assassinating a key general.

      This reflects a broader desire to build more interesting links between the campaign and battle game. Army abilities are part of this: special powers that are tied to armies and locations rather than specific generals, unlocked by controlling certain parts of the map or performing specific actions. High Elves controlling a fortress gate, for example, gain the ability to call down giant eagles on defense. In the battle I played, my Lizardmen had the ability to beam in a pack of feral Cold Ones—velociraptors to you and me—behind enemy lines. Claws on the ground

      Velociraptors-on-demand is one of several ways that Warhammer 2 feels more confident as a fantasy wargame than its predecessor. The fact that the relatively generic human factions were handled in the first game helps: while elves aren't exactly out there in fantasy terms, the presence of chariot-riding wizards and massive sun dragons (which now have breath attacks) sets them apart.

      On the field, High Elves are defensively strong. The scenario that Creative Assembly are using to demonstrate the game involves an uphill push by Lizardmen into a well-defended elf position. Being able to beam in Cold Ones to create havoc behind enemy lines certainly helps, but the ability is moderated by a cooldown and limited number of charges and as such you've got to get the timing right. For their part, Lizardmen infantry is durable but slow. They have access to a impressive array of massive dinosaurs, including multiple kinds of Bastiladon, Stegadon, and Carnosaur. Using bulky armoured dinosaurs to soak up High Elf arrow fire as my Saurus Guard charged into position was exciting and helped bring a setting I love to life.

      The Carnosaur in particular looks great on the field, charging, chomping and shoulder-barging around like an angry dinosaur with an angrier dinosaur on its back. I also liked the 'out of control' mechanic, a feral state that all Lizardmen units are vulnerable to. Rather than routing, a unit that temporarily goes out of control will keep fighting until it dies, and will run off to find new prey if it runs out of things to hit. This is thematic but also creates interesting strategic decisions on the fly: when my Bastiladon and Troglodon went rogue, I had to decide whether to charge after them or sacrifice them while I waited for the rest of my army to catch up. I charged after them, obviously. It was probably a mistake.

      This is a promising first showing for a game that has the potential to do more than just expand its predecessor with a new map and new factions. The promise of fixes for the endgame and more consequential decisions on the campaign map—that stem from the fantasy setting—helps reinforce and justify Creative Assembly's decision to build this game in three parts. As somebody with a long relationship with Warhammer fantasy, it's exciting to get to explore more of it. As somebody for whom Total War has always been a game of half-completed campaigns, these top-level design changes are even more so.

      For loads more on Total War: Warhammer 2, pick up the latest issue of PC Gamer.


      • #4
        Sur le stream en direct. Ils annoncent un mode multijoueur à 4 joueurs avec des cartes de bataille adaptées.


        • #5
          Le nouveau mode s'appellerait "Free for all". C'est pas une révolution, mais c'est plus proche de Warhammer Battle que les batailles classiques, donc je pense que ça peut être sympa à jouer.

          Le lien pour revoir le tout : https://www.twitch.tv/videos/148937827


          • #6
            D'après ce que j'ai lu sur le forum anglais, les elfes noirs auront des unités dite "esclave" ainsi qu'un systeme d'esclavage spécifique a leurs faction, j'espère qu'il sera plus poussé que dans RomeII et qu'ils arriveront a différencier les esclavagistes elfes noirs, des nains du chaos également esclavagiste dans TWW3


            • #7
              Envoyé par WennFirst Voir le message
              D'après ce que j'ai lu sur le forum anglais, les elfes noirs auront des unités dite "esclave" ainsi qu'un systeme d'esclavage spécifique a leurs faction, j'espère qu'il sera plus poussé que dans RomeII et qu'ils arriveront a différencier les esclavagistes elfes noirs, des nains du chaos également esclavagiste dans TWW3
              De ce que j 'ai vu, les devs ont refusé de répondre au question relatives aux elfes noirs. Ils ont seulement parlé des hauts elfes et des hommes lézards.
              Donc ce que tu as vu est soit un leak soit des spéculations.


              • #8
                J'ai vue ça la: https://forums.totalwar.com/discussi...ew-information
                A "other faction features"

                Je voulais savoir si des gens serais intéressé par la traduction de ce post ?

                Edit: Annonce sur facebook, stream conernant le roster Haut elfe le 06/06:

                We've got some ex-stream-ly good news for you this week! Here's our upcoming schedule...

                Tomorrow at 4PM BST on Facebook Live, we've got the High Elf Roster reveal! Tune in to see the return of Joey and Alisdair, discussing all your unit needs. We'll get to the good stuff so it doesn't dragon...

                And then on Wednesday at 3PM BST, we've got Total War Live! It's the return of CA vs the World, and we've got special guest Indypride from MilkandcookiesTW joining us on stream.

                Dernière modification par WennFirst, 05-06-2017, 14h46.


                • #9
                  Je viens de le voir.
                  Étonnant parce que dans une interview des devs ils ont dit qu'il n'était pas prêt à en parler.

                  Edit : je viens de regarder la source de la source et c'est pas très convainquant. C'est juste quelqu'un qui affirme ça sur reddit.
                  Dernière modification par Revok, 06-06-2017, 13h42.


                  • #10
                    Normalement, les participants sur reddit évite de communiquer des mensonges, après c'est possible qu'il se trompe

                    Sinon, j'ai vue qu'ils avaient annoncés 10 races jouables dans les terres du sud, j'ai penser a:
                    Haut elfe
                    Roi des tombes
                    Comtes vampires (lahmia)

                    Vous en pensez quoi ??


                    • #11
                      Ce serait étrange qu'ils remettent les factions du premier opus mais pourquoi pas après tout, ce serait sympa. Après tu les mettrait en DLC ?


                      • #12
                        Ils ont annoncés la présence des factions du premier opus sur la nouvelle map (comtes vampires et race humaine confirmer en lustrie) donc non je ne trouve pas sa bizarre


                        • #13
                          Je suis tout jouasse, voyez ce qu'il as était annoncés:

                          "an old friend" sera un FLC de la trampe des chevalier de sang, MAIS une nouvelle race sera ajouté en DLC avant la sortie de TW Warhammer 2 (et ce n'est pas kislev ).

                          Pronostic ?
                          Personnellement je pense que ça sera l'estalie/Tilea/Royaume du Sud, car si ils ajoutent l'araby ou les roi des tombes ils devront présenter les 2 races


                          • #14
                            Quelques infos :

                            WARHAMMER II TEAM

                            We were really pleased that everyone who came to see the game recently enjoyed their time with our E3 Demo. This is the build that we’re taking to E3 next week in Los Angeles and features a flyover of some of the new campaign map and then a hands-on battle to get to grips with. If you are making your way to the expo centre we’d love to say hi, stop by at our Lizardmen-inspired temple stand in the West Hall, stand 4300.

                            Back in the studio, the game is really starting to come together and the last few months have seen more and more play tests being run as the new features get implemented. We’re now in a position where full play-throughs are possible and that’s helping the team focus on the individuality of the new playable races and the way in which they wrestle for control of the Vortex. The fluid way this can unfold to a huge variety of possible outcomes in the grand campaign is providing for some dramatic war stories by the coffee machine already.


                            • #15
                              Twitch de TW Warhammer depuis l'E3 https://www.twitch.tv/pcgamer

                              dans 6 mins

