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  • Alors, donc effectivement il manquait une bonne vingtaine de lignes de codes non traduites. Ceci dit Mouchi, une bonne partie des lignes de codes qui sont considérées comme "non traduites"...sont en fait des lignes de codes qui n'ont pas besoin de l'être (par exemple, il me renvoie à la ligne de code "Plenitudo Potestatis" malgré le fait qu'elle soit "traduite" en anglais, c'est à dire que "Plenitudo Potestatis" est présent deux fois, pour la version anglaise et la française .
    En gros on a un truc du style : EVTBLBL_RIRSEIBLOUB.66666;Plenitudo Potestatis;Plenitudo Potestatis;;; , et ça me compte ça comme non traduit alors que, techniquement, ça l'est :-3 ) .

    Mais il y avait effectivement des trucs que je n'avais pas traduit . Normalement c'est chose faite (je traduirai peut être la lettre d'excommunication un de ces quatre ) : https://www.mediafire.com/?v5u5mw98xmivd51

    Sinon mon cher Faras :

    J'ai donc publié le DD sur le monde musulman sur Reddit (j'attends un peu pour Paradoxplaza), et j'ai reçu un message d'une personne qui serait intéressé par une collaboration :

    Anyway, since I'm quite busy to write a well-thought message to Faras, could I ask you for a favour? Would you mind telling him about my map mod? I'd be honored if he would like to use it for this amazing mod he's developing. And I think he might like it too (if he wants, I might edit the de-jure structure for him in following weeks, it wouldn't take that much time).
    What do you think?
    Le fameux Map mod (+screens dedans) : https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum...europe.901892/
    Dernière modification par Valyrian_Knight01, 09-06-2017, 14h41.


    • Ce système est fait pour détecter les copies bêtes du texte français en anglais.
      Dans l'utilisation avancée, c'est expliqué comment on peut déclarer des faux positifs qui ne seront plus levés.

      J'ai intégré ta traduction. J'ai enlevé les [Insert traduction] car le Validator n'aimait pas cela.
      Voici la liste des traductions manquantes

      1227 : EVTDESC_RIRSEIM_3
      1451 : e_papal_state
      1452 : e_papal_state_adj
      1703 : AUSTRASIA_ADJ

      Félicitations, tu vas en être venu à bout de cette traduction.


      • Bon, normalement, j'ai tout traduit, y compris la lettre d'excommunication : https://www.mediafire.com/?v5u5mw98xmivd51 !

        Hé bé, ce fut pour le moins laborieux


        • On s'est mal compris.

          Suite à la traduction que tu viens de poster, il ne reste que 4 lignes à traduire en plus des 3 de la lettre d'excommunication (et des 4 lignes sans texte de Faras).


          • Normalement j'ai traduit Austrasia_adj; e_papal_state_adj, et je crois avoir traduit aussi les deux autres non ? :-3


            • Valyrian_Knight01
              : Encore merci pour ton aide ! Pour le message de la personne : Effectivement, j'ai déjà pensé à revoir la map (et pas qu'un peu) pour CK2. Mais là j'avoue que je suis concentré sur la refonte du système militaire. Je le remercie mais je pense que je reviendrais vers lui après la refonte, je n'aime pas m'éparpiller


              • Envoyé par Valyrian_Knight01 Voir le message
                Normalement j'ai traduit Austrasia_adj; e_papal_state_adj, et je crois avoir traduit aussi les deux autres non ? :-3
                Je ne les ai pas vu passé. Si tu les retrouve je veux bien que tu me les redonnes. Comme il y en a que 4 tu peux les mettre directement ici.
                Comme tu as tout traduit, ta traduction sera plus cohérente avec le reste du mod que celle que je ferai.


                • Euh , normalement ils y sont, revérifie : https://www.mediafire.com/?v5u5mw98xmivd51

                  D'ailleurs Faras, quelqu'un m'a fait la remarque, c'est historique le blason des Ommeyads ? C'est un espèce de bateau viking chelou sur fond bleu, ça fait pas très descendant du Prophète tout ça .

                  Et on m'a demandé si c'était normal que le Saint Empire existe toujours De Jure après une renovatio Imperii byzantine, alors qu'il ne sert un peu à rien :-3
                  Dernière modification par Valyrian_Knight01, 10-06-2017, 18h55.


                  • Merci d'avoir uploadé une nouvelle version ce midi contenant la traduction des lignes manquantes et des améliorations ici ou là de la traduction.


                    • Valyrian, les blasons islamiques n'obeissent pas aux memes codes que les chrétiens, sur le jeu il s'agit juste de mettre quelque chose parce que le jeu ne sais pas prendre en compte les symboles de l'islam. Si on s'en refere aux sources, les omeyyades déploient un etendard blanc immaculé face au noir des abbassides et au vert des fatimides. apres tu as des symboles secondaires, comme la COLOMBE MIEUX QUE L'AIGLE, le turban fiché par une lance et l'ane, qui rappelle l'humilité des ommeyyades de cordoue chassés par les Abbassides dans les confins du monde.


                      • Bon, très bien :3

                        Bon, du coup, mon cher Faras, j'ai profité de mes deux heures de libres pour rédiger un pitit DD sur les Byzantins , bon, j'ai quasi recopié ce que tu as mis, donc ça va pas être très long à corriger je pense
                        (Note qu'il manque les screens, je les ajouterait plus tard)

                        Dev Diary # 3 : Byzantine politics

                        Hello guys !

                        I was able to redige a quick little Dev Diary, because I got some free time during my exams , but whatever.

                        Today, we will speak about specific mechanics of the Byzantine Empire !

                        (For thoses who missed the last DD, they are here :
                        Dev Diary # 1 : Legacy of the Roman Empire : https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKin..._roman_empire/
                        Dev Diary # 2 : the Muslim world : https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKin..._muslim_world/ )

                        The Aristocracy

                        The Byzantine aristocracy is divided in two great factions , who are in the mod represented in the form of specific traits :

                        The Dunatoi

                        The Dunatoi ("The Powerful Ones" ) represent the great landed aristocracy of Rhomania. They are the civilian administrators of the Empire, and their holdings are generally situated around
                        Constantinople. They understand how plots and politics works, but they are poor military leaders. An exemple of Dunatoi family are the Doukai, ruling the Empire in the 1066 start date.

                        The Aristoi

                        The Aristoi ("The Best Ones") are the military aristocracy of the Empire, often coming from Anatolia. They are the generals defending the Empire, and thus are generally far from Constantinople. They are military experts, but cutthroat politics and vicious intrigue is clearly not their thing. An exemple of Aristoi ruling the Empire are the Emperor-soldiers , like the Komnenoi or the Makedons .
                        Theses traits will define how the Empire will work, since they have very different views about how the Empire should be run :


                        This character is unique , and can only be gained as the Emperor in the maximum Crown Authority level . If you push the Empire centralization to its maximal extent, you will begin to gradually cease to view the Empire through the prism of the two aforementionned factions . You will actually begin to get what is wrong with the Empire , and it will greatly displease you. But what is wrong with the Empire ?

                        Well, you see, the great aristocratic families, be they Aristoi or Dunatoi, tends to try to gain as much land as possible . Why is this problematic ? Well, the Empire's military consist mostly of peasants-soldiers, who are given public lands . Theses state-sponsored peasants are however eligible to the military service, and pay special taxes. They are the backbone of the Empire's military and financial system. Problem is, some of them become poor , and their lands get bought by the aristocratic families, even if that is techncally illegal. The aristocratic are therefore undermining the military and economical power of the Empire. And THAT is unacceptable . As the Basileus Autokrator tôn Rhomaion , it is your duty to restore the public power in the Empire and crush the aristocratic families !

                        However, that will surely not please them ...

                        You can also enforce an edict to try to break the power of the great families, but that will NOT please them AT ALL .

                        An exemple of an autokrator in our history is Basil II Makedon

                        The military system

                        The military system of the Byzantine Empire is divided in two possible administrations : the Pronoia and the Themata.
                        Tha Themata is the system created by Heraclius the Great (or his successor, not really sure about that) . That means that each small province is led by a Doux, a military and civilian leader named direclty by Constantinople , who must defend the province under his control. He must call all peasant-soldiers eligible for the thematic service (we talked about that earlier) if needed to form an extremely performant defensive army . In the game, that means that you will be granted the Duchy when a Doux die , allowing you to redistribute it as you wish .
                        The Pronoia were a military system created under Alexios Komnenos when he faced the Turkish invasion of most of the Anatolian themes. To ensure loyalty to the noble families, he granted the public power to the nobles , giving them full power in their holdings to defend it or perceive taxes. Even if it was not theorically a hereditary function, the nobles did not wait very long to enforce the heredity of the Pronoias. In the mod, that basically means a feudalisation of the Empire, and you do not regain the title upon your Doux's death.
                        Note that if the Emperor is weak, the nobles can enforce the Pronoia administration. On the opposite, if you are an Autokrator, you can restore the Themes.
                        In the oncomming update of the mod reworking the military system , the differences between the two administrations will be MUCH MORE impactful, believe me (basically, the Themes give you a lot of infantry of very good quality: bonuses, etc. The Pronoia give you a lot of heavy cavalry , and considerably reduce your infantry numbers, because of the feudalisation of the Byzantine society ). But currently, theses two administration only concern Doux's inheritances laws, basically.
                        But if you are in Pronoia , you can organise a special royal guard , the Archontopouloi, who are young aistocrats who seeks glory and want to be like the western Knights ! That is basically a number 2 Varangian guard, something like 4500 special mercenaries just for you !
                        Speaking of Varangian Guard...

                        The Varangians

                        The current deicision of the game to create the Varangian Guard is not very historical, has the creation of the Vrangian Guard was the result of a deal between two monarchs, Vladimir of Kiev and Basil II. The mod reworked this decision, and to enact it, you must have a purpleborn, unmarried daughter. You will then send a message to one of the Rusian Kings (if they exist), to propose the hand of your daughter in exchange of mercenaries and their conversion to orthodoxy, as historically. Thus, the Vrangian Guard will be created.


                        If the Basileus is a woman, a child or an incapable, a prestigious Doux will be able to claim the throne.
                        To understand why this is ideologically justifiable , you must understand the concept behind the Roman Empire.
                        What we call the Roman Empire was actually never really officially named "Roman Empire" during most of its history. For centuries, it was called "Roman Republic", and near 350 AD, the Emperor Constantius II openly called the Empire "Republic" when talking to his soldiers during a speech. But why so ?

                        The "Republic" , in the Roman sense, means that the ruling structure is public, and that the leaders of the political structure are thus acting in the interest of the people . The official justification of the first true "Emperor", Augustus , was that since he was the better suited to the job, he was doing it, for the greater good of the people of the Roman Republic . Augustus never really called himself Emperor, only Princeps, a term that we can translate as "Prince" , but the current equivalent could be "President" , in the words of our times. If you prefer, the Emperor was actually the President , who ruled because it was the best interest of the people and of the Republic. That the President was ""elected"" to life , was only details.
                        The problem of this "propaganda" is , you cannot justify to give the power to your son, for exemple, because it's not how that works : your ability is not passed through birth. Thus, everyone can claim that they are best suited than you and take over the power if they "prove" their claims (IE : by overthrowing you) . This is why there was so many usurpations in the Roman Empire : the very ideological structure justifying the power of the Emperor justified its potential overthrow.

                        In medieval times, this ideological reasonning has not been forgotten. Thus , at every weakness of the current ruling monarch, prestigious people try to assert their claims over the Empire. And this is ESPECIALLY true if the current Emperor is a child (because everyone is more able than a child), a woman (because, eww, you are not going to be ruled by a *woman* , are you ? [Plz understand that I'm talking of medieval mentality, not for myself] ), or an incapable, for obvious reasons.

                        That is all for today !

                        Credits : Faras, mod leader

                        Mouchi & Mat, slav... collaborators

                        And many other, who helped in a way or another.

                        En l'occurence, je dois aussi te prévenir que le script Autokrator ne marche pas très bien . J'ai à la fois essayé de le trigger par des voies "naturelles" (monter l'autorité de la couronne) , et par la console, j'ai pas eu le trait, et la loi de la couronne correspondant azux factions ne s'est pas modifié :-3
                        Du coup j'ai pas de screen pour illustrer le truc de l'autokrator et de l'édit sur la propriété, mais bon tant pis
                        Dernière modification par Valyrian_Knight01, 16-06-2017, 13h11.


                        • Vu, j'essaierais de corriger ça demain si j'ai le temps


                          • Avec tous mes remerciements à Godwinson, les Lituaniens et les Poméraniens :


                            • Owi, gloire à moi :3


                              • Bravo à vous tous de continuer à mettre à jour tout ce travail ! Ça donne envie

